Winter 1906

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Harvey Steffke
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Winter 1906

Post by Harvey Steffke »


Another big attack and another big defense in the west as Germany tries another variation of "attack the obvious square with everything" and Turkey uses the same tried and true defense of "all units defend that square with everything."

In the east, England has successfully retaken Spain, though the people that bet on the German army actually being destroyed would be incorrect: it is dislodged but not destroyed. Retreating to Mar IS a valid retreat order and WILL gain them the territory before winter builds are calculated. Germany has also taken Norway finally using combined firepower.


Assuming Germany retreats to Mar and takes the territory, build orders are as follows:

England may build ZERO units.
Germany can build TWO units.
Russia can build ZERO units.
Turkey can build ZERO units.

If, for some reason Germany wants to disband that army, they can still build two and England will be able to build one. But I don't see it as being likely.

Supply center control (assuming Germany takes mar):
Germany: 15
Turkey: 9
England: 8
Russia: 2
18 required to win.

The next turn will likely start very soon, since only Germany (probably) has to submit build orders, so I'd check back here in a few hours for Spring 1907.

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Re: Winter 1906

Post by Chrimigules »

Retreat to Marseilles

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