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Erik: Well, since you wanted to know their identities...

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 1:02 pm
by Ari Rahikkala

Map A is by Chrimigules, B is by Jeremy; this information is pretty much a public secret, and I'm fairly sure several of the votes in that thread were made with full knowledge of this. I think it's best we just shut up and vote A for now, and complain about lack of transparency later.
04:41 < Chrimigules> I've been busy at this map competition
04:41 < Chrimigules> has Jeremy submitted his yet?
04:42 <@dr-spangle> dunno
04:43 <@dr-spangle> have you seen Jeremy's sample map?
04:43 < Chrimigules> nope
04:43 <@dr-spangle> it's been around before publically so i can link you to it
04:43 <@dr-spangle>
04:43 < Chrimigules> hmmm
04:43 * Chrimigules grins
04:44 < Chrimigules> have a good sleep, Spangle
04:44 < Chrimigules> rest easy, knowing that the forces of Good shall triumph
04:44 <@dr-spangle> in the topic for his voting there were two comments on the good quality and detail of his maps
04:45 < Chrimigules> or fail miserably... *gets back to his map*
04:45 <@dr-spangle> lol
04:45 <@dr-spangle> yeah
04:45 <@dr-spangle> jeremy just wanted to have shitloads of islands again
04:45 <@dr-spangle> so he made an unrealistic mess of islands
04:45 <@dr-spangle> using paint
04:46 <@dr-spangle> and the small circle paintbrush tool
04:46 < Chrimigules> o_0
04:46 <@dr-spangle> the island shape isn't even near accurate
04:46 < Chrimigules> I hope my earlier instructions on no limitations is the same...
04:46 < Chrimigules> any map I want, right?
04:46 <@dr-spangle> wut?
04:46 <@dr-spangle> dunno
04:47 < Chrimigules> that's what I was told
04:47 < Chrimigules> I was told that I can make whatever I want as long as it has to do with the Jasonian Islands
04:48 <@dr-spangle> oh really?
04:48 <@dr-spangle> did pete contact you?
04:48 < Chrimigules> that's what Pete said
04:49 <@dr-spangle> cool
04:49 <@dr-spangle> pete doesn't tell us shit
04:49 < Chrimigules> nice
04:49 <@dr-spangle> :P
04:49 <@dr-spangle> anyways!
04:49 <@dr-spangle> sleep!
04:50 <@dr-spangle> I must go!
04:50 < Chrimigules> yes
04:50 < Chrimigules> GO
04:50 -!- dr-spangle [] has quit [Quit: dr-spangle]
04:54 <@Andreas_the_Wise> What's this about maps of Jasonia?
04:56 <@Andreas_the_Wise> Chrimigules?
04:57 < Chrimigules> hi Andreas
04:57 < Chrimigules> the finalist competition for the MCS position is that we have to do a map of the Jasonian islands
04:57 < Chrimigules> whatever kind of map that we want
04:57 <@Andreas_the_Wise> Ah, ok.
04:58 <@Andreas_the_Wise> Interesting choice to have it done on the Jasonian isles.
04:58 <@Andreas_the_Wise> Considering they're probably one of the most highly mapped regions on Micras already :p
04:58 <@Andreas_the_Wise> Congratulations.
04:58 < Chrimigules> Pete said that once both finalists' maps are in, they'll be put in the big poll
04:58 < Chrimigules> anonymously, of course
04:58 <@Andreas_the_Wise> So it's you and Jeremy?
04:58 <@Andreas_the_Wise> Or you and Harvey?
04:58 < Chrimigules> so that it's based on the merit of the map
04:58 < Chrimigules> I was told it was Jeremy
04:59 <@Andreas_the_Wise> Curiouser and curiouser.
04:59 <@Andreas_the_Wise> Sorry, it just seems silly getting two non-Nelagans to map the area the Nelagans have already mapped ...
04:59 <@Andreas_the_Wise> Not your fault, of course
04:59 < Chrimigules> whatever
05:00 < Chrimigules> it's what Pete said, so we're doing it
05:00 <@Andreas_the_Wise> Well, have fun in that.
05:00 < Chrimigules> I am
05:00 -!- Andreas_the_Wise [~chatzilla@A4DF34EB.D485D860.930A5554.IP] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.7/2009021910]]

Re: Erik: Well, since you wanted to know their identities...

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 1:25 pm
by Andreas the Wise
Yeah, I guessed it was Chim but I would have voted A anyway, and am playing it "officially"

B really does look very blobby.

Re: Erik: Well, since you wanted to know their identities...

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 2:48 pm
by Ari Rahikkala
... so... right. Things got kinda interesting (read: I think I threw a drama cluster bomb or two around :/).

I got excessively bothered by possibility of Jeremy with his Jeremyish attitude and horrible map beating Chrimigules to the council, so naturally I invited the people who I knew to be decent and shared the same information as in this thread with them. Spangle had previously told Chrimigules about the sample map task and about Jeremy being the other finalist, and it wasn't exactly hard to figure out which was which.

That information and the fact that I'd learned it from spangle then made its way to Jeremy, and to Pete, who summarily sacked spangle from his council position.

And, uh, spangle mentioned he left a dead man's switch on the MCS forum and backed up its contents. And stuff is happening in general. So, expect things to blow up in a couple of days and for the MCS administration to get completely redone or something like that. I don't know! (I'd like to make that "I don't know, it's not my fault" but it kinda is :p)

Re: Erik: Well, since you wanted to know their identities...

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 3:14 pm
by Kaiser Agni I
Crap I voted wrong!

Re: Erik: Well, since you wanted to know their identities...

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 11:18 pm
by Andreas the Wise
Dead man's switch?

Re: Erik: Well, since you wanted to know their identities...

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2009 9:02 am
by Kaiser Agni I
*shrug* He says he was just bluffing on that one, but I'm not sure... Doesn't really matter I suppose.