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We survived!

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 12:38 pm
by Jonas
Kildare has survived one of the most troublesome periods in its history. Even the brave Magical Knights, who once fought against the Dark Lord Al'Magroth, were afraid that the world they knew was really going to collapse in chaos.

But the Kildari, loving their past and their Shirerithian roots, proved loyal. Some even suggested that Shireroth could exist further in Kildarian legacy if the Empire collapsed, but the Imperial Republic proved itself strong enough to survive the gulf of secessions from Modan-Lach, Elwynn and Straylight. We lost two Brother Duchies who succeeded in reaching their goal, but are happy that the Laqi's returned to their Homeland. The Laqi Schism, like some historians want to call it, is over and we're still standing!

For glory! For Kildare! For Shireroth!