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Seeking: Assistant Minister for Trade

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 2:39 am
by Andreas the Wise
MiniTrade now has an opening for an assistant MiniTrade. The assistant would be required to fulfil the more administrative aspects of the role - assigning and paying bounties, organising the payment of taxes, encouraging business development and ensuring MiniTrade employees (eg the Chief Wikifier) are fulfilling their duties. At the same time, the assistant would gain on-the-job experience and economic tutelage under the leading micro-economist of our day. This would leave the MiniTrade to fulfil the broader vision of the role - organising international trade, determining imperial economic policy, writing papers on economics, and overseeing SCIRA and internal-Duchy economies. As the assistant became more proficient and experienced in the role, they may be required to fill in for MiniTrade on LOAs, and potentially full other roles, with an eye to eventually succeeding the current MiniTrade in the far distant future.

Anyone applying for this position would require administrative skills (in the macronational sense), basic numeric skills and a willingness to learn. No previous economic experience or knowledge is required, though it is useful. The applicant would also have to be a trusted member of the community as the fulfilling of their role would require admin access to Shirebank, [or me actually getting told the password for the Crown Account which I don't think anyone knows any more :( - Ed], and as such would have to be approved by the Landsraad. Limited Ambition is appropriate, but the applicant would have to be aware that the current MiniTrade intends to keep the position, at least in title, for the forseeable future. If the assistant shows promise, they may have their title upgraded to "Junior Minister for Greed".

Interested Applicants should apply to the MiniTrade via pm, explaining why they think they would be suitable for the role. [Don't take the application too seriously, this is only a micronation - Ed]