In Elwynn

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In Elwynn

Post by Allot »

It was obnoxiously dark in the Strangelovian Panic Room, Eliria Castle being in lockdown. This made it extremely difficult to read the map that was in front of Isabelle.
"What are these things again?" she said wearily. A young officer stood up and straightened his papers.
"Some sort of semi-sentient automatons, Your Excellency, under the assumed name of Magroth Bots, fueled by some internal-"
Isabelle looked at Major Wrangle desperately. Wrangle waved a hand and the officer stopped.
"They're essentially killer robots, my lady," said Wrangle.
"Ah," said Isabelle, "in terms of nutshells, how small a nut are we talking about?"
"The size of a pinenut," grumbled the young officer.
"I see," said Isabelle. "We'll have to recall our troops from Goldshire, Wil Nider can bloody wait. I hope we have some time before he turns on us."
"Me too," said Wrangle.
Two officers had their heads bent over an iPhone in one corner of the room, and were arguing hotly (but softly) with one another. Isabelle caught snatches of their conversation.
"There's no way that's..."
"Size of a..."
"Done for..."
Eventually Wrangle walked over and looked at the phone, which had Google Street View open. It currently showed a street in Brookshire.
"Oh Dear God," said Wrangle. Isabelle raised her head. "What is it?" she asked.
"We have less time than we thought," said Wrangle. "About 200 000 elementals are about to descend on our heads."
"Wrangle," said Isabelle.
"Yes milady?"
"You will do two things," she said calmly, "one: you will order every bloody damn unit south immediately. Two: someone will go north, find that bloody hunting party, and drag Ardashir back here."
There was silence.
"I can't do this without him," she said, looking away.
Isabelle Allot Kalirion

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Re: In Elwynn

Post by Al'Magroth »

Excellent, resistance. Don't forget to redeploy at 50 000 points. If you're looking for magic units, the bestiary and charter are excellent places to start.

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