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Baronial Decree 8 - Soloralist Church of Apollonia

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 9:26 am
by Jonas
Baronial Decree 8 - Soloralist Church of Apollonia
Défier, dénoncer, déplacer!
The First Baronial Decree of His Imperial Lordness

Let this be known as my first decree as Senechal Jon'Kur the First.

1. I hereby confirm the creation of the Soloralist Church of Apollonia.

2. The Apollonian Church covers not only the Sermolotian believers but also those of Gralus, who are connected with our church. The Church is ruled from Apollo City in the awaiting of the creation of a huge temple. The building place for this, will be indicated later.

3. Other nations or regions can decide to join the Apollonian Church, which is a subdivision of the Soloralist World Church.

4. A list of properties of the Church will be drawn up.

5. The first Templar of the Apollonian Church will be the Senechal, Jon'Kur I.

6. Soloralism will be the main and state religion of Sermolot.

Signed on 3622 ASC,
By the hand of Senechal Jon'Kur of Sermolot