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Ari Rahikkala
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Joined: Sun Jan 21, 2001 12:56 pm


Post by Ari Rahikkala »

Yes, I know, I'm just being self-indulgent now, but...02:32 i play when im too pissed to be on the web02:37 When pissed, just think: "What would Ari do?"02:37 And meditate about it.02:37 -!- Mutaclone [~jirc@h213.3.140.67.ip.alltel.net] has joined #DarkSeas02:38 ha ha02:38 what?02:38 thats pretty funny silver02:38 Yet true.02:38 funny to say i was thinking what would ari do02:38 See?02:38 I think often as well.02:39 Cause he's like some type of net god and all that. He's above our mundane problems.02:39 i think ari would put together a linux box with backbone ddr ram and 256 megs of video ram02:39 and up his chache to 256 as well02:39 256mb of video ram is some usual thing lately.02:40 and re write his modem driver so he can get more speed02:40 I bet he can do it.02:40 me too03:07 i need to do what ari would do03:08 make a linux black head pop open and reveal the @#%$ programmingness03:08 puss-like i ment03:08 not @#%$03:09 Ari is some elevated conscience.03:09 hey you still on dolphins server03:09 Not now.03:10 i wonder who would win in an intellectual brain fight between dolphin and ari03:10 i think dolphin might know more03:10 i wish i knew what dolphin knew03:10 Dunno.03:10 yeah cause ari asks dolphin for help alot03:10 well from what i last remember05:01 if you ever feel sad or depressed05:01 think this: what would ari do05:01 O_o05:02 he wouldnt let the fact that not having a girlfriend bother him05:02 he would build a black head linux box and install a hybrid of gento and red hat linux on it05:02 and if you relly get him crazy05:02 O_o....that was all technobabble to me....05:03 he'll install hyjacked code form lindows on it so he can run photoshop without wine.With people saying stuff like that... well, wouldn't you want to make a sig out of it? When pissed, just think: "What would Ari do?" And meditate about it.- if you ever feel sad or depressed think this: what would ari do

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Ari Rahikkala
Posts: 4326
Joined: Sun Jan 21, 2001 12:56 pm


Post by Ari Rahikkala »

08:50 whenever i get angry ari08:50 i will think to myself....08:50 what would ari do?08:51 My, aren't we feeling adequate today.08:55 ha ha08:55 actualy silverfin gave me that idea08:55 and you know what08:55 it works08:55 when im relly angry and want to punch someone08:55 i think to myself08:56 what would ari do08:56 then i feel better08:57 Yes, I read the logs. You wouldn't expect any less of me, would you?08:57 not at all08:57 you rock man o_o; When pissed, just think: "What would Ari do?" And meditate about it.- if you ever feel sad or depressed think this: what would ari do

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