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Bank ideas... WORK ARI!

Posted: Sat May 23, 2009 3:21 am
by Jonas
I have send these question to Ari, but I will ask them in public too. So everyone knows where I'm looking for.

Is it possible to make a version in which:
- you can register nations (like MX2).
- you can introduce an exchange rate (automatically with a formula or simply by giving each currency a value in the admin panel). Not every nation has the same amount of money.
- When you want to make a transaction, the accounts of several nations are seperated from each other (another column or something, just so you can see it's not the same).
- one account can make several sub-accounts (so I can have for example a personal account and one for bussines).
- possibility for the government to stop (temparory) international transactions between certain nations.

- maybe a place where people can leave small messages (advertising of companies!), so people of different nations know from eachother services.

It would make it possible to unificate several nations their markets without losing their own currency, etc. (it's a bit MX2 if I think about it). The Dutch nations (via the NEVO) have an exchange rate, but because the banks are still seperated, intermicronational transactions are still quite difficult. Besides, it would be more then interesting to connect the Batavian economy with Gralus and Shireroth (a giant market!). The current problem is that Batavia has more then 9 milion Kruys. Our system works with that, and we're still trying to make it less. But going down to the 10 000 credits as in the unification treaty would ruin our economy.

Re: Bank ideas... WORK ARI!

Posted: Sat May 23, 2009 4:58 am
by Kaiseress Anandja I
[quote=Jonas]But going down to the 10 000 credits as in the unification treaty would ruin our economy.[/quote]
Not if you revalue the Kruys. That is, ~100 Kruys = 1 New Kruys. I also think that exchange rates make things too complicated. Everyone keeps the name of their currency, but they are pegged at 1:1 to all the others.

Re: Bank ideas... WORK ARI!

Posted: Sat May 23, 2009 6:01 am
by Jonas
Kaiseress Anandja I wrote: Not if you revalue the Kruys. That is, ~100 Kruys = 1 New Kruys. I also think that exchange rates make things too complicated. Everyone keeps the name of their currency, but they are pegged at 1:1 to all the others.
That way of working is simply not supported. :(
We are used to say '500 Kruys for a newspaper', that would become 5 Kruys.

Re: Bank ideas... WORK ARI!

Posted: Sat May 23, 2009 6:25 am
by Kaiseress Anandja I
Just a suggestion.

Re: Bank ideas... WORK ARI!

Posted: Sat May 23, 2009 2:19 pm
by Andreas the Wise
If you have arbitary devaluation, that can just as easily be handled by automatic exchange rates (eg 100 Kruys = Small Commonwealth Currency). That's effectively 1:1:, just one is .... bigger looking. That's not hard. The hard bit is working out if their economies fit fairly with ours and a fair exchange rate (ie is it closed, and compare total amount in circulation to total number of active participants).

Or we could try Ari's thing ...

EDIT: I did write the 10 000 thing with the intention of adding nations that didn't already have an economy (ie virtually everyone else in the Anglophone sector). Negotiating with the Dutch who do have something is not going to affect the integrity of the treaty, but the negotiations would ideally happen now, before we've sorted it all out ...

Re: Bank ideas... WORK ARI!

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 1:41 pm
by Erik Mortis
Multi-nations is now supported, but I am making it so admins can add and remove nation.

Re: Bank ideas... WORK ARI!

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 3:16 pm
by Andreas the Wise
By 'add nations' do you just mean 'add categories' or 'add currencies which are not the standard SC currency'?

Re: Bank ideas... WORK ARI!

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 3:29 pm
by Erik Mortis
categories. I think I COULD add currencies... yes.... I could.. but then things would get confusing. But it is doable.