The Cult of the Bear

A center for Shireroth's minority religions
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The Cult of the Bear

Post by Zirandorthel »

Little was it known that during the fourteenth to sixteenth centuries of the Aee'sc calendar, the lands of Shireroth were home to many worshippers of the Bear God, Veradroon. In Hypeborea, where his more warlike aspect of Berdun appeared, he was not worshipped as such, more regarded as a good companion to have in times of war, especially by Paladins and other warriors of that land. The Cult of Veradroon is disreputed elsewhere for its ceremonies, which until recently included blood sacrifice, not excluding human. The Great Hunt, where disciples of Veradroon go on a herb-induced frenzy, hunting the great foe of the Bear, the Golden Fox, Orshonak, (son of Shonak, the Eyes of the Quatret of the Cynians) is still practiced, especially in the more wooded areas. However, in the lands of Shireroth, which are of course the realm of the powerful Boo/\/\ist gods, such practices are looked upon with curiosity, not hatred and fear, as in other places. The cultists of the Bear are fierce warriors, and appreciate the importance of honour and vengeance, and so the Shirerithians respect them.Amongst the cult's adherents, it is rumoured, are the high lords of Shireroth. An Elder of Hyperborea has the crest of a great snowbear, they say, and the Praetor of the Landsraad is named for the same animal. Could they be followers of Veradroon? Who knows? ZirandorthelThe Golden DarknessNiirus Tinenetuwar"In order to find his equal, an Irishman is forced to talk to God."-Stephen Braveheart


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