All About Soloralism

A center for Shireroth's minority religions
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Harvey the Blue
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Re: All About Soloralism

Post by Harvey the Blue »

Gods and the varients of Soloralism.Soloralism is a different thing to different people. Three distinct variants of the faith have developed over time. Note that no particular variant is favored over any other. Soloralism is about finding your place, and whichever variant the individual prefers is acceptable.Essence variant: the most basic variant, Essentials do not believe in the existence of gods. Only the Quintessences matter. Essentials attempt to find the Quintessence that suits them best and follow that Quintessence to the best of their ability. They do not pray, believing that no god exists to listen to them and that they would be better off acting on their own level.Traditional variant: the most known variant, Traditionalists believe that the Quintessences are the highest powers in the universe but also that each Quintessence has a god or goddess that helps regulate that power in order to help mortals. Traditionalists pray often, knowing their gods hear them and have an answer one way or the other. The gods are as follows.Mithaniel – male god of good. Chief god of Microns. Original god. He is believed to be strong and valiant, leading any charge against the forces of evil. His divine power can directly harm the weapons of other gods.Innoruuk – male god of evil. Chief god of Imperials*. Original god. Innoruuk is seen as sneaky and hidden, trying to avoid confrontation but always working towards his cause. Innoruuk’s powers allow him to corrupt even the most righteous to his dark control.Tunare – female goddess of life. Chief god of Elves. Tunare is often portrayed as a gentle loving goddess and is much less distant then some other gods. Her power can restore health and life to any, even those that have fallen.Mandurlane – male god of death. He is seen as a very unsubtle angry god in powerful armor. He is both demanding of his followers and strict if they fail him. Mandurlane’s power gives a warrior legendary and impossible abilities, but that warrior must be seen to be especially worthy.Clistiro – male god of knowledge. Chief god of Humans. Clistiro is a quiet and distant god, watching the world but rarely acting. He can use his divine grace to give mortals glimpses of the past and future and the ability to bear such knowledge wisely.Bristlebane – male (?) god of mischief. Due to his unstable nature, little is known about Bristlebane. He remains a mystery to all. His followers rarely have the disciple to get close to him. His power is said to allow people to completely disregard physical laws of the universe.Menelmacari variant: the most practiced variant of Soloralism developed first in Menelmacar. This variant is identical to the above in terms of the gods and prayer, however the Menelmacari believe in a number or lesser gods under each god that control certain more defined aspects of life. There are a great many of these and they can be seen below:DEITIES OF GOODMithaniel - Chief God - God of GoodArolsea - Goddess of LoveKellus - Goddess of PeaceSloynetar - God of HealingBonitas - Goddess of Morality and EthicsDEITIES OF EVILInnoruuk - Chief God - God of EvilMaldatikk - God of DecayAtropos - Goddess of ShadowsAglas - God of FearGortal - Goddess of PainDEITIES OF LIFETunare - Chief Goddess - Goddess of NatureBrell - God of the EarthAqualis - Goddess of WaterGalitheria - Goddess of the WindsTinayin - God of the SunDEITIES OF WARMandurlane - Chief God - God of WarMisnorr - God of CourageBersekk - God of FerocitySkeln - God of ArmamentsEndeiva - Goddess of HopeDIETIES OF KNOWLEDGEClistiro - Chief God - God of KnowledgeIntyale - God of Creativity and ImaginationUrizen - God of IntelligenceNous - Goddess of WisdomCarding - God of The ArcaneDIETIES OF CHAOSBristlebane - Chief God - God of ChaosLoki - God of ChaosSuccib - Goddess of TemptationLuc - God of DestructionErutirn - God of Entropy Harvey SteffkeJadie's Lesser HalfSaves the worldProud bearer of the Shirerothian Silver Sword Award and Imperial Star

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Harvey the Blue
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Re: All About Soloralism

Post by Harvey the Blue »

The Essence of the Soloralist ReligionThe events in many religions happened many thousands of years ago, or at least many generations ago, so that no one alive today witnessed them. Events become stories, and then myths. A certain level of uncertainty is added because no one really knows exactly what happened. All they have are the records passed down to them.Soloralism has events that happened in olden times, but it regards them as history, not merely stories. These events happened just like the books say. There is no exageration, no uncertainty. Nothing in Soloralism is added to "teach a lesson" or "prove a point." Certain events can have deep underlying meaning, but the history is still be taken literally. Everything is preserved as accuratly as possible because that is the way we believed things happened.Also unique to Soloralism is that this history continues to the present day. The Soloralist gods have not forgotten their people even if the people have forgotten them. There is clear divine influence in current events, and those events are to be added to the Soloralist books of lore.To deny Soloralism is not just to deny the deities: it is to deny the very past of Micras. Alternativly, those who believe in the history of Micras are Soloralists. Our gods are not vain; they do not need people to worship them as long as those people are living their lives as the gods intended.Although the gods still influence the world and have sent us many gifts that spring from their own power, the gods have not sent us any clear-cut messages on how to live. Instead, they sent us the quintessences, which are essential parts of our being. This essence is made up of the influence of all six major Soloralist gods and gives us innate knowledge of good, evil, life, death, law, and chaos.The quintessence of an individual person is always unbalanced: one of the six atributes is largest. One of the gods poured more of his or herself into us. And this is the true test of Soloralism: you must find which force is strongest within you and live your life that way. A person with a large good quitessence must live a good life. A person with a large evil quitnessence must live an evil life.A large mistake a believer in Soloralism can make is to think the following: "I am good, and he is evil, so we are opposed. But both of us are just living our our lives as the gods intended. Is it not wrong to oppose someone who obeys the gods?" This kind of thinking is FALSE! Good must oppose evil even if both sides follow the doctrine. The opposition of the quintessences is what gives the universe balance. If one side pushes and is unopposed, then things will fall out of balance and the people that did not oppose will be considered failures. So be strong if you meet someone who follows Soloralism but opposes you personally. Oppose them back, for that is the way and will of the gods.We know little of the afterlife, but we belive that when we die, the gods will judge us on how well we lived our lives in accordance to the quintesssences. If a person with a large good quintessence lived a good life, then they have lived a sucessful life and will be rewarded by Mithaniel. If a person with a large life quintessence lived a life based on death, then that person has disobeyed Clistor's path for them and will be punished. These rewards and punishments are unknown to us, but they are not eternal. All quintessences are eventually added to the Empathi Field, a great network of magical and spiritual energy that exists between all beings that gods have created. The Field powers the gifts gods have given mortals, such as magic. When magic users cast spells, they are actually using the power of the quintessences. The power of a great magic user come not from birth; rather, the quintessences converge more closely around that person in order to help them. Even within the Empathi Field, quintesssences still retain some things from life.Many quintessences will remain in the Empathi Field until the next cycle, for the gods can create new quintessences as new beings are born. However, every so often, the gods choose to send one of their most loyal quintessences back to Micron to be born again. These beings have knowledge and power beyond their mortal lives, and usually do great things on this world in the name of their god. Eventually though, they die again, and return to the Empathi Field in order to help the gods there.And such things go, and will continue to go for as long as this cycle continues.Here are some other facts that didn't seem to go well into the above:Soloralism does not frown on the worship of other gods or other religions in general. It is not what you call your god that matters, but how you live your life on their path. However, Soloralism does frown on the distorition of the historical facts that make up its backbone, such as calling Micras by another name. Sorry Treesians, but that's the way it is.Although we have no reason to believe so, Soloralism does not rule out the existance of life on other planets. There is nothing particularly special about Micras in the eyes of the faith. If the gods can watch over Micras, they can surely watch over other worlds too. The discovery of beings on other planets or the colonization of other planets would not effect the beliefs of Soloralism. Harvey SteffkeJadie's Lesser HalfSaves the worldProud bearer of the Shirerothian Silver Sword Award and Imperial Star

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Harvey the Blue
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All About Soloralism

Post by Harvey the Blue »

I am condensing a few Menelmacari threads into one big thread here...Soloralism is a faith that is based on finding your place in the world, accepting that place, and living it. Consistency, faith, and persistence towards your life's goal are considered, above all, the highest ideals of the religion.The core of Soloralism consists of six forces named the Quintessences and one other force, time. Each Quintessence is a natural part of the universe, and almost every living thing and every place in the universe consists of all six Quintessences in a different balance. They are arranged in pairs based on opposition:Good – Evil : The moral forcesLife – Death : The natural forcesKnowledge – Chaos: The mental forcesTime: Continuation and progress Harvey SteffkeJadie's Lesser HalfSaves the worldProud bearer of the Shirerothian Silver Sword Award and Imperial StarEdited by: Harvey the Blue  at: 7/24/03 4:22 pm

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Harvey the Blue
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Re: All About Soloralism

Post by Harvey the Blue »

The Quintessences:Good: represents moral goodness. Generally believed to be the strongest of the Quintessences, good is the force and belief that being kind and helpful to other beings creates a more beneficial world for everyone. Beings that dedicate themselves for good tend to stick out from society. Some believe that laws should be upheld, and others ignore laws entirely in order to accomplish the goal that would not be otherwise possible. Good has a strong connection with knowledge, believing in justice. It has a connection with life, since good and life tends to spawn positive growth. It also has a connection with death, believing that certain people are beyond salvation and must be eliminated for the betterment of all.Evil: represents moral evil. Evil is the second oldest force in the universe and is still very strong. Evil consists of corruption, manipulation, and general maliciousness. It is angry and aggressive. Beings of evil can be very tricky, often disguising themselves as having a much different alignment until their positions are secure. Evil beings disguised as good ones or life ones are fairly common. Evil has a very strong connection with death, which is usually evil's goal, and also has a powerful connection with mischief, since evil is often caused for evil's own random sake. Evil has no solid connections with any of the other Quintessences.Life: represents life and growth. Life can be considered the weakest and fragile of the Quintessences, but its effects can be seen everywhere where other forces cannot. Life is a powerful natural force, and in the absence of all others, life would continue. People that stand for life are stereotypically pacifists, medical workers, or construction workers, but many more possibilities are available. Life has a solid connection with good, and also knowledge, since a government becomes essential in protecting the society and people that life cares so much about. Oddly enough, life has a connection with death. The strongest life gets, the more likely death is to strike hard, and vise verse. This odd relationship is unique among the Quintessences, as no other opposite pairs have connections.Death: represents destruction, living or otherwise. As far as sheer power goes, death is the strongest Quintessence as it always offers direct results with very little time. Individual life is fragile and can easily be smashed. Death, like life, is a natural force in the world. It is quicker to act but much less thorough then its counterpart. People that stand for death are often military units, but there are a number of more subtle disguises death can wear. Death is connected with good and evil and is connected with life as above. Death is also connected with mischief, since many people destroy with no real motive. This makes death the most connected Quintessence, saying something about its role in our universe.Knowledge: represents order and progress. Knowledge is a mental force that exists within the minds of civilized beings and does not affect much else. KnowledgeÂ’s domain is massive, covering technology, progress, order, law, and reason. Many beings, especially humans, fall to knowledge by default. More powerful knowledge careers are judges, mathematicians, and inventors. Knowledge is connected with both good and life.Chaos: represents mental michief. Chaos is the other mental force, which represents the desire to break rules “just because.” Chaos covers chaos and randomness. It exists within the hearts of anyone that intentionally commits a crime or otherwise violates known laws, although it is much stronger in people that attempt to take down order for the thrill of it, such as anarchists and some revolutionaries. Chaos is connected with both evil and death.Time: represents continuation. Time is not really a Quintessence, but is a law of the universe such as physics. However, Time is very important in Soloralist doctrine and is the primary measurement of progress and change. Time is the continual flow of the universe and the ever shifting balance of the forces. Time cannot be mastered by any, only measured or, at the very best, traveled. Time has no connections. It gives its continual judgment equally to all other forces. Harvey SteffkeJadie's Lesser HalfSaves the worldProud bearer of the Shirerothian Silver Sword Award and Imperial StarEdited by: Harvey the Blue  at: 7/24/03 4:26 pm

Scott Alexander
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Re: All About Soloralism

Post by Scott Alexander »

Haha! There's a God of Armaments! You should write a Book of Armaments and then put the Holy Hand Grenade in there!Oh, and are the forum colors here the horrible curse of the god Malarbor for the heresy of creating this place, or just someone not switching the them to standard here yet?

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Re: All About Soloralism

Post by TonerMan »

Book of Armaments was claimed by B0O0/\/\ism long ago... Holy Warrior of Nee

Kaiseress Aure I
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Re: All About Soloralism

Post by Kaiseress Aure I »

Interesting... Mithaniel, Innoruuk, Tunare and Bristlebane are all Everquest dieties... Where did they all originate from anyway? They're used all over the place. May the hasha be with you
Never let sense conquer nonsense - Quixy, the God of Madness
I'm just a person trapped inside a woman's body. Elaine Boosler

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Harvey the Blue
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Re: All About Soloralism

Post by Harvey the Blue »

You guessed it. Bill came up with the vague core of Soloralism, including the deity names. I am working on a mad scheme to rename them in good time. Harvey SteffkeJadie's Lesser HalfSaves the worldProud bearer of the Shirerothian Silver Sword Award and Imperial Star

Kaiseress Aure I
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Re: All About Soloralism

Post by Kaiseress Aure I »

Ah... Mad schemes, mad schemes... *sighs happily* What? May the hasha be with you
Never let sense conquer nonsense - Quixy, the God of Madness
I'm just a person trapped inside a woman's body. Elaine Boosler

For Her Light
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Re: All About Soloralism

Post by For Her Light »

*looks at religion**sees list of gods**decides that he's already getting fucked enough by just the one and that he needs more about as much as he needs leukemia**walks away* ...And I can't believe that I'm here to stay......'Cause I never worked it out this way......And I love you more than I can say......But I hate you every other way

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Harvey the Blue
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Re: All About Soloralism

Post by Harvey the Blue »

If the number of gods is your problem, then Soloralism is a common cold compared to the plagues that are B0O0/\/\ism and the TUC. Harvey SteffkeJadie's Lesser HalfSaves the worldProud bearer of the Shirerothian Silver Sword Award and Imperial Star

For Her Light
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Re: All About Soloralism

Post by For Her Light »

The only difference is the diameter of the hole in the ass the different ones leave ...And I can't believe that I'm here to stay......'Cause I never worked it out this way......And I love you more than I can say......But I hate you every other way

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Re: All About Soloralism

Post by UEC »

B0O0/\/\ist Gods tend to stay away fom the ass... thank you very much... E. Metzler (UEC)Duke of Brookshire"Never use a BOO/\/\ist as a diplomat" -- GSClicky Clicky..., Tiss for your own good ya know.

david northworthy beckfor
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Re: All About Soloralism

Post by david northworthy beckfor »

why is it that when ever I read the word B0O0/\/\ism i cant help but say it outloud in a long deep voice? Simark's BlogspotDavid I Eric Vivian Northorthy Beckford KGC OHDafitt Erick Wiffjan Nurtbefoon BergsdrumfortChunchos CuriataoKing of the Royal Court of Middarthian Derby,King of Northworthy, Earl of Wessex, Puritania; Governer of Saksenlant, cranda;;High Priest of Oten, of the Nor-Krantism Pagen Faith.Speaker of the Tynwald, Puritania.MCS & Delvenusian cartographerSlobovian GrossadmiralSLOBOWIEN ÃœBER ALLES!!! SLOBOWIEN ÃœBER ALLES IN DER WELT!!!

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Re: All About Soloralism

Post by UEC »

Cause.. it's cool like that? E. Metzler (UEC)Duke of Brookshire"Never use a BOO/\/\ist as a diplomat" -- GSClicky Clicky..., Tiss for your own good ya know.


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