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Feudal opportunity

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 4:08 pm
by Jacobus Loki
Your Duke calls upon you!

This will be an expedition to attempt to secure former Shirithian Cognito, and restore it to the Empire.

The YMS Kaiser Mors V will lead a flotilla to Melangia with the object of securing a landing on the Cognitian west coast.

We should be unopposed, but we should be wary and armed.

I do not invoke feudal duties, but ask only for volunteers, or as many of your people as you would care to "volunteer".

Oh, we need boats, Ships- like that.

Re: Feudal opportunity

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 8:54 am
by benkern
Thank you for this opportunity my Duke. I of course agree entirely with this expedition, especially since we haven't annexed any supposedly foreign land in a *really* long time. :)

My fleet's flagship, the SS Hitcher, currently watering in some port in the Count of Monte Crisco, will carry me, my personal guard and a thousand troops to Melangia in preparation for the attack. However, I have 20,000 conscripts in reserve who will wait at Tymaria City in case this force proves inadequate in size.

Re: Feudal opportunity

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 2:48 pm
by Andreas the Wise
As Baron of Atterock, and Count of Melangia, I must express slight concern you haven't asked me if you can land your ships there ...

But you can. On the condition you let some of my men come along too!

Re: Feudal opportunity

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 2:28 pm
by benkern
Just passing through, good Baron, just passing through. :)

Sorry you weren't told, but hey, Foghorn doesn't know there a buncha ships packing 20,000 conscripts sitting right next to his County... :p