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Baronial Decree #1 (Of the Second Age)

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 9:50 am
by benkern
Yes! A new start for Vorpmadal! A Second Age! A Second Baron!

Know that We, Baron Benkern of Vorpmadal, Wearer of the H47 of Vorpmadal and Weilder of the Vorpal Blade, Lord of the Throne of Eternal H475, who bears the Baronial "We" first for the Nifty Future of the Barony and second for the Historic Past of the Barony, here do declare the following:

1. That the Members currently on the roster of the Order of the Vorpal Blade shall remain in their positions.
2. That the Former and First Baron of Vorpmadal, H4773r 3lfs0n, is hereby declared Honorary Guardian-Lord Provost of the Barony of Vorpmadal - a nifty-sounding position that means nothing until his return, if he does return - and made an Elder Guard of the Order of the Vorpal Blade, due to his numberless contributions to the Barony.
3. That the Baronial Capital shall be Sileni of the County of Mar Sara.
4. That We, Baron Benkern, shall be Count of Mar Sara until a resident of Vorpmadal worthy enough presents himself before the Throne of the Eternal H475.
5. That the Motto of the Barony shall be "What's mine is mine, and what's yours is negotiable," which incidentally shall appear on our Baronial Coat of Arms once We draw it up.

By His H47,
Baron Benkern et alii

Re: Baronial Decree #1 (Of the Second Age)

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 3:31 pm
by Jacobus Loki
The Y.A.C.'s unofficial motto, according to some, is "Habemus qui rapit rapere quem habes", which means "We've got what it takes to take what you've got."

Re: Baronial Decree #1 (Of the Second Age)

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 5:29 pm
by hypatias mom
That is the actual quote, Jacobus (the English version, that is). It's printed on the sticker that was put on my computer when it was annexed (5 years ago).

Re: Baronial Decree #1 (Of the Second Age)

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 8:30 am
by benkern
By the way, how is that annexation working our for you, Carol? I hope your computer isn't being too rebellious on account of ol' Yardistan. :)

Re: Baronial Decree #1 (Of the Second Age)

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 11:28 pm
by hypatias mom
Actually, it seems rather tame for a YAC-controlled item. Perhaps it's because the future Duchess of Kildare annexed it after a Shireroth convention in Sonoma a few years ago. Since I now reside in Kildare and was under her rule, I think it let me alone for the most part. I don't know what might happen now that we have a new Duke. I shall keep you all aprised of any future changes in its behavior.