A Tour of the lands that were once Vorpmadal

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H4773r 3lfs0n
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Location: In -The Spirit of Saldena- a 1/4 mile above the Barony of Vorpmadal

A Tour of the lands that were once Vorpmadal

Post by H4773r 3lfs0n »

*So H4773r 3lfs0n arrived at each county on his airship, landed and rode upon his trusted Jabberwock steed Alyss to the surrounding cities, giving this decree*

Vorpmadalians, your future is unsure once more.

The true Kaiseress is still in power, but new laws from the Landsdraad, which I did protest, have decreed that our Barony be split and placed into new Duchies, so designed by a council that which was not comprised of myself. It hath been approved by the Her Majesty The Kaiseress and so we shall obey.

I come to you to give this news myself and give words of encouragement.

Fear not! no matter what you once may have been, we are ALL shirerothian, and have always been, no matter what other banners we may have made and swore too. Always, above those oaths, was Our Nation and the Kaiser.

*To Alexandretta* Nudists! stay nekked!, stay groovy, and follow thine countess in all things. she is as wise as she is fair. And respect thine new Duke Greg, (but stay a few feet away. he bites sometimes) and whatever new Baron though might obtain, give him the respect you gave me so long as he is just and fair. Should he not be, than follow your hearts and i will do whatever is in my power to right the injustice. Alexandrettans! keep the party going!

*To Upper and Lower Lunaris* Children of Luna! Upper and lower! fear not, we shall prevail! as always, our roots will be shown and may the be twisted or bent, they shall be so by our own design. Smile like the Cheshire, embrace the Elder ones, and remember not to take anything too seriously. I shall keep you all informed of any new developments as my fate is tied to these lands as well.

*To Elsinar* Shirpas! sloths of all toe numbers! try and stay awake for this, ill be brief! Follow your count so long as he is on! i continue to kick his but whenever he comes out of his room. (IRL: he IS my roommate and i bother him to be on constantly but its obviously not working out as often as it should, but he still wants his county. hes assured me)
stay strong! stay slow! stay black!
Elder of Vorpmadal, Lunaris & Lac Glacei & Concurrent Lands
"Blessed" of Melvin and High Preist of B00/\/\ism
ACE and P.h.D. in M.U.K.A.R.C.T.A.O.S.E.N.


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