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The ancient Yardistani

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 11:44 am
by Jacobus Loki
could not sleep. He'd pace his room, and moans were heard at odd hours, followed by giggles and screams. The neighbors thought nothing of it, as strange comings and goings were the norm, and the old coot had mostly odd friends. who knew (or cared much) what he was up too.

He'd stumble down the street into the outer courts of the Temple, and the occasional scream would wake the temple guardians. They'd run out in their sandals, occasionally catching a glimpse of a tattered fur cloak disappearing around the corner.

Since a few erb and a basket of fruit usually was left by their mystery guest, they though tlittle of it, sacrificing the odd mango or plum to the deity of their various callings, and eating the rest.

The erb went into a jar for charity work, and whatever.

(to be continued)

Re: The ancient Yardistani

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 11:47 am
by hypatias mom
I can't wait to see where this is going...

Re: The ancient Yardistani

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 2:42 pm
by Jacobus Loki
On his cot the ancient one bemoaned fate. And lack of sleep. He would shut his eyes, and over and over he saw a body explode into a thousand pieces, ten thousand, an hundred thousand.

.......AND he would wake with a start, and be unable to sleep, unless he made the pilgramage to the temple, and cried out to the gods.

"Which one of you are doing this to me, eh? You promise me the moon, the throne, all that is good and wonderful, and then you cut out on me. Enough already! I'll move to Babkha if I have to to get some godsdam sleep!"

Finally, after weeks, he found himself once more seated at a plain wood and chrome table in the Cafeteria of the Gods! ... &thread=26

He tells the tale---

I had a plate of corned beef and cabbage, and a mug filled with the Coffee of the Gods was at my left hand. Bread of indescribeable freshness and yumminess was on the table. And Lord Loki sat across from me. He looked tired as well.

"Jake, you need to do something for me."

"Again?" I asked with a mouthful of bread."Wha' have you been doing for me lately?"

He glared, the kind of a glare you'd get from your dad after you'd run the Plymouth into a chicken coup and tried to blame it on the chickens.

"Well, lets see. Done for YOU. You're Vryheer of Maraguo ......"

"Lately?" I risked.

"AGGHHH! Mortals, and their linear sense of time! We've kept your ancient corpus together, rejuvenated you a half-dozen times, made you one of the richest people in Shireroth, kept Mors from sending you to death in battle I can't count how many times, and kept the Demon Fish from dragging your sorry self to Balgurd!"

"Sorry", I said in a small voice, "I haven't been getting any sleep. Maybe I'm hallucinating.......". He pinched my arm, hard.

I was definitely awake.

"OK, we are here and you've made your point. what do the Gods want of me now?"

We want you to save Shireroth, and maybe the whole world of men.

And then maybe you can catch up on some Z's."

(to be continued)

Re: The ancient Yardistani

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 3:05 pm
by Jacobus Loki
(The story continues)

"Huh? Save the world? I can't even save enough erbs for a decent retirement. I can't save the recyclables for the trashman. How do you want me to save the world?"

"Of men." Loki emphasized.

"OK, of men."

"For that, you must speak to Sakat," he glred a softer glare. The god of historians suddenly appeared in the seat to my right.

"How's the fish today, Loki?"

"Only fair, brother. The mortal seems to be enjoying the corned beef."

"Ptah! Mortals have no taste." He went over to the serving line and came back withthe fish special.

"Fired fish!" I exclaimed, "You like my recipie!"

"YOUR recipe, mortal? This comes for the guns of Tempus and Sephiroth," Sakat continued more gently, "Linear thinking, again. you may have introduced this to your little world, but we have enjoyed it for ages. Who nudged your mind?"

I blushed.

"Tell him about saving the world", Loki said with a bit of impatience.

"Alright. You, mortal, understand me as the patron of historians. What many forget is that all time is my province, and I see much. What know you of the End Times?"

"What I have read in the Texts, and have heard in the Temples." I answered haltingly. I was becoming concerned, hoping I would wake into the world of Men. But no, I was already awake. Loki had proved that by the bruise on my forearm.

"Well, I have seen the Vision of the Prophet," he said, tentacles quivering. "Who revealed the vision?"

"The god of wisdom," I answered.

"And what is his name?"

I grew cold.

(to be cointinued)

Re: The ancient Yardistani

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 3:09 pm
by Andreas the Wise
[Note] Strictly, followers of Sakat hold that he has to follow linear time. He can go back in time anywhere from the present to the point of his birth, in order to record the history of the world anywhere during that time period. However, he cannot go into the future. Prophecies are fine though.[/Note]

Good story, carry on.

Re: The ancient Yardistani

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 10:37 am
by Jacobus Loki
ooc: Thanks! I'm trying to include someone besides my Patron.

Re: The ancient Yardistani

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 3:27 pm
by Andreas the Wise
Oh, I'm honoured to be included ...

Re: The ancient Yardistani

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 7:24 pm
by Jacobus Loki
Wiped out tonight. Conclusion tomorrow, next day, gods willing

Re: The ancient Yardistani

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 2:14 pm
by Jacobus Loki
...I was awake, and yet not awake. Ages spun our before me, scenes flashed, colours swirled, and I found myself face to face with the God of Wisdom.

He was sitting in a green folding lawn chair in front of a kiddie's wading pool.

That was at least 3 meters high and 80 meters across. Some kids!

Loki sat at a picnic table to my right. Tentacles flashed wet in the sun, and Sakat pulled himself out of the pool.

"This is the one, I suppose?" Hasan turned to Loki.

"Hey, your the God of Wisdom', answered Loki.

Hasan glared. "Jake, climb the ladder at the side of the pool, and gaze into the water."

I obeyed.

"What do you see?"


(to be concluded)

Re: The ancient Yardistani

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 1:47 pm
by Jacobus Loki
..and then he pushed me in.

The water disappeared, and I was on a field in darkness. Horrible noises and fetid smells assaulted my brain. It was worse than a locker-room.

Far worse.

The dark mists parted, and I saw Shirekeep in ruins, with monstrosities cavorting with that would cause Lovecraft to blanch.

A voice said in my mind, "You could have stopped this." I screamed, but only a croak and some spittle welcomed my efforts.

"Noooooooooooooooo," I managed to rasp into the foulest air.

And then I was standing in front of the Temple. And I knew what I had to do.

(Really, no B.S., to be concluded)