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An Elwynnese Epiphany

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 7:31 pm
by Allot
The man who would soon be Duke of Elwynn strolled into the temple. No one gave him a second glance, or for that matter even a first glance. He was not what you would call "Ducal". Instead of kingly robes he wore a plain dark robe and cloak. His hair was not crowned by any type of jewelry, instead in was messy and partially covered his face. He wore bemused little spectacles. He looked more a librarian than a noble.

He entered the temple, passing an old lady who was dusting Mors' shrine (carefully, so as not to actually touch the shrine), and went to the shrine of the goddess Elwynn. He knelt before the marble carving of the goddess, and prayed. He prayed that no blood would be shed in Elwynn. He prayed that Shireroth would remain peaceful. Most of all, he prayed that Iskander Mirkdale, Duke of Elwynn, would regain some semblance of sanity and step down before the armies of Shireroth converged on Eliria and there was a war to end all wars.

"Please, Lady Elwynn, by all that is good and pure in this world..." he murmured.
Rise, Andrew Allot.

The voice came from all around the temple, and as he whirled around, the old cleaning lady stood up straight and faced him, her eyes and her entire body glowing white.

Allot..., said the lady, in a voice that was not hers. The tone of the voice pierced his heart like a spear and drove him to his knees.

"My Lady..." he murmured, his eyes fixed on the floor.

Allot, you must invade.

"I-, Of course, my Lady, at once! We shall invade Eliria, and -"

Forget Eliria! There is nothing for you there except old courtiers and dead stories. Leave Iskander, his reign is over. You must invade Iserdia, Kai-Raikoth and Nordland. The Barons are loyal to you.

"My Lady, I do not understand. Why invade those that are loyal?"

Take back the counties that Iskander long left forgotten to the north winds! Inject them with life! Let Elwynn live again! I have no desire to be trapped in some tower for an age! Let the duchy live again! Restore Elwynn!

There was a pause as Elwynn let her gaze linger on him, still on both knees. His head was now touching the floor.

Forget Iskander. Revive the rest of Elwynn. Iskander is powerless now.

Elwynn bent down and touched him on the forehead. He jumped as if struck by lightning.

You know what you must do. Rise, Andrew Allot, Duke of Elwynn... By the Will of the Goddess...

With that, the light faded, and the old woman collapsed, human once more. The man who was soon to be Duke of Elwynn raised his hand to his forehead where the goddess had touched him. He ran over to the ornamental fountain that ran constantly in the courtyard of the temple, and gazed at his reflection. His fingers traced the outline of a glowing white lily emblazoned on his skin.

Re: An Elwynnese Epiphany

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 12:07 pm
by Jacobus Loki
A very old man in a tattered fur cloak stood listening from behind a convenient pillar. "A war that will rage among the Gods then, for as Lord Loki has spoken unto me, blood must be shed", he though to himself.

He patted the Sword of Madness which hung a his side. He gripped the hilt. "I could end this now...........But no, Loki will show me a more fitting and entertaining way to deal with young Skywalker, err Allot.

He crept slowly away in through the shadows he new so well.

He took a cab to the airport. There he bordered a craft made of new and ancient devices. Propellors spun, JATO units flared brightly. The craft shot into the sky with a groan, and turned to the north.

Re: An Elwynnese Epiphany

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 8:05 pm
by Allot
Allot re-entered the temple, approaching Elwynn's shrine again. The old cleaning woman was there again. Allot stared at the woman, expecting her to become possessed again, but all she did was look at him strangely. After a while, she left. Alone, in the temple, Allot was about to leave when a glow from behind him signalled a divine presence. He ran to the shrine, where the statue of Elwynn was glowing. Without warning the statueelf jumped off the pedestal and slapped Allot across the face.

He was lifted bodily off the ground and thrown against the wall of the temple, where he lay moaning. The statue towered over him. He groaned.
WHAT do you think you are doing? Did Iskander suck out your spine?
"My Lady..."
How DARE you even attempt to leave Elwynn?! How DARE you abandon Araxion, my homeland?!
"Lady Elwynn, please-"

The statue lifted him into the air by the arms, until he was staring into the lifeless marble eyes.
"One of..."
You really don't listen, do you? Next time the Prince of Hyperborea makes a speech, LISTEN. He's smarter and clearly more level-headed than you are. But I chose YOU, not him. Go back to Araxion.

The statue placed him back on the floor.

"But my lady, I..."
And if you EVER try to run away from me again, I assure you, I will make your life a living hell.

Allot watched speechlessly as the statue replaced itself on its pedestal, and the glow faded. He slowly turned and walked away.