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The Ducal Convention of Goldenbrook

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 3:52 pm
by Erik Mortis
Ducal Convention of Goldenbrook

1. Lesser Nobles of Goldenbrook shall not rebel against the Duke.

2. The Lesser Nobles of Goldenbrook shall not engage in armed conflict with other subdivisions without the support of the Duke.

3. The Duke may call upon all Lesser Nobles to provide troops and support in an armed conflict.

4. The Lesser Nobles, in collective, shall pay half of all taxes levied against the Duchy of Goldenbrook.

5. Lesser Nobles must consult with the Duke when appointing heirs and assigning counties they hold in fief.

6. Only the duke can bestow the title of Baron. This title shall not automatically grant a fief to the holder.

7. All Lesser Nobles shall remain civil to each other and toward the Duke of Goldenbrook. This civility extends to all aspects of the Duchy including the Kehl.

8. On matters not concerning procedure or routine business in the Landsraad the Duke shall consult with the Kehl, if the duke has not given votes to any of the Lesser Nobles. The Duke should still consult the Kehl even if votes have been distributed.