Proclamation: Evacuation of Vijayanagara (Alumelith)

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Meretricious Kalends
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Proclamation: Evacuation of Vijayanagara (Alumelith)

Post by Meretricious Kalends »

Meretricious Kalends, Bashaw of Islus, Envoy of the Khan and of the Ducal Curia, to all men, Greetings,

Let it be known to all here present that by the order of the Ducal Curia in Eliria all residents of the city of Vijayanagara, which also comprises the lesser settlement of Alumelith, who belong to Homo sapiens sapiens or else who at least bear some passable resemblance to a bipedal hominid, are instructed to forthwith assemble in the docks and by the quayside and therein to await evacuation to the Cimmerian Isles.

There are Elwmarine tramp-steamers presently converging on this coastline. The evacuation is to be conducted by the civil authorities. You are to obey every instruction you receive. Infractions will be punished. Bring only what you can carry and that is essential to your survival - clothes, food and money. No pets, no livestock, no immovable and impracticable objects, these will only be taken from you upon embarkation.

By order of the Khan, no Ohl'tar shall be permitted to board.

By virtue of higher authority, let this be done as it has been instructed to be done

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