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Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 6:01 pm
by Percy Rutherford
This was the noise that Percy Rutherford made shortly after abseiling through the Duke's window in Echo, landing on the desk, removing a large shard of glass from his leg, brushing himself off and standing up.

"Excuse me, Lord Dine. I believe you have seen this horror. Should the Kaiser grant this request MoMA men will be arriving in Nordland to detain Lady Allot. You will not allow this. Should you feel a need to take her into protective custody, we will allow this so long as she remains unharmed. We will add that any scratch on her body, mind, OR narrativity levels without her consent will constitute an automatic failing condition of the IB Diploma Programme. Furthermore, you will take steps to ensure that this Khan figure no longer threatens the Allot bloodline. Each day that he remains a threat will result in the deduction of one point from your IB Diploma. Thank you, and have a pleasant day."

And with that, Percy went poof.


Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 6:03 pm
by Leo Fenrir
The Duke promptly had a heart attack.


Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 6:14 pm
by Leo Fenrir
When the physicians had revived him, Leo sat in his bed contemplating his near future. On one hand failing to protect Isabelle would lead to failing the IB, on the other opposing the khan would lead to certain death. He couldn't decide was worse.

After several hours of soul searching and cursing whatever spiteful god that had allowed the development of such a parasitic existence as the IB he had made his choice. Isabelle would become his main priority even if he had to send her to MINERVA. It was time to get her out of Agnesia.