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One sheepy day...

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 7:07 pm
by Allot
A small boy stumbled into the half-finished Echo City, having just walked 3000 miles from Araxion. Almost immediately, he was set upon by three sheep, who keeping in mind the Baron's "Angst Doctrine", went on to harass the boy.

"Waaaaat aaaare yooooou dooooing heeeere?" baa'd one sheep.
"Please, your sheepishness... Baron Leo's signature is illegible! I came from Araxion to beg him to change it!"
A hoof struck him on the head.
"Iiiiiit's sheeeeepyness toooo yoooou!"
"I'm sorry! Please don't hurt me!"
"Goooo aaawaaaay."

The boy fled. With nowhere to hide in the unfinished city, he ran all the way back home to Araxion. The man in black watched him go.


Re: One sheepy day...

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 7:44 pm
by Allot
The boy returned a few days later, accompanied by his father. When they arrived in the city square, it was empty. The father, after an unpleasant episode with a sheep in a dark alleyway, finally found a government office and dragged the boy inside. He slammed his hand on the clerk's desk, who looked up in shock.

"Who's in charge here?" the man demanded.
The clerk gave him an affronted look and said: "Can I help you?"
"My boy was attacked by sheep a week ago, only because he came to file a complaint!"
"I see. And what is your complaint?"

The man pulled out a copy of a County Decree.
"Look there. Near the bottom," said the man.
"Yes, Baron Leo's signature. What of it?"
"Can you read it?"
The clerk sighed. "Leo Dine..."
"No, that was your memory. Try to read it off the paper."
The clerk looked down. "Leo Dine, err..."
The man looked satisfied. "Exactly! Black on blue! How can anyone read it? It would be in HIS best interests to change it."
The clerk looked astonished. "Oh my Sheep... Thank you for bringing this to our attention!"
The clerk ran out of the room, the offending document clutched in his hands. The boy and his father left, content. A sheep watched them go, sheepishly.