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An Envoy arrives before the Baron

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 6:47 pm
by Aurangzeb Khan
Meretricious Kalends, Bashaw of Islus, sends greetings and felicitations to His Serene Excellency Baron Leo Dine, Lord Nordland and Sheep-Whisperer

My Lord the Khan, as a token of his esteem, has entrusted to me the task of delivering unto you this herd of 150 horned Mouflon sheep, being 100 ewes and 50 rams. These being of a species who the Emir Tahmaseb recommends as most efficacious, the horns enhancing grip and traction... so we are told.

The occasion of this visit is to relate a story that two merchants, al-Majeed Rasfanjani and Nouri al-Hubakki, lately abroad in Agnesia, told to us upon their return. They claimed to have been set upon by an axe-wielding creature of formidable and stature, clad thoroughly in obsidian. This is an incredible story and we are at a loss as to what to make of it. We had wondered if they were suffering some sort of delirium induced by some lingering remnant of that infamous methane cloud. Nonetheless they are adamant that they shot, and indeed killed, this creature - not only that, they would have us believe that they draped an old Babkhan flag over the carcass so that others might find it and verify their claim.

I must confess I am at a loss as to what can be done with such people - there are so many ridiculous fables going around these days. But perhaps even if there is an outside possibility of corroborative evidence we might be on the cusp of a fascinating discovery. Perhaps your Excellency has had news recently of the discovery of the remains of some fantastic creature lately, perhaps even still draped in a flag, or perhaps even merely heard rumours of the same.

Were that to be so His Excellency the Khan would be most honoured and gratified if your Excellency were to permit a small team of researchers to venture into Agnesia, which after all is the seat of Vijayanagara and accordingly most dear to his heart, and to ascertain the veracity of these claims. Were you to assent to this request I would assure your excellency that you would be performing a most wondrous service for humanity - expanding the sum of its knowledge immeasurably.

Re: An Envoy arrives before the Baron

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 7:17 pm
by Leo Fenrir
"Hail emissary of Alalehzamin and may the great sheep guide your path.

I am honored to both receive this gift and such kind words from your count. I ask that you relay to the Khan that I will treasure this herd and ensure they hold high positions in the barony. In fact these sheep sound perfect for the SHEEP RACES *unnecessary flourish* that I have been planning. You'll have to excuse my mannerisms as I do tend towards the unceremonious at times. I also hope that your count will accept my invitation to the first such race when I do hold it!

On the topic that you have brought up of this mysterious attack I must regretfully impart upon you that this was no illusion of the mind that these soldiers suffered. It has recently come to my attention through the Count Cho'Gall that such beings as you have described do indeed exist. They are a sentient race known as the Ohl'tar who have emerged from the permafrost during the Great Thaw.

I fear that I must impart even further bad tiding. From what I gathered of Cho'Gall's report these Ohl'tar have discovered their leader dead, covered with a Babkhan flag. I do see some potentially disastrous correlation between this story and these reports. I assure you though that I will do all in my power to resolve the matter once contact is made.

As for the request to send in researchers I invite you with open arms. With all the land being uncovered it is nigh impossible to cover it all with the small task forces I have at my disposal.

I thank you for your greetings and entreat you to return to your land carrying the same words from me."

Re: An Envoy arrives before the Baron

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 11:05 pm
by Rai Avon-El

Re: An Envoy arrives before the Baron

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 10:51 am
by Aurangzeb Khan
Salaam your Excellency,

My thanks for your kind words of greeting. I shall convey your warm regards to the Khan. I am sure that he will find the sheep races a most stimulating diversion and if I may I shall inform him of this standing invitation - I am sure he will be intrigued.

I do hope that these Ohl'tar will present no difficulty to your Excellency, and may I please assure your excellency of the full support of Alalein in the event of any unfortunate cross-cultural, inter-species, misunderstandings. I shall send word to Ardashirshahr for al-Majeed Rasfanjani and Nouri al-Hubakki to be detained lest they be required to answer for their lives in the name of the peace of the realm.

With that I shall be away to report to my Master.