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Bimestrial Census: November/December

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2002 5:29 pm
by Gryphon the Pure
Same drill as before people, this is Census Number Two. Copy and paste this form into your reply and fill out at least section number one to retain citizenship. This is especially for those of you who did not answer the last census. Check for your name in the last Census's thread.Section One: Contacts1. Real Name:2. EzBoard Screen Name(s), and Current Positions in Shireroth:(-A.)(-B.)3. Instant Messengers:-----AIM:-----ICQ:-----IRC:-----MSN:-----Yahoo:-----Other:4. E-Mail Address(es):5. Other Contact Information:Section Two: Politics1. Other than Shireroth, what Micronations do you currently hold citizenship in?2. What positions do you hold in these Micronations?3. Have you held any other positions in the past?4. Do you own, control, or participate in any Micronational businesses?5. Any significant accomplishments in these businesses or Micronations?6. Other:Section Three: Unrelated (Optional)1. Favorite Colour:2. a) Favorite Food:b) Favorite Drink:3. Favorite Genre of Music:4. Favorite Quote:5. Should there be a tax on Elf-Snuggles (to discourage mind control)?6. If you had one wish, what would it be for?7. If you had a pet Moogle, what would you do with it?8. What would you like as a custom title?9. Do you have any suggestions to make the Census better?10. Other: Heil Apostrophe! "Some are destined for greatness, but others decide for themsleves."-Destiny, Angel of Light

Re: Bimestrial Census: November/December

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2002 9:00 pm
by Stone Jackabar
1. Real Name:Mike Johnstone2. EzBoard Screen Name(s), and Current Positions in Shireroth:(-A.)Stone Jackabar(-B.)captain of the royal gaurd piolet, mercenary, weapon developer3. Instant Messengers:-----AIM:stone0jackabar-----ICQ:3\/1l-----IRC:3\/1l-----MSN:3\/1l-----Yahoo:3\/1l-----Other:3\/1l4. E-Mail Address(es):stone_jackabar@hotmail.com5. Other Contact Information:Section Two: Politics1. Other than Shireroth, what Micronations do you currently hold citizenship in?melemachar (my spellling sux)2. What positions do you hold in these Micronations?uhh, im the all-around king of no pants.3. Have you held any other positions in the past?King of NO PANTS!!!!!!!!4. Do you own, control, or participate in any Micronational businesses? not that i know of.... *checks notes*5. Any significant accomplishments in these businesses or Micronations?6. Other:Section Three: Unrelated (Optional)1. Favorite Colour: black, gray, red2. a) Favorite Food: b33f!!!!b) Favorite Drink:r00t b33r!!!!!!!! (is that a surprise to ANYONE?????)3. Favorite Genre of Music:death metal or folk4. Favorite Quote:"the is no death, there is only the force!!!!"5. Should there be a tax on Elf-Snuggles (to discourage mind control)?im immune to them so meh! meh! i say MEH!!!6. If you had one wish, what would it be for?...more r00t b33r..7. If you had a pet Moogle, what would you do with it?hmmmm.....toughie, iiiii'd most likely eat it, i hate those things8. What would you like as a custom title? i like mine9. Do you have any suggestions to make the Census better?10. Other: "just keep the r00t b33r flowing and nobody gets hurt"

Re: Bimestrial Census: November/December

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2002 4:43 pm
by Gryphon the Pure
Section One: Contacts1. Real Name: Joseph Strong2. EzBoard Screen Name(s), and Current Positions in Shireroth:(-A.)Gryphon the Pure: MiniImNat, Duke of Kildare, ASTRO(-B.)Draco the Tainted: Mage Knight (KF)(-C.)Chimaera the Wise: Stand in for Sabrielle, Baroness of Schlangen3. Instant Messengers:-----AIM:LeftyHazard-----ICQ:???-----IRC: N/A-----MSN: ???-----Other: N/A4. E-Mail Address(es): LeftyHazard@Hotmail.com5. Other Contact Information: NopeSection Two: Politics1. Other than Shireroth, what Micronations do you currently hold citizenship in? Inactive in Menelmacar2. What positions do you hold in these Micronations? None3. Have you held any other positions in the past? Nope4. Do you own, control, or participate in any Micronational businesses? ASTRO, if that counts... and My Fig Newton dealerness5. Any significant accomplishments in these businesses or Micronations?Not really6. Other:NopeSection Three: Unrelated (Optional)1. Favorite Colour: Orange / Black / Powder Blue2. a) Favorite Food: Good Tacos / Meat / Caesar Saladb) Favorite Drink: Rice Dream / Beer / Wine3. Favorite Genre of Music: Alternative / Punk / Classical4. Favorite Quote: "I'm a Jason Streffke zealot!" - Bill's Sig... Just sounds hilarious...5. Should there be a tax on Elf-Snuggles (to discourage mind control)? Nah... I like 'em... and I'm part elf...6. If you had one wish, what would it be for? A million wishes, a twelve inch pianist, or infinite knowledge.7. If you had a pet Moogle, what would you do with it? Drop it from a high place.8. What would you like as a custom title? Umm... I can handle those...9. Do you have any suggestions to make the Census better? More people answering it.10. Other: Your Mom. Edited by: Gryphon the Pure at: 12/15/02 10:39:44 pm

Re: Bimestrial Census: November/December

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2002 6:49 pm
by Mattlore Devious
Section One: Contacts1. Real Name: Matthew McIvor2. EzBoard Screen Name(s), and Current Positions in Shireroth:(-A.)Mattlore Devious(-B.)Duke of Loth, Official Air Traffic Controller3. Instant Messengers:-----AIM:-----ICQ: 63442842 -----IRC:-----MSN: E-Mail Address(es): see above5. Other Contact Information:Section Two: Politics1. Other than Shireroth, what Micronations do you currently hold citizenship in?New Macadam, Most Serene Empire of the Cumquat2. What positions do you hold in these Micronations?Lord Executive / Leader of the LDP, Baron, Chapter Member3. Have you held any other positions in the past?Yes, Many4. Do you own, control, or participate in any Micronational businesses?The NUT5. Any significant accomplishments in these businesses or Micronations?Not really6. Other:Section Three: Unrelated (Optional)1. Favorite Colour: Orange!2. a) Favorite Food:b) Favorite Drink:3. Favorite Genre of Music: Metal4. Favorite Quote:5. Should there be a tax on Elf-Snuggles (to discourage mind control)? 6. If you had one wish, what would it be for? Unlimited Wishes7. If you had a pet Moogle, what would you do with it? Paint it Orange8. What would you like as a custom title? 9. Do you have any suggestions to make the Census better? No10. Other:

Re: Bimestrial Census: November/December

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2002 6:43 am
by Fax Nemesis
Section One: Contacts1. Real Name: James Haikin2. EzBoard Screen Name(s), and Current Positions in Shireroth:(-A.) Fax Celestis, Fax Malysus, Fax Nemesis, Xochitl Aivan(-B.) none; none; R&D Head, possible Praetor; Delvenusian Foreign Delegate3. Instant Messengers:-----AIM: FaxCelestis-----ICQ:-----IRC:-----MSN:-----Yahoo:-----Other:4. E-Mail Address(es): haikin@students.sonoma.edu5. Other Contact Information:Section Two: Politics1. Other than Shireroth, what Micronations do you currently hold citizenship in?Menelmacar, Istvanistan, Delvenus, Attera2. What positions do you hold in these Micronations?Prefect of Immigration; The Warrior; Arsonirathius; n00b3. Have you held any other positions in the past?Kaiser (Shireroth); Solomirathius (Delvenus); Senator (Tymaria)4. Do you own, control, or participate in any Micronational businesses?Not currently5. Any significant accomplishments in these businesses or Micronations?N/A6. Other:Section Three: Unrelated (Optional)1. Favorite Colour: Gray. And, dammit, gray IS a color.2. a) Favorite Food: Couscousb) Favorite Drink: hmmm...caffinated anything.3. Favorite Genre of Music: Power Metal, Industrial Metal, Progressive Metal...Metal all-around.4. Favorite Quote: "Quod Sum Eris." translation: I am what you will be." -Roman soldier's epitaph5. Should there be a tax on Elf-Snuggles (to discourage mind control)? As a frequent enjoyer of elf-snuggles and dispenser of moogle-snuggles, I think not.6. If you had one wish, what would it be for? To have a real-life manifestation of micronations7. If you had a pet Moogle, what would you do with it?Unh, I don't think what I'd write is legal. Sorry to disappoint.8. What would you like as a custom title?R&D Test PilotYour God and, REALLY.9. Do you have any suggestions to make the Census better? BRING BACK THE YARDISTANI QUESTION!10. Other: Nothing really. my sig. PLEASE!? I Fall Into InfinityBurn Into CatastropheSmash Another Deity...lose another part of me...

Re: Bimestrial Census: November/December

Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2002 1:21 pm
by SaiKar LumEth
I am officially not filling out the census because typing all that crap up takes about a half hour. If you want to know every obscure title I have ever held, go look it up or something.

Re: Bimestrial Census: November/December

Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2002 2:38 pm
by Kaiser Letifer I
You could just mention one of two of the important ones.. or recent ones.... Kaiser Letifer Alcadian H'Graa I of ShirerothI feel the blood flow through my veinsThe life force shines on me again Let the ritual begin- you will pay for your sins

Re: Bimestrial Census: November/December

Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2002 4:52 pm
by ErosDarkstar
Section One: Contacts1. Real Name: Steve Musal2. EzBoard Screen Name(s): ErosDarkstar, Irreverence Brightstar3. Instant Messengers:-----AIM: YesterdaySoul-----ICQ:-----IRC:-----MSN:-----Yahoo:-----Other:4. E-Mail Address(es): steveonline@mail.com5. Other Contact Information:Section Two: Politics1. What Micronations do you currently hold citizenship in?The Imperial Republic of Shireroth, the Republic of Delvenus, and the Imperium of Menelmacar.2. What positions do you hold in these Micronations?Thane of Jaris & The Kitanus Fields (Shireroth), Minister of Information (Shireroth), Solomirathius (Delvenus)... I think that's about all.3. Have you held any other positions in the past?Duamirathius of Delvenus, Govn'r of Aerovenus (Delvenus)4. Do you own, control, or participate in any Micronational businesses?TuxStone Productions... I own a majority of it's stock, and I am CEO... hmm... I wonder if that's illegal?5. Any significant accomplishments in these businesses or Micronations?Redid the entire Imperial Webpage of Shireroth, right before the server it was on died a horrible horrible death through no fault of my own... Helped to pass laws to radically change Delvenus and keep it from dying as quickly as it was.6. Regarding Shireroth, what positions do you currently hold?As stated earlier, Thane of Jaris and the Kitanus Fields, Minister of Information.7. Other:Section Three: Unrelated (Optional)1. Favorite Colour:That's COLOR! And green.2. a) Favorite Food: Sushi! (no offense, Scott...)b) Favorite Drink:My good friend Dr. Pepper.3. Favorite Genre of Music:Tossup between Jazz and Ska!4. Favorite Quote:"When the One Great Scorer Comes/To Write Against Your Name/He Marks Not That You Won or Lost/But How You Played The Game." -Grantland Rice5. If you had a billion dollars, what would you do?First, I'd pay off my entire college education. And a house. And a car. And my insurance. And my taxes. Then I'd put the rest in savings.6. If you had one wish, what would it be for?(Name witheld to protect the innocent :)7. If you were Yardistani... better not finish that...Not going there... MWAHAHAHAHA!8. What would you like as a custom title?I'll handle that, thank you :)9. Other:Good job! Solomirathius of DelvenusThane of Jaris and the Kitanus Fields (Shireroth)A Proud Citzen of MenelmacarEdited by: ErosDarkstarĀ  at: 12/2/02 4:46:40 pm

Re: Bimestrial Census: November/December

Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2002 12:30 am
by Gryphon Avocatio
Section One: Contacts1. Real Name: Nicholas2. EzBoard Screen Name(s), and Current Positions in Shireroth:(-A.) Gryphon Avocatio(-B.) Nick the Yardistani(-C.) Rantsilastani Dude 132(-D.) Klaus GutzeitPositions: Duke of Yardistan, Head of YAC, Minister of Dance, Pants and Funny Walks, Bard, Raving Lunatic, High Priest of B0O0/\/\/\/\ism!!, Anti-Beebist3. Instant Messengers:-----AIM: thelocalbard-----ICQ: 107867736-----IRC: n/a-----MSN: n/a-----Other: n/a4. E-Mail Address(es): thelocalbard@hotmail.com5. Other Contact Information:Section Two: Politics1. Other than Shireroth, what Micronations do you currently hold citizenship in? Yardistan2. What positions do you hold in these Micronations? Leader and Anarch, head of the YAC, High Revolutionary, Annexation, Bard3. Have you held any other positions in the past? CEO of CRY4. Do you own, control, or participate in any Micronational businesses? Hell no.5. Any significant accomplishments in these businesses or Micronations? I took over Yardistan and scared the Hell out of Tymaria in its early development. Yardistan then took over Shireroth for a while, although Erik gave it to us.6. Other: Um...Your mom?Section Three: Unrelated (Optional)1. Favorite Colour: Blue, Red, Black, White2. a) Favorite Food: Food is good. I'll eat anythingb) Favorite Drink: proly Irn Bru or Root Bear3. Favorite Genre of Music: Metal, Rock, Classical4. Favorite Quote: Don't got one.5. Should there be a tax on Elf-Snuggles (to discourage mind control)? Tax? There's no economy...6. If you had one wish, what would it be for? World Peace...or at least DSL for all...7. If you had a pet Moogle, what would you do with it? Give it to James.8. What would you like as a custom title? I like what I have.9. Do you have any suggestions to make the Census better? Don't make me take it. I'll tell you if I'm gonna leave.10. Other: Yardistan is great. It owns you. YOu know it. Amen. -With love, Gryphon Avocatio, who has lost his awesome HTML Sig to the ezBoard Pigs

Re: Bimestrial Census: November/December

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2003 10:34 pm
by Gryphon the Pure
Hmm... I don't know how well this thing is working... our census got responses from the following citizens this Bimester... (and all DL's)1)Stone Jackabar2)Gryphon the Pure3)Mattlore Devious4)Fax Nemesis5)Eros Darkstar6)Gryphon AvocatioThese are now your active citizens... Supposedly...As for those who are theoretically still citizens, we also have anyone who just joined this bimester and...Ari Rahikkala (Ari Rahikkala)Brrapa Lu'Eraro (Erik Metzler)Draco the Tainted (Joseph Strong)Eros Darkstar (Steve Musal)Fax Celestis (James Haikin)Fax Malysius (James Haikin)Fax Nemesis (James Haikin)Gryphon the Pure (Joseph Strong)Irreverence Brightstar (Steve Musal)Kaiser Letifer I (Erik Metzler)Mattlore Devious (Matthew McIvor)Scott Siskind (Scott Siskind)Sirithil (Sirithil Nos Feanor)Zhaki the Dolphin (Ari Rahikkala)Please answer the census this bimester if your name is not on the top list! Thank you, I shall post the new census later tonight. Whoever Decided EzCode Worked Was An Idiot

Re: Bimestrial Census: November/December

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2003 10:36 pm
by Gryphon Avocatio
Ari did scott...and where have you been? Gryphon Avocatio - Steward of Shireroth- Bard of Istvanistan - Anarch of Yardistan - High Priest of BO0O/\/\/\/\ism! - King of the Cool Short Sig! - ...Hey you!/I'll make your dreams come true/I can take you anywhere/Just call on me and I'll be there/Follow me/Satisfaction guaranteed/We'll be in perfect harmony/So follow me, follow me/Where do we go from here?/Reaching our destiny's end/And nothing will remain/Follow me/To the land of make believe/Close your eyes I will be there/And I can take you anywhere...

Re: Bimestrial Census: November/December

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2003 12:15 am
by Gryphon the Pure
I'll tell you this... My dad is the one who pays the internet bill... he has refused to fix our computer ... for a long time... and wont let me... so I'm just screwed... I'm using his work laptop right now... not cool...I'll check back at least every two months to keep the census, but if you want to rent out my job or whatever... feel free... sorry... and schlangen... can go if it pleases... I'm sorry I can't do much... stupid school being evil and me not getting any computer time till my grades are up... eep... must go die now... or sleep... or make new census form... sorry... I love you all... just don't wait for me... sorry... Whoever Decided EzCode Worked Was An Idiot

Re: Bimestrial Census: November/December

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2003 1:02 am
by UEC
*is sad*I could fix your comp? E. Metzler (UEC)Duke of Brookshire"Never use a BOO/\/\ist as a diplomat" -- GS