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Cencus October / November

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 1:59 am
by Jonas
It's time. :demon
The Basics:

The Optionals:

What's a quote that pretty much describes you at the moment?

If you were able to have any position in Shireroth, what would it be, and why?

Re: Cencus October / November

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 2:01 am
by Jonas
The Basics:
Name: Jonas
Account: Jonas
Residence: Apollo City, Imperial Barony of Sermolot. Kildare
Position: /
Nobility: Baron / Senechal
Citizenship: Shireroth, Nelaga, Batavia
Contact: PM me.
Awards: A MAYA Award!
Photo: :yay:
The Optionals:

What's a quote that pretty much describes you at the moment?

If you were able to have any position in Shireroth, what would it be, and why?

Re: Cencus October / November

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 6:39 am
by Aurangzeb Khan
The Basics:
Name: Ardashir Khan Osmani
Account: The Khan of Vijayanagara
Residence: Fort Foley, Shirekeep
Position: Steward, Kampioen, MoMA, Brigadier General of the Elwynnbrigaden
Nobility: Baron of Eliria, Earl of Alahlezamin
Citizenship: Shirerithian, Ashkenatzi
Awards: Gold Sword, Golden Nixon

Re: Cencus October / November

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 8:21 am
by Malliki Tosha
The Basics:
Name: Malliki Tosha
Account: Malliki Tosha
Residence: Mortis Mercatoria, Lakhesis
Position: Prætor
Nobility: Duke of Brookshire, Baron of Lakhesis
Citizenship: Shireroth
Contact: PM me
Awards: Order of the Dragon, Order of Kampioens

Re: Cencus October / November

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 8:53 am
by Harvey Steffke
The Basics:
Name: Harvey Steffke
Account: this one
Residence: Goldshire Hamlet, Goldshire
Position: Duke of Goldshire
Nobility: ... Duke of Goldshire
Citizenship: Shireroth, Nelaga
Contact: FlyingIslands&hotmail,com
Awards: Imperial Star, Silver Sword
Photo: unavailable
Webpage: unavailable

Re: Cencus October / November

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 2:31 pm
by Andreas the Wise
The Basics:
Name: Andreas (stopped using the other one after all that kerfuffle on the MCS with Jeremy)
Account: Andreas the Wise
Residence: Melangia
Position: MiniTrade, SC Bank Admin, High Priest of Sakat
Nobility: Baron of Atterock; Count of Melangia
Citizenship: Gralus, Nelaga
Contact: anyone who needs it has it.
Awards: I made it into a couple orders, but never remember which.
Photo: Why is this not yet in optionals?

Re: Cencus October / November

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 2:51 pm
by Scott of Hyperborea
The Basics

Name: Scott Alexander
Account: Scott of Hyperborea
Residence: Hyperborea, Kai-Raikoth, Elwynn
Position: Ambassador to Ashkenatza, I was probably an Imperial Advisor back when the position was relevant, and may or may not be the current Sinister Minister of Intelligence.
Nobility: Count
Citizenship: Here, *makes air quotes with fingers* "Nelaga"
Contact: AIM is GSquid314
Awards: Have done approximately as much for world peace as the current Nobel Peace Prize winner, if that counts.
Photo: There are a few floating around
Webpage:, but there's no index yet

The Optionals:

What's a quote that pretty much describes you at the moment?: "If I were punished for every pun I shed, there would not be a puny shed left of my punnish head" - Samuel Johnson

If you were able to have any position in Shireroth, what would it be, and why?: Duke of Kildare or Straylight, so I can complete my quest to be Duke of every Shirerithian Duchy once.

Re: Cencus October / November

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 3:25 pm
by Leo Fenrir
The Basics:
Name: Leo Dine
Account: Leo Dine
Residence: Echo Manor, Nordland
Position: Chief Executive Officer of the Infinite Space Initiative, Arbiter of Shireroth
Nobility: Duke of Elwynn, Baron of Nordland, Count of Winterglem, Goldendown, and Elsenar
Citizenship: Shireroth
Contact: PM
Awards: Red Dragon Award, Order of the Dragon
Photo: One day maybe...

The Optionals:

What's a quote that pretty much describes you at the moment?

"In drama you continue to struggle because there is hope. Its utilitarian, sordid." - The Prologue | Antigone

If you were able to have any position in Shireroth, what would it be, and why?

MoMA. Because I would be at liberty to use the ISI black projects. :p

Re: Cencus October / November

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 4:45 pm
by Jess
The Basics:
Name: Jess
Account: Jess
Residence: Yardistan
Position: Count
Citizenship: Yes
Contact: PM
Awards: Some, not many
Photo: :)
Webpage: -

The Optionals:

What's a quote that pretty much describes you at the moment?

If you were able to have any position in Shireroth, what would it be, and why?

Re: Cencus October / November

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 9:45 pm
by Aurangzeb Khan
The answer to citizenship is not "yes". :p

Re: Cencus October / November

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 9:52 pm
by Allot
The Basics:
Name: Isabelle Allot
Account: Allot
Residence: Araxion Tower, Araxion, Iserdia, Elwynn
Position: Deputy Praetor, Steward of Elwynn
Nobility: Countess of Araxion
Citizenship: Shirithian
Contact: Here
Awards: Pretty sure I have a Golden Swan or something... or not
Photo: No thanks.
Webpage: Ditto.

The Optionals:

What's a quote that pretty much describes you at the moment?
"My face hurts. Also, look at my eyes. HAVE YOU SEEN MY EYES?!" - Me

If you were able to have any position in Shireroth, what would it be, and why?
Kaiser, so I could go inactive and no one would bitch me out for it.

Re: Cencus October / November

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 1:29 pm
by Cho'Gall
The Basics:
Name: Cho'gall Dentarg
Account: Cho'gall
Residence: Agnesia, always running from somthing
Nobility: None
Citizenship: Shirithian
Contact: Email
Awards: None
Photo: Here
Webpage: None

The Optionals:

What's a quote that pretty much describes you at the moment?


Re: Cencus October / November

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 9:16 pm
by Käthbad jënRöijanin
Jonas wrote: The Basics:
Name: Joseph Whitman aka Kathbad
Account: Käthbad jënRöijanin (contact Liam for pronunciation)
Residence: County of Gensym, Duchy of Straylight
Position: none
Nobility: Count of Gensym
Citizenship: Gralus, Shireroth, Nelaga
Contact:, IRC, Facebook
Awards: none
Photo: Here
Webpage:nothing notable

The Optionals:

What's a quote that pretty much describes you at the moment?
"I'm king of the nerds!" - Me

If you were able to have any position in Shireroth, what would it be, and why?
i guess Kaiser, so i can go insane like Liam, although, its not like im not insane already, what with the dual personalities going on Gralus, hehehehaa :knife

Re: Cencus October / November

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 6:02 pm
by Nick Foghorn Leghorn
The Basics:
Name: Nick "Foghorn" Leghorn
Account: Same
Residence: Tymaria City, Norfolk
Position: Count or something
Nobility: See above
Citizenship: Shireroth, Antica
Contact: foghorn5950 who is available at the gmail server on the com TLD
Awards: WAAAAAAAY too many to count
Photo: ... CF0748.JPG

Re: Cencus October / November

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 6:07 am
by Gman Russell
The Basics:
Name: Greg Russell
Account: Gman Russell, Angelguardian93
Residence: Duchy Yardistan, Barony of the Unites Isles, County MASS, Mirioth Isle, Castle Russell
Position: Duke of Yardistan
Nobility: Yes, duke, baron, and count.
Citizenship: Shireroth, Nelaga
Awards: Prime Kampion, Knight of the Sunburst, knight of the Living Dead
Photo: None!
Webpage: None!

The Optionals:

What's a quote that pretty much describes you at the moment?

"I cannot find reflection in these days."- AFI

If you were able to have any position in Shireroth, what would it be, and why?

Eh, i'm pretty content with my current position. Carry on.

Re: Cencus October / November

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 11:15 pm
by Erik Mortis
The Basics:
Name: Erik Mortis
Account: Erik Mortis
Residence: Monty Crisco, Barony of Dolor Brookshire.
Position: Minister of Information
Nobility: Baron of Dolor, Count of Monty Crisco,
Citizenship: Shireroth
Contact: rrakanychan on AIM and Yahoo.
Awards: More then you.

The Optionals:

What's a quote that pretty much describes you at the moment?

If you were able to have any position in Shireroth, what would it be, and why?

Re: Cencus October / November

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 10:00 am
by Jacobus Loki
The Basics:
Position: Baron of Absentia?
Nobility: well, not really.....
Citizenship: Yup
Contact: ancientcyberian[at]yahoo[dot]com
Awards: Yes
Webpage: not really

The Optionals:

What's a quote that pretty much describes you at the moment?
Too sick to care much at the moment

If you were able to have any position in Shireroth, what would it be, and why?

Been there done that., do it again sometime

Re: Cencus October / November

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2009 6:06 pm
by W.Payne
The Basics:
Name: William Arthur Payne
Account: W.Payne
Residence: Mahozarcheep, Vervoll.
Position: Count
Nobility: Count
Citizenship: Shireroth
Awards: None
Photo: Nope...
Webpage: Not yet

Re: Cencus October / November

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2009 6:11 pm
by mbasil
The Basics:
Name: Mateu Vasroe
Account: mbasil (for now)
Residence: Elwynn
Citizenship: Shireroth, Antica
Contact: Send PM.

Re: Cencus October / November

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 5:01 pm
by Harald of Froyalan
The Basics:

Name: Harald of Ettlingar Freyu
Account: Harald of Froyalan
Residence: Avaldness, Cimmeria
Position: None
Nobility: Baron of Kai-Raikoth, Count of Cimmeria
Citizenship: Shireroth, Stormark
Contact: emperorkruoningha (at) hotmail (dot) com
Awards: Various
Photo: None

Re: Cencus October / November

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 5:00 pm
by Ari Rahikkala
The Basics:
Name: Ari Rahikkala
Account: Ari Rahikkala
Residence: Musica, Yardistan... Brookshire...? I swear I haven't remembered which duchy this place is in for like the last three censi
Position: Minister of the Interior
Nobility: Duke of Straylight
Citizenship: Here and probably pretty soon in Nelaga too again
Contact: See
Awards: Some.
Photo: :|

The Optionals:

What's a quote that pretty much describes you at the moment?

We've got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark, and we're wearing sunglasses. - Hit it.

If you were able to have any position in Shireroth, what would it be, and why?

Count of Wave Manifold, with Scott as Duke of Straylight. But it is not quite time for that yet.

Re: Cencus October / November

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 7:04 am
by Santelran Rottsaa
The Basics:
Name: Corey van der Sluijs
Account: Santelran Rottsaa
Residence: Avakair, Asantelian, Goldshire
Position: Baron of Ynnraile
Nobility: Baron of Ynnraile
Citizenship: Shireroth, Hurmu**
Contact: AIM: kagantoketi
Awards: I have one around here somewhere
Photo: You have enough

The Optionals:

What's a quote that pretty much describes you at the moment?

If you were able to have any position in Shireroth, what would it be, and why?
Kaiser or GTFO

** = citizenship doesn't really exist there....

Re: Cencus October / November

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 11:42 am
by Käthbad jënRöijanin

Re: Cencus October / November

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 12:12 pm
by Harvey Steffke
He is a man of his word, I will give him that.

Re: Cencus October / November

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 2:35 pm
by dr-spangle
The Basics:
Name: Joshua W Coales
Account: dr-spangle
Residence: Straylight somewhere or other
Position: not sure I have one? oh yeah... I'm some prof aren't I? meant to stop Leo doing stupid things, I'm not great at my job.
Nobility: ?
Citizenship: Here, Livlandia
Contact:, irc on #micronations, etc etc
Awards: Here? dunno don't think so. Got 2 FNORDS, a MASOM? and some jeremy award
Photo: hmmm.. I'm going to go with wearing a top hat? the wearing a sombrero photos are older, pictures with becca are newer, but bleh: there's me in my £36 top hat.

The Optionals:

What's a quote that pretty much describes you at the moment?
"I had better go to sleep"

If you were able to have any position in Shireroth, what would it be, and why?
Owner of all the data about every single citizen and non-citizen of shireroth.

Re: Cencus October / November

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 7:14 am
by Iskander Mirkdale
Name: Iskander Mirkdale
Account: Iskander Mirkdale
Residence: Eliria, County of Eliria and Utasia, Barony of Eliria, Duchy of Elwynn
Position: None
Nobility: Earl of Eliria and Utasia
Citizenship: Shireroth, Imperium Incognita, Natopia
Contact: PM
Awards: None

Re: Cencus October / November

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 7:57 am
by Arviður
The Basics:
Name: Arviður Andelárjunarbróðir úr Vintra-Ansinum (Arviður, brother of Andelarion, out of Lake Anseth of the Winters)
Account: Arviður
Residence: Elwy.... NO! Brookshire :P
Position: Steward of K'Tzuni, Arbitrary hopeful :P
Nobility: None
Citizenship: Here. Nowehere else. Well, Hurmu. But Hurmu bans citizenship. :P
Contact: PM
Awards: A few.
Photo: A few.
Webpage: Nah.

The Optionals:

What's a quote that pretty much describes you at the moment?

If you were able to have any position in Shireroth, what would it be, and why?

Re: Cencus October / November

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 7:57 pm
by AryezturMejorkhor
The Basics:
Name: Aryeztur Mejorkhor
Account: AryezturMejorkhor
Residence: Mejor, Barony of Khorze, Duchy of Goldshire, Shireroth
Position: Baron of Khorze (in Antica, among other things, Interior Minister, Treasury Minister, Speaker, Emperor of Aryez, Governor of Aryez)
Nobility: Baron
Citizenship: Antica, Shireroth