While I'm not a fan of techy gadgets...

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Ari Rahikkala
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While I'm not a fan of techy gadgets...

Post by Ari Rahikkala »

...it is kind of cool to be writing this post on a PocketPC. I am playing around with the letter recognizer, which seems to have some problems making sense of my handwriting... although the transciber, the most advanced of the letter recognition thingies has gotten quite a few words right in a row by now. Now if only it wasn't faster to write using the Keyboard anyway... man, this is fucking fun *writes all over the screen*

david northworthy beckfor
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Re: While I'm not a fan of techy gadgets...

Post by david northworthy beckfor »

your not a fan of techy gadgets?heathen.apparently, as you get used to it, it can be quicker then a keyboard?

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Ari Rahikkala
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Re: While I'm not a fan of techy gadgets...

Post by Ari Rahikkala »

Heathen? Naahh.. . It's just that I'm a software guy, really a computer science guy. What 's there to be impressed about in. say. the newest iPod Mini when you can read about value range propagation or static single assignment form or some other cool technology for optimizing compilers? /me tries to tune the transcriber somewhatHmm... speaking of transcibers, I'm going to he spending the next half a year as a paperwork monkey in the army. That won't be terribly cool but what will be quite cool is that after a couple of weeks (Well, eight to be exact) I will have a Kirjuri (scribe) working under me. Just think of that, one's very own scribe for eighteen weeks! Scott would find that a good reason to get angry at me it my job was something more exciting than typing up standard documents and making the occasional delivery... ... of course, nobody has specitically told me not to do some underground work and, discreetly use my knowledge of database design to revolutionize the office workflow... ... but then again it's unlikely that I'll have time to do so when I'll be handling häväris (requests to replace lost items) all the fucking time anyway... The league of sadistic telepaths: "There's someone in your head and it's not you"

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Re: While I'm not a fan of techy gadgets...

Post by osmose1000 »

Speaking of which, my new iPod Shuffle is QUITE nifty. They call it a signature, but no one ever signs their posts...

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