Scott is annoying....

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Erik Mortis
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Scott is annoying....

Post by Erik Mortis »

(4:22:19 PM) rrakanychan: I wouldn't mind a reign were the Kaiser didn't keep trying to commit cultural genocide and muck with the system...
(4:22:45 PM) GSquid314: The moment you used the word "cultural genocide", this conversation became over and you lost. Good night.
Yes.. declaring victory is the greatest and most mature way to end a conversation. (This is my little counter-childish revenge)

And for reference. Scott has been trying to almost publicly find a way to rename anything and everything that references warcraft or anything for that matter. Even things that aren't official territorial names or that the government doesn't really have power over.

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Kaiser Ikol II
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Re: Scott is annoying....

Post by Kaiser Ikol II »

Godwin's Law states that when anyone in a conversation mentions Hitler, "the conversation is over and that person has lost". Although you didn't explicitly mention Hitler, I think calling my request to slightly change the spelling of the name of an out-of-the-way island chain by one or two letters "genocide" breaks the spirit of the law if not the letter. I figured you'd get the reference.

As for trying to get rid of Warcraft references, it's not originally my idea, and in such a conservative country I'd never have the courage to initiate something like that myself. But I'm just continuing the campaign of one of Shireroth's greatest Kaisers, Mors V. It was he who said "I [am] personally of the opinion that it would be in the Empires best interest to actually move away from the use of names taken from Warcraft... ie... renaming Brookshire, Elywnn, Goldshire and Khaz Modan." It was he who actually got the name of Elwynn changed to Froyalan for a while, and he who prohibited the use of the name Goldshire because he wanted to get rid of Warcraft references. It was he who said that we needed to "move away from names taken from games when we can". And it was one of his descendants, Kaiser Agni I, who was one of the strongest proponents of renaming Brookshire.

I'm not nearly as radical as Mors was - he wanted the complete eradication of all Warcraft names and was willing to use his Kaiserial power to get it, whereas I just want a few cosmetic spelling changes and am trying to do it by consensus.

But I still think that if Mors and Agni were alive today, they'd be by my side, supporting me against these accusations of "genocide" as I try to carry on their legacy.

Erik Mortis
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Re: Scott is annoying....

Post by Erik Mortis »

I'm really just annoyed that you tried to slam the door on a conversation like that.

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Kaiser Ikol II
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Re: Scott is annoying....

Post by Kaiser Ikol II »

I don't like being accused of genocide. It's a weird little quirk I have, kind of like how I don't like people publicly revealing classified information. I guess I'm just full of strange quirks.

But I seriously want you to consider the possibility that you just reflexively oppose everything I do as part of your effort to demonize me. I mean, here's a policy you've been really gung-ho about for the past year, and then as soon as I start supporting it, you instantly switch to hating it and calling it "genocide". The whole reason Shireroth doesn't have political parties is so that people can judge ideas on their own merits, instead of on the basis of who's proposing them and whether you like that person. Even if you hadn't been pushing the exact same proposal just a few months ago, the depth of your opposition to a simple spelling change was so great that I can't help but worry it was designed more to make life difficult for someone you considered a "political opponent" than for any actual policy content.

I can see why you'd do it - you're worried I'm trying to change Shireroth too much, you interpreted this latest issue as another chapter in that narrative, and so you felt like you had to stop me whether or not you supported that particular change - but I worry this is how political parties could get started, whether or not there are official ones with fancy names.

Erik Mortis
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Re: Scott is annoying....

Post by Erik Mortis »

If they start they start.

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Harvey Steffke
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Re: Scott is annoying....

Post by Harvey Steffke »

I'm mostly just happy I've coined the term "cultural genocide." Also, if you don't like accusations of it, stop doing it.

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Re: Scott is annoying....

Post by Icebreaker »


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