Dominos sucks...

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Gman Russell
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Dominos sucks...

Post by Gman Russell »

...three days without significant buisness thanks to those assholes who posted the video on youtube about their 'food' products. Ten hour days, and I am so far averaging six runs per day. SIX RUNS PER DAY!


edit: I work for Papa Johns, but people can't be arsed to know the difference...
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Re: Dominos sucks...

Post by b3n|<3r|\| »

I thought you meant the game.

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Re: Dominos sucks...

Post by Austi_Scot »

I understand what you mean, I didn´t order pizza twice now since I heard the news. I´m thinking about going to the store and getting one of those terrible packaged things.
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Re: Dominos sucks...

Post by Erik Mortis »

I love papa johns.. but hate Dominoes, little ceasers, round table and pizza hut.

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Re: Dominos sucks...

Post by Aurangzeb Khan »

All fast food chain outlets were the workers aren't held to account through routine surveillance and torture are not to be trusted...

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Re: Dominos sucks...

Post by Hesam Jayatar »

You are mistaken comrade, animals and the proles are free.

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Re: Dominos sucks...

Post by Aurangzeb Khan »

Yes - free to take the minimum wage and to shut the fuck up and be grateful that iron halters and manacles are no longer considered appropriate corporate-wear.

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Re: Dominos sucks...

Post by Hesam Jayatar »

You don't need a BA to be a service industry indentured servant but if you're ridiculous enough to believe the world needs yet another English Major, you are likely to be grateful for any meaningless job you're given. If you believe that if you find something interesting, that you should do it for a living means you probable deserve some penance in Pizza Hut taking orders from "harelip John" the cash manager.

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Re: Dominos sucks...

Post by Aurangzeb Khan »

I have a theory that every office and workplace has an aspirant novelist - whose purpose in life is to be an aspirant novelist and not to actually write a book and be judged on it but to be forever in the process of writing it and therefore kept going by the tantalising prospect of escape from poverty and routine drudgery. One can always console oneself that it is the philistines around us that hold us back not our own inadequacies.

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Re: Dominos sucks...

Post by Hesam Jayatar »

And of course you're correct. If they finished that novel and it failed, they would loose all purpose having expended their single insignificant talent and would likely off themselves rather than face the reality of their own miserable life failure and pointlessness. But no, it's much better to act superior to your coworkers and analyze them as if you were somehow better. Or, if you actually are a "lifer" (a meat-plug who has no higher aspirations than pizza hut), it's much easier to empty your nose in an innocent's lunch rather than taking the effort to create a purpose for themselves.

(having written a few half-finished novels myself, I can criticize)

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Re: Dominos sucks...

Post by Aurangzeb Khan »

True - the trouble with our society is that some of the drones employed in menial tasks actually achieve sentience and start to actively resent their lot in life, especially if they come to the subsequent realisation that they lack the ability to rise above their present station in life.

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Re: Dominos sucks...

Post by Hesam Jayatar »

What, you didn't actually believe you really COULD be anything you wanted to be when you grew up did you?

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Re: Dominos sucks...

Post by Aurangzeb Khan »

I realised something was wrong when the teacher put me in the naughty corner for saying I wanted to be the Queen.

I was 17.

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Re: Dominos sucks...

Post by Gman Russell »

So you're not of the opinion that everyone has a significant talent they can employ and become rich/famous with?
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Re: Dominos sucks...

Post by Hesam Jayatar »

I'm of the opinion that most people would be more productive if they were turned into consumable products. If that special talent happens to be fueling a car with their rendered fat, then all power to them. Wealth and Fame? Most adults in North America focus their mental capacity on football scoring probabilities more than the condition of the global economy. Would you really want these people to succeed in life?

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Re: Dominos sucks...

Post by Gman Russell »

The idealist in me says that all people deserve to be comfortable.
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Re: Dominos sucks...

Post by Hesam Jayatar »

I'd agree with you if the world were fair. But you also have to define comfort since that's a fairly subjective term.

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Re: Dominos sucks...

Post by Scott of Hyperborea »

He's saying "deserves". Doesn't that imply "if the world was fair..." in the statement? Doesn't that mean you agree with him?

I'm of the opinion that under the current system, a lot of people are doomed to be miserable. I'm also of the opinion that this is not something to be celebrated or deliberately perpetuated, but something which should be solved. I'm not of the opinion that I know exactly how to solve it, but I think better government, education, and technology would be pretty good first steps.

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Re: Dominos sucks...

Post by Gman Russell »

I haven't seen a system of government yet that fully solves all the problems of humanity, each way has it's strengths and flaws...
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Re: Dominos sucks...

Post by b3n|<3r|\| »

There's no solution to humanity's problems - our main one is humanity itself. Remove the humanity, maybe we'll get somewhere. But if we wouldn't be human, would it be worth it? Limited technology answers the question for us with a simple "Not feasible you jafooli", but I think some sci-fi books probably explore this more coherently and interestingly than I ever could.
Vilhelm von Benkern - The Dolphin-...Count
:: Formerly just "benkern"
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Re: Dominos sucks...

Post by Gman Russell »

This is a good time to promote THIS website. :kaiser
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Re: Dominos sucks...

Post by Ari Rahikkala »

And to remind people of the awesomeness of David Attenborough :).
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Re: Dominos sucks...

Post by Aurangzeb Khan »

Teach the 'shit happens - get over it' variety of stoicism at schools. ;)

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Re: Dominos sucks...

Post by Gman Russell »

So they all turn out like you, right? A fine, upstanding psychopathic member of society. Cheers.
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Hesam Jayatar
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Re: Dominos sucks...

Post by Hesam Jayatar »

He's saying "deserves". Doesn't that imply "if the world was fair..." in the statement? Doesn't that mean you agree with him?

I'm of the opinion that under the current system, a lot of people are doomed to be miserable. I'm also of the opinion that this is not something to be celebrated or deliberately perpetuated, but something which should be solved. I'm not of the opinion that I know exactly how to solve it, but I think better government, education, and technology would be pretty good first steps.
I meant he should define comfort since it's subjective. I don't agree with him because the world isn't fair. There is no way in which everyone will be comfortable by North American standards under the current global model. That is also why I asked for his definition of "comfort." Is comfort traveling around the world spending time and money being an "internationalist" or is comfort having a shitty job that pays minimum wage and allows you to keep an apartment and food? Just because someone gets a useless degree that doesn't have any inherent practical application does that mean the individual should get the career of their dreams?

I define comfort as a state where shelter, food, adequate health care and security of life are guaranteed. Everything after that is up to the initiative of the individual or their available assets. However, if too many people want to abuse that guarantee, the charity will end due to over-use.

People that invest their time and money into pursuing a high-paying career where there are few available positions shouldn't bitch and moan about the fact that they're under-appreciated or underpaid. Then you see them making snide comments about their coworkers at McDonald's as if they're owed something more or as if they are somehow better than the people who consider themselves fortunate to have a steady (albeit shitty) job. Unless you can purchase your children's ambitions, its not pragmatic or fair for the rest of society to be telling their children that they can be whatever they want to be when they grow up.

Just to define my argument, this isn't directed at Gman, but a comment on the video he posted. And also related to an article I read the other day called "Mid-20's crisis" regarding young adults being miserable because their degree in medieval english literature didn't get them a comfortable research position at the university they attended.

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Re: Dominos sucks...

Post by Aurangzeb Khan »

Just to define my argument, this isn't directed at Gman, but a comment on the video he posted. And also related to an article I read the other day called "Mid-20's crisis" regarding young adults being miserable because their degree in medieval english literature didn't get them a comfortable research position at the university they attended.
Then again a lot of these people have been sold a pup - being told that having a degree was a passport to the magical future world of the "knowledge economy" - whereas really they end up as data inputters and little better than literate counterparts to the burger-flippers.

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Re: Dominos sucks...

Post by Hesam Jayatar »

Fair, but having a BA, ANY BA does open more opportunities. It's a fucking Bachelor of Arts degree. That doesn't make you an expert at anything other than showing you have the dedication to work for four years on a ridiculously easy task in a controlled atmosphere where the worst punishment for failure is loss of credit.

If these people are so arrogant as to believe they're the experts on anything, they should go back to school and get the Masters and PhD degrees that will support their opinions. Otherwise data entry is not the end of the world. Can't afford it? Too fucking bad. Either find the money somewhere or deal with the fact that you weren't born a millionaire and will likely never be a millionaire. Whereas the kids who's parents will pay for schooling are more likely to be. But that's just the way of things.

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Re: Dominos sucks...

Post by Gman Russell »

They ruin it for the rest of us... I was just bitching though...
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Re: Dominos sucks...

Post by Hesam Jayatar »

If it makes you feel any better, they didn't promise us anything. Besides, the kids from wealthy families are not able to understand what the rest of us go through. Just as we can't understand how others have it worse than us. I'd suggest we consider ourselves lucky to have anything.

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Re: Dominos sucks...

Post by Gman Russell »

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