Well I guess I still care this much

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Ari Rahikkala
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Well I guess I still care this much

Post by Ari Rahikkala »

Yes, I care :(. And I mean I care about Shireroth, in a very specific manner.

OK, so, think back to the reign of Leto III (aka Jonas). Or, more accurately, to that coup that was instigated on #micronations, having been initiated by Harvey. I didn't like the coup's plan of making Erik kaiser (by now I've forgotten the precise reason why), so I reached Jonas with logs of the discussion and a fat wad of money, and politely asked him to make me Kaiser. So, that happened, and I had a thoroughly average reign. Harvey, in response to this, retracted his plans to start a nifty project for Shireroth (IIRC a tour a la the Jasonian one), as he'd seen that you can't put work into Shireroth without the danger that someone will take it and run.

Harvey, I want to find a way to make up for my mistake. I thought I was just having fun playing politics as usual and did not expect you'd take it so hard. I've already tried to get us to get over this. I tried to give you credit for the coup and you firmly denied your contribution had actually amounted to anything. I tried to make a "you change yourself and I change myself" bargain and you said that I hadn't stepped on just your toes but on half of Shireroth's.

What can I do? I can't change the past. I personally believe you overreacted, but I know I'm not very good at communicating what's basically emotional content, so I expect we'd just get into a huge multi-page argument if I tried to reason you out of anything. I'm not concerned about your opinion about me. I just want you to realise that I did not know I was making a mistake, and that I do now know that I made a mistake.

Harvey, is there anything I can do to get you to forgive Shireroth my mistake?
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Erik Mortis
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Re: Well I guess I still care this much

Post by Erik Mortis »

??? ummm. This was unexpected. And a tad confusing..

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Harvey Steffke
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Re: Well I guess I still care this much

Post by Harvey Steffke »

They can give me Amity. ;)

No, but seriously. I can forgive you, if you'd like, since I think it's far enough in the past and a bunch of other stuff has happened anyway that it feels a lot less relevant than it did previously. In fact, you don't get a choice; I forgive you. But I'm not sure if that will have any effect on my attitude for Shireroth on the whole. These latest rebellions opened up some big nasty cracks that had nothing to do with me and I just don't think I have the courage and the enthusiasm to brave the angry hoards of naysayers and try to do my best to put things together. Mike's the current target of blame for the current situation, but I don't think I'm all that far behind him, and if he leaves I'll probably have to decide what my future is here pretty quickly.

Anyway. Don't worry about it. Gotta dance on the eve of the apocalypse, ya know?

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