What the Kaiseress' Maid Saw

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Aurangzeb Khan
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What the Kaiseress' Maid Saw

Post by Aurangzeb Khan »

An occasional series devoted to inappropriate content and commentary
Malliki the Eurovision is all about bad songs
Artz the songs are getting better in quality
Malliki lolno
Malliki I see the stars in your eyes
Malliki and the wind in your hair
Malliki and it gives me an erection
Malliki I would vote for that shit
Ardy oh - that's a pity - I thought you were coming on
Ardy I was about to say I was flattered
Malliki You always give me an erection Ardy
Ardy There. Still got the ole Ardy magic. ;)
Malliki it's like a 200 lbs steel bar
Ardy perhaps you should show it to CJ it might change his mind
Ardy not that I advocate Kaiseresses exposing themselves to minors obviously...
Malliki it should be mandatory
Ardy decree it bitch
Malliki make me fucktard
Ardy lol - in a bit
Malliki you're gonna post it on the foru, aren't you?
Malliki *forum
Ardy as if I would do a grotesquely irresponsible thing like that
Malliki you would

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