Save the clock tower, er, JASO!

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Andreas the Wise
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Re: Save the clock tower, er, JASO!

Post by Andreas the Wise »

If you want to save JASO, a good start would be the Scavenger Hunt about what's actually happening to it.
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Jacobus Loki
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Re: Save the clock tower, er, JASO!

Post by Jacobus Loki »


Kitty sez:

Send erbage to Corey,er Liam, er the Duke of Brookshire, c/o Liam conToketi account.



Only you can prevent Nelagans from buying stuff!

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Kostalan Rottsaa
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Re: Save the clock tower, er, JASO!

Post by Kostalan Rottsaa »

Send to Jötunn Heavy Industries, actually, please :)

If you wish to send anything, that is.

It will be easier for me to refund you from JHI if I lose. :whip
Kostalan Rottsaa
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Return JASO to Jasonia, er, Nelaga!

Post by Andreas the Wise »

Define "Shirithian Patriotism". This could be a good thing to have a debate over in the University, in fact. See, I'd argue that it would be highly unpatriotic for a Kildarian to support JASO going to JHI over Nelaga. :document A patriotic Kildarian believes the sun shone out of the Apollo Sector's bottom (to use a colloquial phrase), and that as Kildarians its our job to retain their history while they are still dead. I have no doubt that if Scott went and arrived Audentior today, and got a majority of the old citizens, and wanted Apollo City back, no Kildarian (least of all Jonas who 'created' the Apollo Territory) would oppose giving the land straight back to them. We don't go giving away stuff to everyone who calls, but when there's a clear case that the nation is properly revived, such as in the case of Nelaga, well, I'd say a patriotic Kildarian could do nothing less than give it back.
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Re: Save the clock tower, er, JASO!

Post by Bacchus »

That's Kildarean patriotism which is quite different from Shirerithian patriotism. A Shirerithian patriot would to my mind never fully accept someone taking land from Shireroth unless it was given in exchange for a larger or more important territory (in terms of culture, strategy etc) and even then perhaps only to a nation that has a good chance of dying soon and so meaning the land could be reclaimed. Also, Shirerithian patriots would probably dislike Kildarean and even Yardistani patriots for putting a subdivision or its values over the Imperial Republic. :P
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Harvey Steffke
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Re: Save the clock tower, er, JASO!

Post by Harvey Steffke »

Your trading something you don't use for potentially a lot of money, something that everyone makes a big deal about these days. How is this not a winning deal. You're not even losing any land. Nobody is talking about selling Amity.

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Re: Save the clock tower, er, JASO!

Post by Kostalan Rottsaa »

Because we can keep JASO and not lose money in our part of the economy at the same time. :document
Kostalan Rottsaa
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Re: Save the clock tower, er, JASO!

Post by Andreas the Wise »

Kostalan Rottsaa wrote:Because we can keep JASO and not lose money in our part of the economy at the same time. :document
No. Lies. JASO is currently owned by the Shirithian people. What you're proposing is selling it off to a private corporation. That's not owned 'by Shireroth'.
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Kaiseress Anandja I
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Re: Save the clock tower, er, JASO!

Post by Kaiseress Anandja I »

He wasn't talking about owning, he was talking about the Shirerithian part of the economy. JHI is a part of the Shirerithian economy.
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Andreas the Wise
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Return JASO to Jasonia, er, Nelaga!

Post by Andreas the Wise »

Bacchus wrote:That's Kildarean patriotism which is quite different from Shirerithian patriotism. A Shirerithian patriot would to my mind never fully accept someone taking land from Shireroth unless it was given in exchange for a larger or more important territory (in terms of culture, strategy etc) and even then perhaps only to a nation that has a good chance of dying soon and so meaning the land could be reclaimed. Also, Shirerithian patriots would probably dislike Kildarean and even Yardistani patriots for putting a subdivision or its values over the Imperial Republic. :P
That's an interesting argument. Along those lines then, how exactly do we have any right to keeping JASO?

A Yardistani would say 'because we annexed it', but that's clearly a Yardistani patriotic option, and thereby not applicable to Shireroth as a whole.
A Kildarian would say 'because it's part of Apollo', but that's clearly a Kildarian patriotic option, and if you argument above applies, thereby not applicable to Shireroth as a whole.
A Brookshirithian would say 'because Erik says its ours' but that's clearly a satirical line and not meant to be taken as a serious argument :p
Now, you say not giving up land, but that isn't involved in the JASO argument, merely in the Audentior example (and of course if we gave up land to the Audentior example, we could use those pixels to claim somewhere else on the Mango Map, like Lothlaria, confident Audentior was now having its history appropriately defended. That goes without saying, so I didn't say it above :p ).

Now, you could well make the argument that a Shirithian patriot would support the Kaiser/ess. But in regards to JASO, the Kaiseress approved the auction, the Kaiseress gave me permission to do exciting things around the auction (I did ask her before doing it, if you were wondering), and the Kaiseress has made it clear a number of times she has no objections to Nelaga winning the auction, and so on that logic, I would argue, a Shirithian patriot should also have no objections to Nelaga winning the auction.

So I must return to my question: "define Shirithian patriotism." If the best we can get is "Shirithian Patriotism does not equal any duchy's style of patriotism; does equal not giving up land unless we get more; does equal supporting the Kaiseress" then a true Shirithian patriot would ignore A, say that B doesn't apply to this case, and therefore under C would be obliged to have no objections to returning JASO to Nelaga.

Onto you, third speaker for the Affirmative: That a Shirithian patriot should support retaining ownership of JASO at all costs (where costs is defined as monetary, diplomatic, ethical or otherwise.) :p
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Re: Save the clock tower, er, JASO!

Post by Aurangzeb Khan »

Elwynnese patriots are discernible for their absence from this debate? But if they were here, they'd be pleased with the way revenues the sale are going to help towards transforming Shireroth into a nation powerful enough to burn a thousand Ocias...

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Harvey Steffke
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Re: Save the clock tower, er, JASO!

Post by Harvey Steffke »

I'd settle for one, possibly two burned Ocias, but your thoroughness of the scorched earth policy excites me!

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Andreas the Wise
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Re: Save the clock tower, er, JASO!

Post by Andreas the Wise »

The Khan of Vijayanagara wrote:Elwynnese patriots are discernible for their absence from this debate? But if they were here, they'd be pleased with the way revenues the sale are going to help towards transforming Shireroth into a nation powerful enough to burn a thousand Ocias...
Well, I considered 'The Elwynnese are only interested in JASO as a bargaining chip to acquire Brookshirithian land' but thought that may only apply to the current generation :p
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Re: Save the clock tower, er, JASO!

Post by Aurangzeb Khan »

Really we'd just be burning the same Ocia a thousand times but as you say it pays to be thorough... and the buggers probably have bunkers to hide in too, hence the need for return trips. :tomcutterhamonfire

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Jacobus Loki
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Re: Save the clock tower, er, JASO!

Post by Jacobus Loki »

(no, I promised not to say a bad thing)

The light would be pretty, yes?

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Kostalan Rottsaa
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Re: Save the clock tower, er, JASO!

Post by Kostalan Rottsaa »

Andreas the Wise wrote:Well, I considered 'The Elwynnese are only interested in JASO as a bargaining chip to acquire Brookshirithian land' but thought that may only apply to the current generation :p
Ha! Not on my watch! I chose my benefactors with care. :document
Kostalan Rottsaa
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Re: Save the clock tower, er, JASO!

Post by Leo Fenrir »

List of things to do:
-Assasinate Corey
-Become Duke of Brookshire
-Hand off Ynnrail
-Revive BONE
-Bring Corey back from the dead

Leo Fenrir

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Re: Save the clock tower, er, JASO!

Post by Kostalan Rottsaa »

*hurries to find an heir* :archy
Kostalan Rottsaa
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Re: Save the clock tower, er, JASO!

Post by Andreas the Wise »

I'm interested in how you intend to revive BONE .... :moose
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Re: Save the clock tower, er, JASO!

Post by Leo Fenrir »

There's always a bloke or two interested in doing evil things with magic. I'm sure I could round some up.
Leo Fenrir

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Andreas the Wise
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Re: Save the clock tower, er, JASO!

Post by Andreas the Wise »

Oh, I thought you meant you had knowledge of where the building had fled when I tried to destroy it ... you just meant round up a few necromancers :fish
The character Andreas the Wise is on indefinite leave.
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Re: Save the clock tower, er, JASO!

Post by Erik Mortis »

Monty Crisco would take over if the Corey was assassinated.

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Re: Save the clock tower, er, JASO!

Post by Kostalan Rottsaa »

Wrong. it's current state, yes...
Kostalan Rottsaa
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Re: Save the clock tower, er, JASO!

Post by Leo Fenrir »

Ok well I completely miss the part were the building pulled a JASO. But yes. I hold no ill will towards Corey so its noot like I could just leave him dead. :angel
Leo Fenrir

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