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Neike Taika-Tessaro
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Post by Neike Taika-Tessaro »

A few days ago, my boyfriend finally got around to installing Myst IV: Revelation on his computer as he'd essentially promised he'd do months ago when we first bought it at a discount from the local supermarket.

And now, I have a new obsession.

I never could enjoy the original, which, I fear, has a lot to do with that it was simply not my introduction to the series. Instead, I started with Myst III: Exile a few years ago, and, liking it, tried my luck with Myst and Riven, but alas... they both just frustrate me. And because of that, and because of finding Exile so fabulous, I was fairly sure I'd never see another game - much less another adventure game - which would excite me quite so much.

And then came Revelation. :love

I'd ramble on about what precisely about it's gone and excited me, but this post is already far too long, so instead I'll ask the inevitable question:

- Who here has played Myst, or any game in the Myst saga?
- If you've played any: Did you find it/them awesome or horrible?

'course, I couldn't have picked a game more controversial, I assume. At least in adventure gamer circles, there are whole factions who detest Myst as the game that brought ruin to the entire genre. Whilst I can actually understand that, I hardly agree, since for me, if the world was full of Myst clones, it'd be my personal heaven. (Pff, who the hell needs innovation! ^_~ a/k/a If it's not broken, don't fix it!)

So... discuss! *alertly watches for projectile weapons, especially rotten tomatoes*

- Quick edit - I've browsed the board and as such know of the common mourning about 'End of Ages' being, well, 'End of Ages' - but I refuse to edit any of my above ramblings, so there. Answer the questions, or meet your doom! ... hum, on second thought... I think... just maybe... using threats over the internet... it may just be pointless... *muses on this a while longer*

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Post by dr-spangle »

If it's an adventure game i hope you'll be playing it on the 25th of janurary, the first day of winter-een-mas, the day of adventure games...

Although i've never heard of this game, care to explain it?

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Post by Neike Taika-Tessaro »

dr-spangle wrote:Although i've never heard of this game, care to explain it?
Yes, it's an adventure game. It's first person perspective with almost no character interaction - it's essentially about exploration. What makes Myst interesting (in my opinion) is the story that you gradually uncover as you progress. Especially in Revelation, it's quite gripping, even if you can only influence the plot towards the very end of the game.

All of the Myst games are known to have pushed the envelope when it comes to pre-rendered graphics at the time of their creation. (Well, except for End of Ages, which I haven't played yet, which isn't pre-rendered, but actual 3D).

Is that description enough? :)

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Post by dr-spangle »

Got any screenies?

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Post by Neike Taika-Tessaro »


Myst III: Exile
Myst IV: Revelation

There don't seem to be any decent pictures of Revelation online. All I'm finding are compressed in some way, which ruins the details, and there are very few actual in-game screenshots (more promo shots), which is a shame, as in-game has absolutely nothing to hide. Let's just say the only thing that gives the promo shots away are the angle the shot is taken from.

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Post by dr-spangle »

can't you press print screen :D

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Post by Neike Taika-Tessaro »

[deletes everything she previously wrote]

All right, I'm going to give you the benefit of doubt and assume you're not trying to ridicule me, and I'm going to curb the tone I was originally going to wield.

The answer, simply put, is: Of course I can, but I both see no reason to do so, and it'd be pointless.

The long answer is:

It would be pointless because:
- Revelation isn't installed on my laptop, but on my boyfriend's PC.
- Revelation can't be installed on my laptop, as I have a whopping 400MB free space and the standard install of Revelation is 3GB (not to mention the full install, which is 8GB, which would take up my entire harddrive, leaving no space for the operating system)

And even if it was installed, I see no reason to do that, because:
- it's easier to find screenshots online...
- ...than to traverse an entire game looking for nice spots to paste into your image program of choice and upload to your own little server.

Now, if (and only if) you were trying to smart-ass me, my response is simple: Can't you use a search engine?

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Post by dr-spangle »

Sorry, i wasn't tring to ridicule you... i appear to seem like that often aparently.

The screenies by the way are amaising... you could almost mistake them for photographs...

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Post by Neike Taika-Tessaro »

dr-spangle wrote:Sorry, i wasn't tring to ridicule you... i appear to seem like that often aparently.
It's okay... thanks for clarifying. I'd like to apologise the hint of my tone, then, too, as it was uncalled for. You hit a massive nerve with your comment since I study media computer sciences, so it was like a smack in the face; but I suppose you really just wanted to be amusing. I'm sorry - that wasn't a predictable reaction on my part. Thanks for letting me know what you intended.
dr-spangle wrote:The screenies by the way are amaising... you could almost mistake them for photographs...
Well, I find you can easily tell Myst/Riven is CG, but it gets less obvious in the two later games. Revelation is especially wonderful in that regard since it includes a lot of animated elements, like leaves rustling in the wind and some wildlife scattered into the picture - it looks amazingly real to large parts. It's easy to get sucked into that game - it's very immersive. That, above all, is why it's elbowed its way onto the top of my list of favourite computer games. :)

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Post by dr-spangle »

As many people learn, i tend to get on people's nerves when i try not to... i manage to handle some situations well.. mainly the ones where i think it's going to end chaotically...

Trees are usually a dead givaway of bad graphics on games so good graphics trees are a great sign of a great game, let alone animated...

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Post by Neike Taika-Tessaro »

dr-spangle wrote:As many people learn, i tend to get on people's nerves when i try not to...
I think that's everyone's life story. Well... everyone who's at least slightly extroverted. So, I can relate. :) The only thing that stops me going, "Why?!" and shaking my fists at the sky to the non-existent deities, is that it's helped me (amongst other things) to find out which people are my friends and which aren't. Since, well, some people just try too hard to be perpetually annoyed - I think it's called "a grudge". :D

I'd say: just be you and you'll be fine. But I'm sure you know this already. :)
dr-spangle wrote:Trees are usually a dead givaway of bad graphics on games so good graphics trees are a great sign of a great game, let alone animated...
Well, the Myst games use pre-rendered graphics, which gives them a lot more processing power (just having to display images) for "trivial" things. Revelation puts that processing power that was gained by using 2D (or 2D mapped onto very simple 3D shapes, such as onto the inside of a cube) instead of 3D into animations to make the static, pre-rendered world appear more life-like. Hence, things like leaves moving in the wind and realistic water effects become possible.

The original Myst game isn't really pretty anymore by anyone's standards these days - and it barely has any animation - but Exile and especially Revelation are games I would certainly recommend.

Think you're going to try either? :)

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Post by dr-spangle »

i take it the game costs, and needs a good graphics card, if either of those are true, then i probably won't...

and is it available in england?

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Post by Neike Taika-Tessaro »

dr-spangle wrote:i take it the game costs,
Costs what? has it for under ten quid.
dr-spangle wrote:and needs a good graphics card, says: "Graphics: Any 32MB DirectX 9.0c compatible graphics card"
dr-spangle wrote:and is it available in england?

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Re: Myst

Post by Oze »

Resurrecting a seemingly ancient topic, I have attempted to play MYST and Revelation, but they were both far too puzzling and intricate for my liking. Revelation took up nearly half of my hard drive space.
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Re: Myst

Post by Artz »

They have this game in DS format in 'The Game' I saw it once and wondered what it was. Was a cheap one, too. Obviously its not going to be as good as the version you're explaining, but thats an option if it takes a large graphics card/ a lot of memory. I didn't get it as I was only browsing..

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Re: Myst

Post by Oze »

Myst for DS? I'll look out for it.
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Re: Myst

Post by Artz » ... ST/?s=myst

There you are.. Not had very good reviews.. I seem to think that the PC version was prefferred. The PC one is going really cheap atm.. too bad its out of stock or I'd get it.. only £1.80 or something, there..

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Re: Myst

Post by Ryan »

I was a very big fan of the original game and bought the three books written by Rand and Robyn Miller, the creator's of Myst; The Book of Atrus, The Book of Ti'ana, and The Book of D'Ni. I have to admit that I couldn't put these books down and was fascinated with the very interesting concepts they used, such as underground civilizations (D'Ni) and books that could create worlds and gateways.

I highly recommend them for anyone that is a fan of the game.
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Re: Myst

Post by Oze »

I may read them. I like the games, even if they're not for impatient souls like myself.
Baron Oze of Ynnraile
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