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Translated Works into Audente

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 11:46 pm
by Bill3000
The purpose of this thread is to show translations of literary works and the like into Audente. Translating will improve the needed vocabulary of the language and help me work on my own translation skills.

I translated one of the anthems of old Audentior into Audente, to start with.

The Audente Phoenix
by Scott Alexander

From the glow that exudes from our dreamings
From the sparkles that blaze within hearts
From the warmth that pervades human friendship
A sovereign community starts
A nation with hope and comradery
From five old and honored parts

Five nations at last coalescing
And moving from rivals to friends
Their conquering army defeating
The schisms that unity rends
From its ashes are born a great Phoenix
And this Firebird Phoenix ascends

It ascends to the top of the cloudscape
It ascends o'er the snow-covered peak
It flies out of tenebreous darkness
It ascends through the thunderheads bleak
And there, in the skies stratospheric
It gives out a victorious shriek!
Ê Fozêmpebis Audênti
Skottol Aleksantel

Aši an fatikon af aši nulon nêta salunedal
Aši an dargassem af maf lejon tinal
Aši on darênam af sedevim sôlos dañošal
Cumputtenam gatoklavu têþal
Gavam cun tekuli bi jessêmeros
Aši kaite rutôs košvi bi samekerôs

Kaite gava cuñêgikon joþul
Bi terkikon aši kurdevja al sedevja
Vulos falatos cusamikos kulal
On vibôva af lapôvam zeusal
Aši ber têlgai Fozêmpebim Grakos zênal
Bi šem Fozêmpebis Tinempebi aldaural

Aldaural al em goivôvar on zonon
Aldaural pano zanô vussullapu
Gôsal aši legemenon aligi
Aldaural dam þrôltiram jôlloni
Bi taþa, xô enis žasovan bleñivêterovan
Assumal salkuþam miñôveron!

Re: Translated Works into Audente

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 4:25 pm
by Wil Nider
I notice Tine has crossed into yet another micronational language. I approve :-)