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Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 11:23 am
by Artz
To whom it may concern,

Livlandia would like to join the Small Commonwealth and I was told to apply here.

Here is a link to our boards:
Amd a Link to the topic to say we'll join:


MoFA for The Kingdom of Livlandia

Re: Livlandia

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 12:05 pm
by Erik Mortis
Well just sign the General Membership Treaty officially and post a copy in the repository. Then if there are no objections, you're a member. We'll also need to know who your rep to the Assembly is.

Re: Livlandia

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 3:15 pm
by Artz
Treaty of General Membership to the Small Commonwealth

1. There is a commonwealth, called the Small Commonwealth, which shall consist of all signatory members of this Treaty. All member nations may send one representative to the Commonwealth Assembly.

2. Nations wishing to join the commonwealth must be approved by the Commonwealth Assembling with at least a 1/3rd plurality. If rejected, a nation may reapply in 3 months.

3. The commonwealth's day to day operations are headed and overseen by a chairman known as the Primate which shall be a permanent position once appointed by the Commonwealth Assembly. The Primate oversees the Commonwealth Assembly.

4. At any time the Commonwealth Assembly may hold a vote of no confidence and remove the current Primate. A simple majority (50%+1) is needed to remove a Primate and elect a new one. This vote is managed by the representative who proposed it.

5. Nations may leave at any time, but must give public notice of their intent to leave this treaty for it to be recognized. Upon leaving this treaty the departing nation is removed from all other treaties dependent upon this one.

6. This treaty may be amended by the Commonwealth Assembly with a 3/4th (75.0%) majority.
The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Livlandia

I can sign it.. but I can't post it in the other board.. for some reason..

Re: Livlandia

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 9:33 pm
by Erik Mortis
Try now. (I'm assumeing you are the rep for Livlania. And what is the link for your nation?)

Re: Livlandia

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 6:31 pm
by Gman Russell
Congrats and welcome!