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A new Stock Exchange is in town ...

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 3:57 am
by Andreas the Wise
The Very Big Novatainian Corporation, in association with the Small Commonwealth Bank, are pleased to present, for your financial enjoyment, the

The SCX is a fully automated stock exchange, encompassing real and simulated traders, which lets you hop into the luxurious chair of a Wall Street fat cat and trade your way into the ledgers of history. Buy up big and become CEO. Buy out the small timers and take them over. Build up your commercial empire to be the first to make a million credits, and win the win the grand prize of 5000 in the SCUE currency of your choice. SCX has it all.

- Buy and Sell with the simulated traders any hour of the day or night – where you want, when you want.
- Browse the bargains other real traders have up for offer and buy stocks directly off them.
- If you don’t like their offers, or they’re holding the last stocks in the company you want to take over, make a request for their stock that’ll be automatically delivered by the system.
- Do your market research and be rewarded as price movements take the real behaviour of the company into account, as well as the GDP of its home nation.
- Separate exchanges for different countries and with different special features.
- Trade in your excess SCUE currency for SCX credits and buy up big!
- Become the CEO of companies and take others over, building up a vast commercial empire.
- And much much more!

If you’d like to really take on the role of a financial tycoon, take on the development of one or more of the simulated resource companies on the NSX. Develop them without worrying about them having to make actual sales, and watch as their prices soar to reflect the effort put into them. Take over other companies and build them into your empire. Transform your favourite company into a vast multinational corporation with offices throughout the micronational world!

And if you already have a micronational company, you can arrange to have it added to the SCX for a small fee. Special reduced rates are available for Shirithian companies who want to trade on the ASTEX. For more details, see VBNC.

So what are you waiting for? Start earning your fortune today!

Re: A new Stock Exchange is in town ...

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 11:10 am
by Kaiser Mors VI
Potentially rather cool. I should add MIS on there...

Re: A new Stock Exchange is in town ...

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 11:54 am
by Jonas

Re: A new Stock Exchange is in town ...

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 2:13 pm
by Kaiser Mors VI
Mortis International Services. Technically the company that makes the bank software.

Re: A new Stock Exchange is in town ...

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 2:42 pm
by Andreas the Wise
If you follow the 'arrange to have it added to the SCX' link you'll find a simple form and details about costs. Shirithians get things at half price - a mere 50 erb to have your company added if you don't give me any details; and only 20 erb if you do give me the details.

Re: A new Stock Exchange is in town ...

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 9:15 am
by stock-mike
thanks for the link i was searching for it