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Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2010 4:17 pm
by Jacobus Loki
No, no I am really awake! Let the other evil trees sap run cold, I'm awake!

Corey has been named Heir Presumptive. All hail His Nearly Niftyness!

Mappage continues, as the Directorate of Cartography continues to help us find where we all are.

We welcome Eros Serafiem back to Shireroth. There is no permanent escape from Malarbor!! We also have a visiting journalist among us, Gustaaf Vermeylen, whose Times Group aspires to be the News Corp. of Micras. And re-incarnation seems to have occurred as Gil'les Mel'ang has appeared in Melangia.

Everyone's former favorite villain Ardy deleted the forums of Elwynn. The Landsraad is discussing his punishment, as far as Shireroth is concerned. FOOL! He thought he could exceed Malarbor in evilitude! MWHAHA!

Along the lines of attempted evil, who knows what prompted Jacobus to join Elwynn? The fact that they named a city for him?


The departure of Ardy sure seems to have take the wind out of the various projects to destroy Shireroth. Good for the foreigners, as all plots are controlled by me, anyway!

AND - Don't forget to go by the census office. MALARBOR DEMANDS IT!