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Convention dates

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 6:05 am
by Scott of Hyperborea
Change may be inevitable, but lately it seems like you people aren't even trying to evit it. The Orchid Coronet of Elwynn has passed to a new Duke, Cho'Gall Dentarg (the Khan has predictably declared jihad). And Count Caruso battles Santelraan Rotsaa for the Fire Coronet of Yardistan, a battle perhaps destined to end when Santelraan gets kicked out for too many citizenships (or can there be such a thing?)

The Landsraad's been getting some good legislatin' in, between rejecting the treaty with Victoria (MALARBOR DEMANDS TREATIES NOT COPIED FROM LIBERIA!), attempting to holify Hurmu, and yet another citizenship law. Elsewhere in Legalia, the courts discuss Stewardship, the Commonwealth discusses Hurmu's status, and Hurmu introduces its fundamental laws to the Shirerithians.

I have two announcements to make! First, Shireroth's tenth anniversary convention will, if all goes well, take place in London from FRIDAY APRIL 2 TO SUNDAY APRIL 4. Mark your calendars and book your flights...or, if you prefer something more American, stay tuned for news on a possible New York locale. Second: for the first time, Shireroth has the most posts per day of any country on Spangle's forum list! We've always been the greatest micronation in the world - but now it's OFFICIAL!