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Landsraad Much-Ado, and other suchness

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 7:48 pm
by Allot
Switching Day is over... Even though no one won, we all had fun mocking each other with thinly veiled impersonations, so go check who people thought was the best!

The Civil War continues, even though we wouldn't let Leo use his boomstick. No one understands QUARREL yet.

The Declassification Bill FINALLY made it through the Landsraad, but apparently it's illegal. Maybe we should just delete Shireroth all together. Wait, I think I got that last one wrong... Oh well. In other overhaulation news, apparently both the Judex and the Baronies need shaking up.

In other news, the first bounties in forever have been paid (go check if you got some sweet ERBAGE), Gman wowed everyone with an Extended Essay in MASS History, the Small Commonwealth wants Tymaria, and hemlines have risen by an average of 14.3% in the past ten years.