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Landsraad, SC expansion, MiniInfo, chat

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 1:55 pm
by Scott of Hyperborea
Happy Blackrock Day, everyone!

Archaeologists digging in Shirekeep City Center rediscovered the existence of a Shirerithian legislature, leading to not one but two bills being debated on its floor and by its Front Gate. The Crown Account Bill would rename the Imperial Treasury, and the controversial Declassification Bill would reveal any old secrets that are no longer sensitive. Speaking of which, go fill out the census - it's the law!

It's a great day for the Small Commonwealth, with our western neighbors in Ashkenatza joining! Bring out the Manischewitz champagne and have a party! And in other exciting SC news, Natopia crowns its first new Emperor in...ever! Free champagne and bagels for all! The only clouds on the horizon are the continued threat of revolt in Mahoz HaSephardim and that one other thing where...uh...what was it...oh, yeah, Gralus is still locked in the bowels of Hell with a small band of heroes including our Kaiser about to risk not only their lives but their very souls to come to the rescue. Eventually.

Strange things are afoot, and the new MiniInfo News Service has taken it upon themselves to inform us of them. Pirates stole a shipment of coins commemorating the coronation of Gaelen III (Khan Mellah Khan is one suspect) and gold has been rediscovered in Goldshire. Is the former duchy's newfound wealth perhaps a cause of renewed tensions between Brookshire and Elwynn over control of Ynnraile?

Come chat in #micronations between 10 and 12 PM GMT! MALARBOR DEMANDS IT!