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[Resolution] A Resolution to Declare War on K'Tzuni

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2008 11:56 am
by Aurangzeb Khan
Agha Løgmaður,

I petition that this resolution be urgently put befor Løgting
Whereas on this day the forces of K'Tzuni have by treacherous means breached the East Elwynn Sluice causing the lives of untold numbers in jepardy. Not only in this Duchy but in Shirekeep and in Brookshire also;

Whereas the Holy River of the Goddess Elwynn has been defiled by the blood of the innocent drowned souls;

Whereas the forces of K'Tzuni have violated the air space of this Duchy;

Whereas Cossack brigands in the service of K'Tzuni have violated the County of Wintergleam.

Whereas Maksym Hadjimehmetov was the instigator of all of these acts;

Let it be resolved by the Members of the Løgting here assembled:

1. A state of war shall exist between the Duchy of Froyalan and the Barony of K'Tzuni and shall not be terminated until the barbarian power is overthrown.

2. Maksym Hadjimehmetov shall, by this resolution attainted. His life shall be forefit if ever he enter this Duchy under force of arms or dispatch any of his said lieutenants allies or confederates to achieve the same purpose of entering this Duchy under force of arms.

Re: [Resolution] A Resolution to Declare War on K'Tzuni

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2008 1:02 pm
by Harald of Froyalan
The Count of Lesser Zjandaria has submitted a Resolution. I do hereby put this Resolution before the Løgting and call for fast-track. Do I hear a second?

Re: [Resolution] A Resolution to Declare War on K'Tzuni

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2008 1:08 pm
by andelarion
Edit: Went too far.

Re: [Resolution] A Resolution to Declare War on K'Tzuni

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 2:21 pm
by andelarion
Your Grace

I ask that this motion be dismissed. I believe war is not in our best interests at the moment. Instead our efforts should be concentrating on policing the land and helping the victims of the devestating floods.

Re: [Resolution] A Resolution to Declare War on K'Tzuni

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 2:31 pm
by Aurangzeb Khan
As proponent of this resolution I concur.

Re: [Resolution] A Resolution to Declare War on K'Tzuni

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 4:11 pm
by Harald of Froyalan
Very well then. The Motion is hereby dismissed.