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[Petition] Landsraad Citizenship Bill

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 2:48 pm
by Allot
My Lord,

While it is not my place to direct your actions in the Landsraad, I cannot understand the purpose of your recent bill. As it is currently phrased, I think it will bring no good if it passes. I ask you to rescind this bill, at least until we can clarify some of the language. The Kaiser has already objected to the bill.


Re: [Petition] Landsraad Citizenship Bill

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 2:54 pm
by Daniel Farewell
Lady Allot,

The bill I proposed would do this:

- remove the multiple citizenship restrictions on all commoners
- only allow nobles and IAC:ers dual nationality, one Shirerithian, one foreign if they so choose
- only allow one (Shirerithian) citizenship to the Steward.

I believe this is beneficial for Shireroth. It would bring more citizens to the land, while those in power would focus more on Shireroth.

However, if the Council so believes that this bill should be rescinded, so be it.

Re: [Petition] Landsraad Citizenship Bill

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 7:36 pm
by Allot
Shyriath's comments mirror my own views:
Although I see the point there, it makes me uneasy on pragmatic grounds; an anticipated effect of the recent reorganization was that it would make it easier for people to eventually form their own Houses, and tightening the requirements for noble status might put something of a brake on that. Maxing out under the Tri-Cit Law hasn't stopped nobles from being active in the past, and I would prefer not to see the requirements get any more restrictive than that (Steward and Kaiser excepted, of course).

Now, releasing non-nobles from any such restriction... that, yes, I can see. If you cast a wider net, as it were, you'll haul in more fish. (No offense to Corey there. :p )
So perhaps if the bill could be amended to remove the tightening of noble citizenship restrictions, but keep the removal of the tri-cit law for commoners? Thank you for being so understanding about this, by the way. I would have already thrown two hissy fits.

Re: [Petition] Landsraad Citizenship Bill

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 10:37 pm
by Kaiser Mors VI
Pardon my intrusion. I know I'm not a member of this house, but I feel obliged to make a comment to help save some time and effort later. If you don't want me to pipe in once in a rare while, I'll not do it again. However...

I would veto any bill that removes Tri-Cit, put before the Landsraad.

Re: [Petition] Landsraad Citizenship Bill

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 12:02 am
by Daniel Farewell
Kaiser -- I already withdrew this bill. *sighs*