Journey to Ran

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Peachy Carnehan
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Journey to Ran

Post by Peachy Carnehan »


And so, Danny which is to say "Brother Daniel" and Peachy Carnehan (which is I) did go forth onto the next leg of our journey deep into the country in which we did travel. The rolling hills of this land and the mighty forests which construed a type of natural fortress did bode well with our health and our hearts. Billy, who had by now given to song was with the mules while I walked ahead of him. Though Daniel walked much further ahead stuck in his own thoughts the likes of which he never shared. A great consternation took him, to Billy's detriment as Daniel barked at him constantly to keep quiet.

I was keeping to myself mostly, wondering by which means we might come to our destination. It was just then that Danny began to curse and yell again. At first I imagined he was going to run Billy through, but when he was closer I could see that he had given to joyous proclimation.

'Peachy! Peachy Carnehan! A Town Peachy! A Town wihe appearance of a pub set for bed, supper and drink!"

"Daniel", I said to him. "We've refrained from drink what do to the contrac"

Daniel then commenced with the good skills Gawd gave him..

"Peachy, did we not say that we would refrain from drink until the man's enemies were vanquished?" He spoke with the devil's tongue he did. And through the skills of a Barrister I had no choice but to comply with logic.

"And if by fact, that man had not accepted our offer, we would not be bound to the contract now would we?"
Again, I was forced to concede.

And so Daniel, Billy and I did come to the conclusion it might be best to stop in this town, that we may rest and refresh with drink and supper.

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Daniel Dravot
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Re: Journey to Ran

Post by Daniel Dravot »

"Now then Peachy - here´s the thing. Our objective today is to get two gentlemen adventurers, one native porter, three mules and fifty shiny rifles into yonder town with time to spare for a decent meal and big mugs of beer, frothing at the top, before settling down to a sound night´s kip. Our problem as I see it is that our entry is likely to be obstructed by that wizened old gentleman standing by the raise-able barrier that is the only means of access I can deduce for commercial traffic into the place. A toll barrier... damn and blast it - why is it that even the `easy´ towns are having walls these days. The sally-ports are doubtless barred, and it would be impracticable to haul our mules up by means of rope. Well I guess that leaves us with no alternative but to talk our way in - humble and penitent pilgrims of the booming thunder-sticks.

Brother Carnehan, I should imagine that an old gentleman such as that fellow over there would have a reverential attitude towards these silly pagan idols. However, should he prove to be anything other than a simpering fool, have Billy ready to slip him some coin so that we can get the mules through without a fuss. Should he prove obstinate you knother Carnehan and may the Lord have mercy upon our soul´s etcetera. However do it quietly if you must - a civilised drink in a reputable establishment might be rather hard to come by if we have blood on our hands."

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Krasniy Yastreb
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Re: Journey to Ran

Post by Krasniy Yastreb »

"By the Gods, do my eyes deceive me? You're those crimson-clad Boy Scouts I met up river. Knowing my luck you stowed away on the very Ducal motor launch that I myself arrived on. The bodyguard will be getting the business end of my Makarov if so.

Anyhow, if it spares you the necessity of raining shot on my Ducal subjects I can arrange for the relevant authorities to grant you freedom of passage through my domain. If any such officials display a reluctance to offer you the finest standards of Brookshirean hospitality, you may by all means shoot them - which is what you've been doing anyway, from what the Holwinn County Coroner tells me.

Oh, and take this envelope. Inside is the location for the Brookshirian Office for Re-Distribution of Erb to Lower Lunatic Orphans. It may be of some assistance to you. Don't mind the century-old paintjob, the stench of lavender or the... uniquely dressed lady staff, just stroll right in. I've just got back from there as a matter of fact. An hour well spent..."
Sir Krasniy Yastreb Ly'Piscator, KcOMI
+ Duke and Arx-Piscator of Brookshire
+ Baron of Vorpmadal
+ Count of Lunaris
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Daniel Dravot
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Re: Journey to Ran

Post by Daniel Dravot »

"Peachy! It's that bloody Cossack again. And I'll have no time for his gabbling. Billy Phish! Bind this rascal's arms and bring him presently to the tavern - as he is seemingly some sort of local Nawab he can become to us what Atahualpa was to Pizarro."

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Peachy Carnehan
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Re: Journey to Ran

Post by Peachy Carnehan »

Alright my Eurasian Friend, your esteemed presence is required at the local. Cordially invited as you are, I'm afraid the business end of my carbine must insist...

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Krasniy Yastreb
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Re: Journey to Ran

Post by Krasniy Yastreb »

Hrmm let me guess, said carbine also suggests it's my round? Very well, 'tis the least I could do for honoured guests...

I can't move these arms, mind. Wallet's in the top left pocket. Help yourself.
Sir Krasniy Yastreb Ly'Piscator, KcOMI
+ Duke and Arx-Piscator of Brookshire
+ Baron of Vorpmadal
+ Count of Lunaris
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Daniel Dravot
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Re: Journey to Ran

Post by Daniel Dravot »

Now Peachy be a gent and free his writing arm. I'll have a few bills and writs and other miscellaneous bits of paper, decrees and the like for him to be signing as a token of appreciation for the kindness we are showing in not asking him to stand us a round.

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Peachy Carnehan
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Re: Journey to Ran

Post by Peachy Carnehan »

Go on then! You speak English well enough to know what he says. While you're doing that I hope you don't mind if I borrow your weapons..

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Krasniy Yastreb
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Re: Journey to Ran

Post by Krasniy Yastreb »

Very well, but do treat this hand grenade with respect. I keep it for religious purposes. And the pistol has a defective safety catch, so try your best not to misplace any bullets inside my skull or those of your two travelling companions. I lost a chauffeur that way just last week.

Now, these papers... autographs for all your family I take it? I'm in high demand these days but I'm sure I could spare a few pen strokes.
Sir Krasniy Yastreb Ly'Piscator, KcOMI
+ Duke and Arx-Piscator of Brookshire
+ Baron of Vorpmadal
+ Count of Lunaris
+ Knight Comrade of the Order of Mischievous Intent
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Billy Phish
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Re: Journey to Ran

Post by Billy Phish »

Sirs, how do you wish for me to take care of this gentleman? Is he to join our friend at the bottom of a well? His cooperation has been very useful, by jove, but does his utility stop here?
Rifleman Billy Phish
"Oh indeed by jove no!"
Dolphins eat Fish

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