Vorpmadal to Neurak

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Vorpmadal to Neurak

Post by b3n|<3r|\| »

Greetings to you O noble Baron of Neurak.

Late congraulations on your ascension to the Baronial position. :thumbsup The title of Baron is a fine feudal rank to hold, I myself favour it above all others in Shireroth because of its perfect balance of responsibility. Being in charge of a small number of fiefdoms allows you freedom to concentrate on more specific things (like your own County) and power to instigate inter-regional initiatives but without the hassle of Landsraad duties or too many people. I like it.

Anyway as I'm sure you know the administrative Barony you now run was up until only just recently called Vorpmadal. Yardistan bought Vorpmadal and it's now a Barony over there, drop by and visit if you like. :)

There are a few transitional issues. Firstly and most importantly, posts. If you look, just about all the posts in this forum are historic posts belonging to Vorpmadal, along with all our decrees and our decree book etc. In fact I have noted the ones that are NOT Vorpmadalian to make it easier:

Some flag business
Some questions/info about Neurac
Some... thing involving a description of Neurac and Yvain
Erik's unanswered question about a railway line

The rest of the posts, aside from any other more recent ones of course, I would like to see moved to Vorpmadal in Yardistan. Do you object?

Also, flag. In one of the above posts (the first one listed) a flag for Neurac/k is posted. You could use that one if you like, or you can continue using the Vorpmadalian one, I really don't mind. But the Vorpmadalian one has historic symbols relating to Vorpmadal, so it's not really appropriate. But it's up to you O Baron. :)

I think there may have been more but I forget. For now, that's it. :mal
Vilhelm von Benkern - The Dolphin-...Count
:: Formerly just "benkern"
:: Rook Sentry of the Order of the Vorpal Blade
:: Count of Mar Sara IIRC
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Re: Vorpmadal to Neurak

Post by Oze »

Just a note:

In his Last Will and Testament, Yvain Wintersong (Scott) decreed that the Flag of Ynnraile be changed to the current design, ''containing the upper half of the Flag of Goldshire, just as Vorpmadal's banner shows the lower.''

This appears to suggest that the Goldshirian Neurac/Vorpmadal/Neurak has the rights to the flag.

Was this the Vorpadal which is now Neurak, or the Yardistani Vorpmadal, or am I confused?
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Re: Vorpmadal to Neurak

Post by b3n|<3r|\| »

Neurac had its own flag, Vorpmadal has that flag, Neurak can choose whatever it likes, including out of those two. It doesn't matter to me. :)
Vilhelm von Benkern - The Dolphin-...Count
:: Formerly just "benkern"
:: Rook Sentry of the Order of the Vorpal Blade
:: Count of Mar Sara IIRC
:: Former Baron of Absentia AFAIK, before that Baron of Vorpmadal TBH; also Former Duke of Yardistan IMHO
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Re: Vorpmadal to Neurak

Post by Malliki »

I would like to keep the Goldshire flag, if possible. That also depends on what the Baron wants. I also think that it would be most appropriate if all posts prior to the transfer of Vorpmadal from Yardistan to Brookshire were transferred, since all posts since belong to Brookshirian Vorpmadal. Perhaps that's what you meant. :)
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Re: Vorpmadal to Neurak

Post by b3n|<3r|\| »

Since the Baron is now gone, why don't you move whatever you think appropriate, Mike, then if there's anything moved that shouldn't be or anything not moved that should be I can complain. Because I'm sure we're all confused.
Vilhelm von Benkern - The Dolphin-...Count
:: Formerly just "benkern"
:: Rook Sentry of the Order of the Vorpal Blade
:: Count of Mar Sara IIRC
:: Former Baron of Absentia AFAIK, before that Baron of Vorpmadal TBH; also Former Duke of Yardistan IMHO
:: Dux Emeritus of the Order of Mischievous Intent

It takes moo to mango!

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