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Official State Visit From Gralus

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 10:10 pm
by Andreas the Wise
Vincent Waldgrave, Lord General of Gralus, stood outside the Temple of Sakat in Sakatra, Melangia, Shireroth. It was the first time he had visited this strange island, the closest Shirithian land to Gralus, but he was happy to be here. Though attempts to negotiate with Shireroth after the Al'Magroth Incident had stalled, Waldgrave believed that enough time had passed for the people of Gralus to forgive their neighbours. And with threats to Shirithian sovereignty left, right and centre, the people of Gralus, remembering the whole Laranel affair, were feeling much more solidarity with their Shirithian comrades. It was that which Waldgrave hoped to capitalise on by making this announcement today; as well as defending the interests of Cla'Udi and Mel'Kat.

It was very strange addressing a group of Melangians. Many crowds might boo or cheer; but the Melangians were all standing with clipboards, ready to note down what he said. A very historically focussed people, Mel'Kat had told him, and it appeared this was right. You could recognise the non-Melangians around by the very fact they weren't preparing to record this, one way or another. The KMV pulling into port this morning had helped boost those non-Melangian numbers.

Cla'Udi, who was standing beside Waldgrave at the podium, indicated to him it was time to begin. Waldgrave stepped forward and began to deliver his speech.

"People of Shireroth; Kildarians; and most of all, Melangians. Thankyou for having me here today, at such short notice. As most of you know, my name is Vincent Waldgrave, and I am the Lord General of Gralus. I came here today because I wanted to renew ties between the people of Gralus and Shireroth; and I came here today because I wanted to confirm Gralan support for this, our favourite of Shirithian islands.

"The relations between our two great nations were somewhat strained in days past, but before that we have both helped eachother time and again. It was a Gralan team, assisted by Kildarians, that located the lost Ocean Palace of the Jasonians. It was to Shireroth that we cried out in our time of need, in the Fated War. It was a Shirithian team, led by a Kildarian and a Melangian - no less than your own Cla'Udi - who came to defend us against Atropos and her shadows. It was a Gralan team who came to Kildare to remove the evil tumour which had grown within it - Al'Magroth - and free the Raynor Isles and the Ocean Palace from his treachery. And both of our peoples hold in highest regard Andreas the Wise, who led both Novatainia within Gralus, and Melangia, Atterock, and at times Kildare within Shireroth. There is much reason for us to be friends, and it is to renew that friendship that I first come here today.

"Shireroth has been in recent times been troubled by talks of secession and government failure. On behalf of Gralus, I today announce that Shireroth has our full support in peacefully resolving these matters to bring their wayward sons and daughters home. Kaiser B'Caw I has our respect as a fine and able Kaiser, and we look forward to the Duchy of Elwynn and the County of Modan Lach returning to their rightful place within the Shirithian fold, with an outcome all can be pleased with.

"Unfortunately, there has been talk of other parties wishing to take advantage of internal Shirithian problems to seize Shirithian territory. Among those allegedly threatened has been this very island of Melangia. Melangia, of all the lands within Shireroth, has a special place within the hearts of the Gralan people, because of the long mutual association between citizens of our lands. Most notably of these is, of course, Andreas the Wise and Mel'Kat. As such, I am delighted to be here to reconfirm Gralus' complete support for Melangia remaining within Shireroth; our eagerness to assist the Shirithian government with that in whatever way they desire; and our willingness to defend Melangia against anyone who would seek to remove it from Kildare and Shireroth. We do not believe that anyone actually intends to do this yet; and cast no aspersions upon other nations in making this reconfirmation; instead, I hope to ensure that this happy situation of a Shirithian Melangia continues for all time, and that everyone knows that we will fight to defend it. While there may be other areas of land upon which Shireroth might consider the historical claim of another nation worth acquiesing to, Melangia is not one of them!"

There was a cheer from the crew of the KMV as Waldgrave finished his talk, but from the Melangians there was just the sound of scribbling a few more notes. The KMV crew quickly fell silent, and the scribbling stopped, and then there was complete silence. Then, slowly, a clapping began near the back, and spread through the crowd, until everyone there had put down their clipboards and were applauding. Not loudly cheering, not even loudly clapping; but politely applauding without clipboards.

Waldgrave glanced at Cla'Udi, who winked. "I think they liked it."