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A Friday Ritual

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 5:30 am
by Harald of Froyalan
Friday is Freyja's day, and green is her color. Today wear gold jewelry, especially a gold necklace, which evokes the power of Brisingamen, her magical necklace.

Since Freyja is a solar goddess, the following ritual should take place during daylight, but before you go outdoors.

Start the ritual by burning both a green and a pink candle, and asking Freyja to show you a sign that love will come your way soon. Offer her a cup of mead or beer, or some suitably festive beverage. Meditate on Freyja for a time, then, when you leave the house, keep an eye open for a sign from her. If you see a cat that is the color of one of Freyja´s cats (gray or white), you know that Freyja has heard your prayer. Greet and pet the cat if at all possible.

If no cat appears today, try this spell on another Friday.