Poison in the Tea [Prauge]

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Leo Fenrir
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Poison in the Tea [Prauge]

Post by Leo Fenrir »

The Lord of Prauge sat at his table with his brother to his left, his wife to his right, and his vassals seated the rest of the way down. Gossip flew across the table in just as much quantity and with just as much vigor as the spittle from the men's mouths. "They are like pidgins are they not?" he spoke just loud enough for both his wife and brother to hear. "They peck and squabble over crumbs in a way that you start to wonder if they even see though those obscene globes they pass for eyes." His brother snickered but his wife shook her head.

"It is what they have know all their life milord. You cannot ask a pidgin to hunt like an eagle any more then you could ask any of these poor fools to play the Great Game."

"You speak truly Vivian."

"Speaking of the Game brother, I have news from my informants." The Lord made a hissing noise and his wife gave a warning glare.

"Watch your tongue Sion. Even pidgins have ears."

"My apologies", this time in a whisper "Lord of Durow has mobilized his guard north of the city and marches on Folrin Feilds."

"So close to Echo? Is the man a fool?"

"No I do not think. If he takes the fields then he cuts off three of the six houses from fresh grain. It is a effective a siege maneuver as any."

"Lord Conan would never allow it though."

"That we will have to see."

It was then that a bell rang, announcing desert. The vassals fell deathly quiet until the sound of their squabbling was replaced with greedy gobbling. One butler approached the Lord with the pot of tea and set it before him. He nodded the man away and poured a cup for himself, Vivian and Sion.

A furrow appeared in Vivian's brow as she watched the servant step away from the table. She had never seen him before. She set down her cup that was halfway to her lips and called the man back. "Yes milady?" A look of shock crossed his face as he realized what he had just done. His accent was off. "You are no man of this house!" She shouted. "Guards! arrest that man! My Lord! Don't drink the tea!"

It was too late though and Lord Prague collapsed to the floor writhing.


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