Enter Stage Left : Leo Fenrir

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Leo Fenrir
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Enter Stage Left : Leo Fenrir

Post by Leo Fenrir »

"Have I met you?" inquired the boy, quite innocently.

His features were quite striking: tall, lanky, pale, blue eyes, and a shock of red hair atop it all. Despite being a full head shorter than the man, a quite a few years younger, a sense of confidence and control surrounded him. In stark contrast, the man standing before him couldn't have been more flustered.

Leo could tell that he was elfinshi from the structure of his bones, not to mention the telltale bandana that conveniently cover the ears. The man had approached him almost as if in awe and had spent almost a full minute staring, quite untactfully in his opinion, at his face.

"Leo?" He ventured.

"Yes thats me." he replied. Slightly shaken by the fact the man knew his name. "Can I help yo-" he began but was cut off sharply.

"But your dead!" he exclaimed, almost fearfully. "I saw you die!"

Leo was getting quite shaken by this point. The man was acting as if he had known him... and apparently killed him... He began backing away slowly. Maybe this had been why Lucard had told him not to stray far from the complex. "I think you must be mistaken sir. I've never met you before."

"I didn't think it was possible... I heard that you had been crowned Duke, but I had hopped it was just rumors." The man's incredulity was quickly morphing into something much more sinister, and fast.

"Listen sir. I don't know who you think I am, but I have lived in the Leonardo Center my entire life, and I have never met you. Yes I have been crowned Duke and as such I order you leave immediately."

"Quit your lies Leo. You may have been able to change your appearance slightly, but I will not let you escape a second time for the crimes you have committed against us." He reached into his coat and extracted a pistol which he proceeded to point directly at Leo's head. "This time don't come back."

Leo wanted to shout or do something, but fear had frozen him to the spot. Was he about to die? His short 16 years of life seemed pitifully short all of a sudden and he regretted not listening to Lucard's warnings. There was a loud 'crack' and the man's pistol clattered to the floor, his wrist hanging loosely, sickeningly broken. From behind him emerged none other then Lucard Wrend. The device in his hand released a satisfying 'ping' and he stowed it away in his jacket. The man was now cradling his hand and glaring intermittently at Leo and Luacrd.

"Dare I ask what business a scoundrel like yourself has threatening the Duke?" Said Lucard addressing the man. A quickly shot glare at Leo told him that he was in trouble too. Lucard returned his look at the man and froze.

"Near..." he whispered.

"What did you do Lucard?" Near was wincing. "Resorted to magic have you?" he said this last bit with a smirk.

"No Near." He pulled the device back out of his pocket. "You should be happy to know that the ISI has perfected its sniper shots."

Near was incredulous. "Your telling me that you just shot at me from space!" At first Leo thought that he didn't believe the statement. Yet, it wasn't disbelief that he saw, it was something much more profound. For a second, Leo experienced the most disconcerting feeling he had ever felt. He was standing in a study with the very same man except he was looking out a window with an expression that could only be described as wistful. A whispered word fluttered through his consciousness: "Near..." Then just as soon as it had come it went away. The last time this had happened, Lucard had muttered something about 'genetic memory'.

Lucard seemed to have recovered from this unexpected appearance. "I knew we would have to deal with you when we went back to Wintergleam. But it was kind of you to hand yourself over. Saved us quite a bit of trouble in reclaiming the Wintergleam nobility." Near made a move, with his good hand, for what could have only been a second pistol but Lucard lifted a hand. "I would advise against that. There are currently six satellites with visuals on you. There are orders to kill you if you become aggressive."

Inwardly, Leo kicked himself. Of course they would have surveillance on him. He wouldn't have been surprised if they had a tracer on him as well. But it was a momentary thought which quickly turned back to the scene at hand. He had obviously missed something about who this 'Near' character was supposed to be. Yet, a new question was forming in his mind. One that he immediately directed at the two men.

"Who is this other Leo?" asked. Both Lucard and Near turned to him simultaneously, the first wearing a pained expression, the latter on of shock.

"Leo Dine..." Lucard whispered. "He is the man off of which your DNA was based."

"DNA?" Near exclaimed. "You don't mean to say that this boy is his clone!"

"It would be a lie to deny it." he continued in a strained voice.

Leo was looking back and forth at them much more calmly then he felt. "Why did you kill him."

"Why!? He is the one responsible for the war in WIntergleam! He is the one responsible for the death of my people!" cried Near in anger.

"I am not this man." said Leo.

"Oh not yet you aren't... He was good man in the beginning. In the beginning..."

"Ignore him Master Leo. He is responsible for the death of Lord Dine of Wintergleam, CEO of the ISI. His capture will aid us greatly in the fight against the rebels." Lucard ventured.

"No Lucard. He will go free." No sooner had he said the words then Near burst out laughing.

"By the gods. It is you. You may have a new face, shaved off a few years, but you are the same Leo that I knew." he said with considerable mirth.

"I have not order the death of thousands of people!" shouted Leo, obviously disturbed. Lucard moved to come between the two but Leo stepped around him.

"Not yet." Near looked at Lucard. "Leo. Are you familiar with Elwynnesse history?" He was met with a blank stare. Lucard was obviously uncomfortable with this situation but could do nothing to stop Near from talking without Leo intervening. "I'm sure you are, but I'll go on." Leo wore a look of dumb disbelife. "Andrew Allot, he was one of Leo Dine's closest friends in life. Together the two of them stood for justice, they stood against the Khan and led Elwynn into a new age. It was a time at which I was proud to be Leo's advisor. Back then he stood for integrity, peace, and... and..." he trailed off. Less then a moment elapsed before he shook himself once and continued. "Then the ISI announced the Ouroboros. And Leo had it... tested." Lucared flinched, a movement that wasn't lost on Leo. "Leo Dine was responsible for the death of thousands of Shirerithians. The more power he got hold of, the more destruction he left in his wake."

Near made eye contact with Leo. "You think your any different? No. You will bring about just as much death as Lord Dine did."

At this point Lucard stepped forwards and, quite forcefully, made himself heard. "Enough Near. You are not without fault yourself. You have killed the very man who you are accusing.ts time you came back with us to the Leonardo Center."

"How long does it take for one of your 'sniper rounds' to hit its target? It can't be very precise can it?" he said with a smirk.

Lucard's eyes went wide and he turned to Leo and shouted: "Run Leo!" Near whipped out his second pistol and his shot missed Leo by several inches. The elfinshi swore loudly and sprinted into the nearest alley. Seconds later, a series of loud 'cracks' resounded across the plaza and fragments of flagstones went flying. The satellites had missed their target.

Lucard ran up to Leo and help him get up. "Come with me Master Leo. We must get to a safer location immediately." Leo didn't move. "Please master Leo. I will explain the rest once we are not in the open."

"What is the Ouroboros Lucard." He inquired in a dangerous tone.

"You are in no position to demand that of me Master Leo." He repsonded, getting defensive.

"I'm not? If I understood correctly, I am the CEO of this company. I have every rig-" Leo stopped abruptly. Both he and Lucard looked in shock as a red stain bloomed on the older man's side. Lucard collapsed. Leo turned to see Near crouching in the corner of the square. They made eye contact. That same disconcerting feeling washed over him and the name came unbidden to his lips. "Near..." The Elfinshi smiled.

"It was nice knowing you Leo." He gave a brief smile and with a loud 'crack' he collapsed. He was dead.

A soft ping came from Lucard's pocket and an electronic voice filled the air. Vital signs unstable, Contacting ISI emergency services. Initiating electrically, induced coagulation. Please remain calm.

Leo sank to his knees beside Lucard prayed for his health.
Leo Fenrir

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Aurangzeb Khan
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Re: Enter Stage Left : Leo Fenrir

Post by Aurangzeb Khan »

Sorry you lost me at the sniper satellites. I wonder what the coriolis effect must be like from space. ;)

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Leo Fenrir
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Re: Enter Stage Left : Leo Fenrir

Post by Leo Fenrir »

(Shhh. I'm supposed to be instilling fear into the masses. :whip )
Leo Fenrir

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Aurangzeb Khan
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Re: Enter Stage Left : Leo Fenrir

Post by Aurangzeb Khan »

Might I suggest instead, to be assigned to each government facility:

x1 Tethered helium filled "Aerostat" (blimp) with capacity for
x1 LITENING targeting pod
x4 Hellfire Missiles
x1 Remote Operated .50 cal Sniper Rifle

you can of course control them through a satellite relay as is your want but this is nonetheless a silent "death from above" schtick which would make even your most ardent enemy afraid to unfurl a mildly uncomplimentary banner within 25 miles of your presence and has the additional advantage of being affordable. So much so that I might write to the Home Office to suggest something similar for London.

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Leo Fenrir
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Re: Enter Stage Left : Leo Fenrir

Post by Leo Fenrir »

Noted. However I must assure you that Fenrir is a kind soul. There is no chance of him becoming a crazed, power hungry bloke like Dine did. ;)
Leo Fenrir

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Harvey Steffke
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Re: Enter Stage Left : Leo Fenrir

Post by Harvey Steffke »

Oh Lord, what has Goldshire gotten itself into this time?

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Re: Enter Stage Left : Leo Fenrir

Post by Allot »

Isabelle Allot Kalirion

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