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Notice: Security Sweep

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 7:08 pm
by Aurangzeb Khan
To the Seneschal of the County of Holwinn or whomsoever exercises authority in lieu of the Count of Holwinn greetings,

It is my duty to inform you that in accordance with Local Order 01 issued today by General Headquarters it is necessary for the Goruhân Isulus to conduct a security sweep along the 'Blue Line'as far as Kingsgate in the County of Goldendown.

To that end at 0300hrs hours today the Goruhân Isulus began to cross the Elwynn in strength. It is estimated that the force will take forty-eight hours to complete its mission thereafter it shall rest and await further orders.

This measure is purely defensive and intended to ensure thety and wellbeing of persons attending the parley at Avakair. Specifically it is to ensure that they are not inconvenienced by additional dangers during the journey such as IEDs or obstacles accidentally placed upon the line.

The Khan of Vijayanagara wrote:Local Order 01
7 Dey 1386


1. Rustayisarbazi Goruhân Isulus shall cross the railway bridge over the East Elwynn at Islus into the County of Holwinn and thereafter follow the railway lines north to Kingsgate.

2. Rustayisarbazi Goruhân Isulus shall sweep the entire length of track and thereby determine that the line is clear of obstructions, ambushes or improvised explosive devices.

3. This objective being achieved the Rustayisarbazi Goruhân Isulus shall make camp at Kingsgate and enjoy there the famed hospitality of the natives and conduct themselves in a manner that is appropriate to the warmth of the reception they shall receive.

4. And there await further orders.
The Khan of Vijayanagara wrote:Image

Major lines:

Yellow line:
Caligae - Glenfiddich - Eliria - Diarsanta - Avakair

Blue line:
Caligae - Vijayanagra - Eliria - Kingsgate - Islus - Shirekeep

Pink line:
Vijayanagra - Tephal - Avakair - Syrelwynn - Goldshire Hamlet - Aurum - Wendor