Klaamaal van Passikaans

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Klaamaal van Passikaans

Post by Oze »

Passikaans is the harsh-sounding language spoken in and south of the Highpassian Veldt. It is thought to have developed from the primitive sounds spoken by early Highpassians combined with Shirithian Dutch and Shirithian English. The language was overshadowed for several years by Lakhesian, but is now making a comeback as it is taught in Passikaanskólegen, or Passikaans-language school across the Veldt.

Many of the legends of the Highpass area were originally recorded in Passikaans, such as that of Lódondla and Zplízyl, the local gods known in English as Rhodondra and Spleazure.


a - as in cat. IPA: æ
e - as in pet. IPA: - as in kit. IPA: - as in meat. IPA: i- as in lot. IPA: - as in caught. IPA: y - as in Uh? IPA: ú - as in goose. IPA: uaa - long /a/ as in father

(Pronounced as in British English)
b, d, f, g, h, k, l, m, n, p, s, t,

x - as in Scottish 'loch'
z - as in sheep

dv - 'd' is silent
dt - 'd' is silent

Posts: 170
Joined: Sat Sep 27, 2008 1:05 am
Location: Avakair, Ynnraile, Brookshire

Re: Klaamaal van Passikaans

Post by Oze »

me - zmí
I - aai
he/she (humans) - kaanz
it (most objects) - it
it (boar) - saaf
it (aak bird) - ztaaf
you (singular) - zpa
you (plural) - zpí

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