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Re: Activity of Shireroth and the Grand Commonwealth 9/18-9/

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 7:05 pm
by Bill3000
Using the areas of the two nations from the Geographic Survey:1. Grand Commonwealth - 3644092. Shireroth - 255381 The two Territorial Inflation figures are:Grand Commonwealth = 2230 Pixels/SqShireroth = 175 Pixels/SqThus, the GC is far more inflated in territory than Shireroth is. Bill Dusch - Archon of SoloralismCitizen of ShirerothProud to be Apollonianvar txtList = new Array()txtList[txtList.length]="'Whoa! You're now? You got...older! I guess that's what happens when time passes, but still...' - Scott Siskind";txtList[txtList.length]="'The Hindenburg Uncertainty Principle, by contrast states that before you get on a blimp, you can never be certain whether it's going to catch on fire or not' - Scott Siskind";txtList[txtList.length]="'We.....are.....not....FANTASY!>?!POE' - Scott Siskind, on hearing Bill Dusch say that Shireroth's theme is percieved to be Fiction-Fantasy based";txtList[txtList.length]="'me to. well almost, we have to worship the living god, Bill3000.' - Hubert";txtList[txtList.length]="'Y'know what? I am never going to get out of micronations. I think I need to be assassinated or something.' - Jason Steffke";txtList[txtList.length]="'Bill, you are STILL young and stupid.' - Jason Steffke, Control of Destiny 1";txtList[txtList.length]="'I think we've gotta promote you. You now have slightly more diplomatic skills than a random rock.' - Sirithil nos Feanor, to Bill Dusch";txtList[txtList.length]="'Wow. I'm this close to admitting you're no longer young and stupid.' - Scott Siskind, to Bill";txtList[txtList.length]="'ow! I've been thrwappen! Now I have a sudden urge to enter politics...' - Gryphon the Pure, after being hit by a shard of Pure Mischief";txtList[txtList.length]="'I could probably date Hypatia's Mom. Now THAT'S scary.' - Ryan Caruso"; j=parseInt(Math.random()*txtList.length);j=(isNaN(j))?0:j;document.write(txtList[j]);

Activity of Shireroth and the Grand Commonwealth 9/18-9/24

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 7:55 pm
by Bill3000
First of all, here is my post from the MCS forums which explains the formulas for monitering activity.Quote:Meh. I'll add this here anyway, even though it's not complete.I mathematically define a function of activity as follows:A = Pawhere:A = activityP = posts per daya = number of active citizens.It seems simple enough, but here's the rationale behind this. A micronation's forum success isn't simply measured by the amount of people that can be considered active - it is also measured, (and in general, is measured more often as a measure of activity) in the amount of posts per day of a micronational forum. A country that sparks debate still is a successful micronation during those incidents - Menelmacar being an example. A good example of a nation with low activity, but high post count / low active members would be OAM/Delvenus during the Mari period - two citizens simply is not enough to sustain a micronation, especially when most of the posts is just to spam news and the like. Thus, activity is not independent of the post rate of a forum or the number of active citizens - it's directly proportional to both, and defined as the multiplication of the two.Post rate is quite simple to record. In ezBoard, it's extremely simple - for gold boards, the average posts per day is generally at the bottom of a forum. In phBB and the like that don't have this function, simply get two close dates and the total posts of the forums, find the difference, and divide it by the number of days that has passed. Simple.What could define an active citizen, however, is something else. I have come up with a formula that could approximate the number of active citizens in a micronation to an arbitary extent:P_C/P >= k/C (Requirements for a member to be counted as an active citizen)P_C = posts per day of citizenP = total average posts per day of the micronationC = total number of citizensk = proportionality constantThe proportionality constant is arbitary, mostly because I need some work with it. I am thinking that the constant will be less than 1. (P_C/P >= 1/C could be arranged to be P_C*C >= P; the average posts per day per citizen times the number of citizens is greater than or equal to the average posts per day of the forum; obviously this is only the case when all members of the forum are citizens) As well, it would not technically be a constant, as it could change depending on the circumstances of the nation. (Spam attacks and the like would change the PPD of the forums, for example.) I have a little project of mine (condoned by our dear Kaiser of Shireroth, Yarad) that will record the difference in posts in the nations of Shireroth and the Grand Commonwealth, for each individual citizen (the membership counts make this easy for both) and the forum as a whole. When I finish the info, I'll post an update about what my results would be to fit k into a reasonable amount so that we can approximate the number of active citizens in a micronation.The importance to the Geographic Survey is this:T = p/Ap = pixel area of nationA = activityT = Territorial InflationThis should be a more accurate picture of the "population density" (a misnomer, really, as the inverse would be a population density - this is a specific area.) that was pictured earlier, as it would also take into account how "properous" the nation is. (forum activity levels)What I have done the past week was relatively simple. I looked at the member list seven days ago and recorded how many posts each citizen had. I did the same for the Grand Commonwealth. I had also checked the total posts per day of the forum. Today, I checked back, looked at the posts per day, as well as the number of posts that had changed for each person. I calculatd P_C for each citizen, and eventually applied the formula. The results I have are as such, with k = 1/2:- Shireroth has P = 91, Grand Commonwealth has P = 20.4.- Shireroth has 16 active citizens according to this formula: Greg, Bill, Joe, David, Fax, Nick, Scott, Ric, Eoin, Aeacus, osmose, Oz, Shyriath, Mister Monday, Shacia, Hypatia.- The Grand Commonwealth has 8 active citizens according to this formula: Lachlan Powers, Siriain, Darius Rugahi, ségirdair I, AirIM9X, extreme007, Tahmaseb Shah, Osman Shahanshah..- Shireroth's activity is A = 1456 Sq. GC's activity is A = 163 Sq. Shireroth, therefore, is ~9 times more active than the Grand Commonwealth this week.- Shireroth's citizens produced 93.1% of the total posts in the week, while the Grand Commonwealth's citizens produced only 66% of the total posts for the week.I'd like to point out that the active citizen formula depends on a weekly basis. Someone who is on a LoA and does not post at all in a week would be counted as inactive. It seems that k= 1/2 is quite reasonable for the measure of the number of active citizens, as it provides a reasonable count for "real" active citizens. This means that previous methods of just guessing is more forgiving (Shireroth's guess was 20 active citizens, GC's guess was 11, according to the old post in the MCS by Scott.) As well, the basis behind the formula (That the sum of the ratios of a individual citizen's posts per day by the total posts per day of the forum should equal 1) seem relatively accurate: In Shireroth, at least, the vast majority of the posts are done by Shirerothians. It's intiutive that through looking at the GC forums, that the 66% figure is accurate as well, as a good amount of their posts are from foriegners. Bill Dusch - Archon of SoloralismCitizen of ShirerothProud to be Apollonianvar txtList = new Array()txtList[txtList.length]="'Whoa! You're now? You got...older! I guess that's what happens when time passes, but still...' - Scott Siskind";txtList[txtList.length]="'The Hindenburg Uncertainty Principle, by contrast states that before you get on a blimp, you can never be certain whether it's going to catch on fire or not' - Scott Siskind";txtList[txtList.length]="'We.....are.....not....FANTASY!>?!POE' - Scott Siskind, on hearing Bill Dusch say that Shireroth's theme is percieved to be Fiction-Fantasy based";txtList[txtList.length]="'me to. well almost, we have to worship the living god, Bill3000.' - Hubert";txtList[txtList.length]="'Y'know what? I am never going to get out of micronations. I think I need to be assassinated or something.' - Jason Steffke";txtList[txtList.length]="'Bill, you are STILL young and stupid.' - Jason Steffke, Control of Destiny 1";txtList[txtList.length]="'I think we've gotta promote you. You now have slightly more diplomatic skills than a random rock.' - Sirithil nos Feanor, to Bill Dusch";txtList[txtList.length]="'Wow. I'm this close to admitting you're no longer young and stupid.' - Scott Siskind, to Bill";txtList[txtList.length]="'ow! I've been thrwappen! Now I have a sudden urge to enter politics...' - Gryphon the Pure, after being hit by a shard of Pure Mischief";txtList[txtList.length]="'I could probably date Hypatia's Mom. Now THAT'S scary.' - Ryan Caruso"; j=parseInt(Math.random()*txtList.length);j=(isNaN(j))?0:j;document.write(txtList[j]);Edited by: Bill3000 at: 9/26/05 15:59

Re: Activity of Shireroth and the Grand Commonwealth 9/18-9/

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2005 2:41 am
by osmose1000
They call it a signature, but no one ever signs their posts...

Re: Activity of Shireroth and the Grand Commonwealth 9/18-9/

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2005 10:22 am
by Osman Shahanshah
Suddenly I feel proud of territorial inflation.

Re: Activity of Shireroth and the Grand Commonwealth 9/18-9/

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2005 1:13 pm
by osmose1000
Because that's the only number you putzes have bigger than us? They call it a signature, but no one ever signs their posts...

Re: Activity of Shireroth and the Grand Commonwealth 9/18-9/

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2005 2:25 pm
by Bill3000
Territorial inflation is one number in which smaller = better. Bill Dusch - Archon of SoloralismCitizen of ShirerothProud to be Apollonianvar txtList = new Array()txtList[txtList.length]="'Whoa! You're now? You got...older! I guess that's what happens when time passes, but still...' - Scott Siskind";txtList[txtList.length]="'The Hindenburg Uncertainty Principle, by contrast states that before you get on a blimp, you can never be certain whether it's going to catch on fire or not' - Scott Siskind";txtList[txtList.length]="'We.....are.....not....FANTASY!>?!POE' - Scott Siskind, on hearing Bill Dusch say that Shireroth's theme is percieved to be Fiction-Fantasy based";txtList[txtList.length]="'me to. well almost, we have to worship the living god, Bill3000.' - Hubert";txtList[txtList.length]="'Y'know what? I am never going to get out of micronations. I think I need to be assassinated or something.' - Jason Steffke";txtList[txtList.length]="'Bill, you are STILL young and stupid.' - Jason Steffke, Control of Destiny 1";txtList[txtList.length]="'I think we've gotta promote you. You now have slightly more diplomatic skills than a random rock.' - Sirithil nos Feanor, to Bill Dusch";txtList[txtList.length]="'Wow. I'm this close to admitting you're no longer young and stupid.' - Scott Siskind, to Bill";txtList[txtList.length]="'ow! I've been thrwappen! Now I have a sudden urge to enter politics...' - Gryphon the Pure, after being hit by a shard of Pure Mischief";txtList[txtList.length]="'I could probably date Hypatia's Mom. Now THAT'S scary.' - Ryan Caruso"; j=parseInt(Math.random()*txtList.length);j=(isNaN(j))?0:j;document.write(txtList[j]);

Re: Activity of Shireroth and the Grand Commonwealth 9/18-9/

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2005 3:23 pm
by AngelGuardian93
Wow... that had alot of weird symbols and big words. There are no flowers, no not this time. There will be no angels gracing the lines, just these stark words I find.

Re: Activity of Shireroth and the Grand Commonwealth 9/18-9/

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2005 1:56 am
by Tahmaseb
One might consider the level of the conversation. One might also consider that every member state of the Commonwealth has its own forum.

Re: Activity of Shireroth and the Grand Commonwealth 9/18-9/

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2005 5:32 am
by Bill3000
Right then. This week, I will take into account the member forums of the GC nations. However, I will need those with EZBoard with gold to please put on the stat bar.However, I doubt that it would add much. Treesia is completely inactive, and even Babkha doesn't have many posts.Level of conversation is already factored in the equation. The requirements for activity are purely ratios dependent on the post rate of the entire forum. Bill Dusch - Archon of SoloralismCitizen of ShirerothProud to be Apollonianvar txtList = new Array()txtList[txtList.length]="'Whoa! You're now? You got...older! I guess that's what happens when time passes, but still...' - Scott Siskind";txtList[txtList.length]="'The Hindenburg Uncertainty Principle, by contrast states that before you get on a blimp, you can never be certain whether it's going to catch on fire or not' - Scott Siskind";txtList[txtList.length]="'We.....are.....not....FANTASY!>?!POE' - Scott Siskind, on hearing Bill Dusch say that Shireroth's theme is percieved to be Fiction-Fantasy based";txtList[txtList.length]="'me to. well almost, we have to worship the living god, Bill3000.' - Hubert";txtList[txtList.length]="'Y'know what? I am never going to get out of micronations. I think I need to be assassinated or something.' - Jason Steffke";txtList[txtList.length]="'Bill, you are STILL young and stupid.' - Jason Steffke, Control of Destiny 1";txtList[txtList.length]="'I think we've gotta promote you. You now have slightly more diplomatic skills than a random rock.' - Sirithil nos Feanor, to Bill Dusch";txtList[txtList.length]="'Wow. I'm this close to admitting you're no longer young and stupid.' - Scott Siskind, to Bill";txtList[txtList.length]="'ow! I've been thrwappen! Now I have a sudden urge to enter politics...' - Gryphon the Pure, after being hit by a shard of Pure Mischief";txtList[txtList.length]="'I could probably date Hypatia's Mom. Now THAT'S scary.' - Ryan Caruso"; j=parseInt(Math.random()*txtList.length);j=(isNaN(j))?0:j;document.write(txtList[j]);Edited by: Bill3000 at: 9/26/05 16:01

Re: Activity of Shireroth and the Grand Commonwealth 9/18-9/

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2005 2:02 pm
by Sebastien Alexandre
Wow.. ironically.. I understood that...

Re: Activity of Shireroth and the Grand Commonwealth 9/18-9/

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2005 2:06 pm
by Sebastien Alexandre
However.. to determine a monthly basis..or atleast get a prediction of what the expected level might be.. couldn't you take this:P_C/P >= k/C (Requirements for a member to be counted as an active citizen)P_C = posts per day of citizenP = total average posts per day of the micronationC = total number of citizensk = proportionality constantP_C/P*4=mk/Cm=monthly