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Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 2:48 am
by Maksym Hadjimehmetov
Hadjimehmetov surveys the dank, stuffy room which is to serve as his temporary offices until a new provincial government building in Brookshire Hamlet can be constructed.
With a click of his fingers the Babkhan slave-porters bring in seven large trunks of his possessions- all he has left in the world since leaving the Zatriarchate.
He adjusts his fez, looks in the mirror and combs back his hair. Life is good. A cushy little ministerial job and all the support you can shake a stick at from the other god knows how many Shirereithans. Was it Nick Foghorn of Antica who compared Shireroth´s immortality with a zombie? Anyway, it didn´t matter who it was- the quote was a very potent and rather relevant one.
Matbaa still lived on, but Hadjimehmetov had little to do with it. Maybe he would return as a citizen one day and grace the cities of Dbiyyah, Bani Yas, Merdin, and all those other jewels in Matbaa´s theocratic crown in the near future. That is, if the reforming government of Zakka Iwas could last long. He hoped it did.
Lying at the bottom of the last mahogany trunk was the old Zatriarchal mitre of Maximillideus I. Nostalgic to say the least. Hadjimehmetov placed it on the bookshelf to collect dust. Maybe it could be a conversational piece. Maybe it might come in useful should the next Matbaic Zatriarch forget to pick up their robes from that little Alexandrian dry-cleaner´s shop on Tavalourian Boulevard back home. God knows.
So, by that logic, so does Zatriarch Mikaelos-Sfeir I of Matbaa. Damn ecumenical synod!
Counts are traditionally, in our imaginations, Middle-European gentlemen of a villainous disposition, complete with fencing scarses, swept back blonde hair and ridiculous accents. With a name like Hadjimehmetov, the new count would have a job trying to pull that off, but then again, from today Lach-Modan was his oyster.
Long live Lach-Modan! Long live Kaiser Mors V! Huzzah!

Re: Hadjimehmetov

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 2:51 am
by Andreas the Wise
Andreas the Wise, who'd known the Count breifly in his Zatriarchal days (having even fought together in a war, or at least against the same enemy) dropped in to chat about old times ...

Re: Hadjimehmetov

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 3:54 am
by Yvain Wintersong
Yvain arrives from parts unknown to pay his respects to his fellow Brookshirerothian count. He realizes at the last second that he's forgotten a gift, so he hastily stops in at a Brookshire Hamlet florist and gets a nice bouquet of flowers and some hazelnut candies. He wonders if the local stationary shop has a 'Congratulations on your new feudal title' card, and finds to his surprise that they do. Shireroth truly is the land of wonders.

Yvain walks into the new Count's stuffy offices - no palace? - this Maksym must be a very straight-laced type. The first thing he notices is the rather Soviet decor. The new Count's nameplate has a very Communist-looking soldier, staring gloriously into the no doubt glorious future, surrounded by several glorious airplanes and wearing a glorious red cap.

"Long live Lenin!" Yvain shouts theatrically to his colleague. That ought to make the Count of Modan-Lach feel like he's among friends, get their relationship off on the right foot.

The Count looks at him quizzically. Too late, Yvain spots Maksym's collection of religious relics, especially the large and ornate dust-covered mitre on the bookshelf.

"I mean, Lenin lived too long!" The Count looks Yvain up and down, appraisingly. He seems somewhere between confused and annoyed.

"Congratulations on your new feudal title!" mumbles Yvain. He throws the flowers and candy at Maksym and then runs out of the office building without looking back.

Re: Hadjimehmetov

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 4:39 pm
by Kaiser Mors V
*rambles into the office*

I was just in the city on some ducal matters.. figured I'd say hi... so.. umm.. hi.

How ya getting along in this place? Peasants treatin ya all right?

Re: Hadjimehmetov

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2007 4:20 pm
by Maksym Hadjimehmetov
Alright, thanks ;)
They're good people, the Lach-Modanians. However, I still haven't worked out their culture for myself yet- I'm working on a conlang, and as it stands it looks something like what the Soviets tried to do in the '20s by way of making Latin Scripts for their Siberian and Central Asian underlings.
Mind you, I suppose you can take it as read that my username reflects that I'd rather Lach-Modan had a somewhat eastern twinge to it ;)

Re: Hadjimehmetov

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 12:44 am
by Kaiser Mors V
Well, also recall that it's the center of Brookshire Government which is more or less Conservative/Traditional Shireroth. Which at best is of Generally Germanic/central European origin... With some Roman, British, Tolkian(only the lands of men), and other various sources... But I would welcome "eastern" influences..

Re: Hadjimehmetov

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 6:07 am
by Maksym Hadjimehmetov
Sure. My idea is to follow that whole Shirereithan Fantasy-style culture (Tolkien, Dune etc) but with the cultures I outlined thrown in. Therefore cities in Modan-Lach would appear Western but the inhabitants would be Laqi (Modan-Lach culture). You'd probably also find Mongol-style horse riding out in the provinces as well, as well as some Buddhist influences.

Re: Hadjimehmetov

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 6:20 am
by Ari Rahikkala
Hello there. The markup on our wiki differs from than on the MatbaaWiki, which I guess you're used to editing. I did a little bit of wikification on the pages you've added so far, to make paragraphs visible (you need two linebreaks, not one, to make paragraph breaks visible) and the structure manifest (top-level headers can be created by typing ==header==, subheaders with ===header===, subsubheaders with ====header====, etc). I recommend looking at the sources of other pages to see how they're written. Also, since we use the same wiki software as Wikipedia does, their editing instructions apply.