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Request for Overflight and Stop Over [Int. Flt. 001/1386]

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 1:52 pm
by Aurangzeb Khan

Please accept my warmest greetings. In response to a request for assistance received from my kinsman the Count of Hyperborea I have charted a team of Babkhan engineers to be put at Count Jahandar's disposal. Hyperborea however is not the easiest place to get to. Especially not from Babkha. Therefore the engineering party will be obliged to undertake its journey in stages. The first shall entail a long haul flight from Sajin City, Alkhiva Ostans (North Babkha),to the Elwynnbrigaden air base at Vijayanagara in the County of Lesser Zjandaria. Thereafter they will be transfered to the docks at Vijayanagara and there to await the icebreaker which will convey the party to Hyperborea. However the flight itself is of such long duration that even with mid-air refuelling over Woodstania it would be impossible for the aircraft to make the journey non-stop. Therefore I request permission for the aircraft of the 1st Diplomatic Service Squadron to make use of the runway at Port Nevermore for refuelling and a well deserved rest stop as it were before commencing the second leg of the flight.

The spirit of the Mango-Camel Pact allows for the transiting of allied forces however I would not dream of attempting to make use of facilities within North Novi Dalmacija without your permission which I do therefore humbly request. In return for your good favour the County of Lesser Zjandaria would be prepared to make a generous payment in manufactured goods to the County of North Novi Dalmacija for the inconvenience of the refuelling stop-over.

Please find attached below a summary of all pertinent details relating to the scheduled flight.


Re: Request for Overflight and Stop Over [Int. Flt. 001/1386]

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 8:35 pm
by hypatias mom

I extend to you and your party a hearty welcome to land at Port Nevermore. I appreciate the advance notice, which will allow us to prepare properly for your visit. Appropriate Babkhan foods and accommodations will be supplied for your comfort. You are invited to stay in guest quarters in the palace, if you wish, and your engineers and flight crew will stay in comfortable, roomy quarters on the palace grounds. I trust this will be satisfactory. I will schedule the welcoming banquet to coordinate with your arrival.

On behalf of the people of North Novi Dalmacjia, I accept your generous offer of manufactured goods. I am certain they will generously compensate us for the refueling stop and attendant costs.

We look forward to greeting you upon your arrival.

Countess Carol

Re: Request for Overflight and Stop Over [Int. Flt. 001/1386]

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 3:12 pm
by Aurangzeb Khan
You are most gracious and you have my thanks. A ship will be chartered to convey such wares and manufactures that we have for your delectation.

Re: Request for Overflight and Stop Over [Int. Flt. 001/1386]

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 9:34 pm
by hypatias mom
And I thank you for your consideration and eagerly await our meeting.

Re: Request for Overflight and Stop Over [Int. Flt. 001/1386]

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 11:52 am
by Jonas
You're always welcome ;)

Re: Request for Overflight and Stop Over [Int. Flt. 001/1386]

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 12:41 am
by hypatias mom
Thank you, My Lord Duke. Would you also care to join us when Count Ardashir arrives?

Re: Request for Overflight and Stop Over [Int. Flt. 001/1386]

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 4:47 pm
by Aurangzeb Khan
*Static* *squawk*Local Air Traffic Control this is International Flight 001/1386 from Sajin City, Alkhiva to Vijayanagara, requesting permission to approach to land at Port Nevermore Airfield. ETA Thirty, three-zero, minutes.

Requesting arranagements be made for the overnight stay of four crew, twenty six passengers and one Khan. Over.

Re: Request for Overflight and Stop Over [Int. Flt. 001/1386]

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 11:19 pm
by hypatias mom
(*Squawk*) International Flight 001/1386, this is Port Nevermore Airfield. You are cleared to land on runway 2B. Proceed to the north terminal. Preparations are complete for your party's comfort and accommodation. The Duke and Baroness look forward to meeting you on the tarmack with an honor guard and military band. Welcome to Port Nevermore.

Re: Request for Overflight and Stop Over [Int. Flt. 001/1386]

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 1:41 pm
by Jonas
*Start with his speech*

In the name of the people: welcome!
In the name of the Barons: welcome!
In the name of the Counts: welcome!
In the name of the Ducal Governement of Kildare: welcome!
In the name of the Duke: welcome! :)

Re: Request for Overflight and Stop Over [Int. Flt. 001/1386]

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 3:42 pm
by Aurangzeb Khan
The Khan nodded and smiled at the Duke's kind and enthusiastic words of welcome. Although both he, the aircrew and the party of engineers were devilishly tired after such a long flight and thought longly of soft beds and a sound night's sleep he nonetheless had words of his own prepared for his reply.

Politely he bowed in turn to the Duke and the Baroness. The honour guard had impressed him deeply - as had the band - and in reply the Khan barked a harsh word of command in Babki and as one the party of Babkhans postrated themselves on the floor before the Duke, leaving only the Khan standing. Bowing, slightly, once more to the Duke, the Khan began to speak.

Your Grace,
My Lady,

My most humble and sincere thanks for this most warm welcome that you have conferred upon me this day. I do apologise for the dreadful imposition I have placed upon you at this late hour and with such short notice but needs must as they say.

Your Grace, words cannot describe how pleased I am in my heart that you found the time to welcome me to your domain during my most hurried transit. Kildare and Elwynn recently fought as comrades in the late civil war, and sacrifices were made that are deserving of remembrance. I salute you my Lord as a comrade from that struggle and - now that the Kaiser has been released from the evil counsel which led him astray - in the spirit of peace and Shirerithian brotherhood permit me to present to you this OAH 9mm pistol so that you might dispatch any who dare to cross your path with typical Babkhan efficiency.

My dear Countess Carol, you have my deepest thanks for permitting our long flight to break its wearying progress at Port Nevermore, now I can see in your eyes that you already fear that I am going to present you with some manner of weapon. I understand that, as my reputation does proceed me to the effect that I am some sort of uncouth barbarian. Were there any truth in that I would be selling the honour of my people short. So have no fear, my gift to yourself is of an altogether more civilised nature.

While I was in Alkhiva these past few days awaiting the assembly of the party I have here with me I had the opportunity to travel down the coast from Sajin City to Kamaltoon. There I had the good fortune to find myself in the Museum of Euran Antiquities, and there I stood amongst the artifacts which told the proud but tragic tale of the riches and ruin of Babkhan Empires past. How they rose and fell over the millennia and spanned the Euran continent. The MEA is dedicated to drawing together Babkha's rich cultural heritage from the redeemed lands for the archaeological treasures buried in the sands of Eura speak to us from hallowed antiquity and they cry out to us through the centuries that Eura was Babkhan and shall be Babkhan again. I do not wish to impose or digress overly but in all things you see context is important. So let me provide you with a bit of context concerning this gift. This gold griffin-headed amulet was discovered in the ruins of an ancient Kelestani palace outside Vayeleon and may have been a gift of honour at the court of the Empress, whose name translates into the common tongue as Grace, and indeed grace was considered her foremost virtue - for it was with her graciousness that the Empress healed the deep and damaging scars left after the brutal reign of the usurper Shah Abbas. When the currator of the museum learned that I was returning to Shireroth he took that amulet out of the case and pressed it into my hands asking only that I give it in turn to whoever in Shireroth most reflected the values that the amulet embodied. The currator, who swiftly became overwrought and had to be led away, said that he hoped that whoever the ultimate recipient was would appreciate the amulet as a token of friendship and harmony between the races.

All of that being the case I could think of no more fitting a person to present this amulet to than yourself Carol as a gesture of thanks for all that you have done to ensure the safe passage of our flight.

The mission that this party is engaged upon is one of the utmost importance for the security and wellbeing of our good comrade the Count of Hyperborea. Count Jahandar and his retinue are most perilously exposed to the elements in the in the far north - where they are almost beyond the reach of civilisation. And yet the not only must the Count survive he must also maintain a functioning court worthy of a Lord of Elwynn. To that end he has need of the support of specialist engineers and construction teams. The construction teams were easily assembled. We have in the County of Lesser Zjandaria a large body of people engaged upon community service, seeking to better themselves and the county through public works - from this multitude a number of ready and willing volunteers were drawn. They will be awaiting us in Vijayanagara when we arrive. However these volunteers for community service overseas would be useless without the specialists and experts to direct them. And for them I had to turn to the ancestoral homeland - Babkha. I felt it necessary to collect them in person and to appropriate a plane from the diplomatic service squadron to ensure their safe and prompt delivery to their embarkation port.

Now my dear hosts, we have brought with us bottles of Shiraz and Treesian Red sufficient for all notables here present. If glasses can be brought forth let us have a toast to the eternal friendship of Elwynn and Kildare and the old alliance of Shireroth and Babkha!

With that the party of Babkhan travellers stood up in unison, eagerly anticipating that drinks would soon be poured.

Re: Request for Overflight and Stop Over [Int. Flt. 001/1386]

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 7:09 pm
by hypatias mom
*A hushed mention to assembled servants, who hurry to comply, passing out full glasses of the treasured wines to the assembled guests...*

My Lord Duke Jonas, and my Dear Count Ardashir--

It is with deep appreciation and pleasure that we meet with you today. Your presence and courtliness have impressed us deeply. The amulet is a treasure beyond price, and its significance is such that its presentation makes me blush. ( I trust your curator will soon recover.) You and your crew and engineers are most welcome to Port Nevermore. We will first have a toast to friendship and amity. and then we will meet in the banqueting hall for a special, Babkhan-themed feast, then to bed.

"All raise your glasses in recognition of the great Count Ardashir and a toast to the eternal friendship of Elwynn and Kildare and the old alliance of Shireroth and Babkha"they remain friends throughout time!"

*Much celebrating ensues, then the Duke, the Baroness, and the Count withdraw to the local Baronial Palace, where a sumptuous banquet has been provided for the visitors. The feasting lasts far too long for some, who begin to fall asleep at their seats. They are led to their comfortable quarters to rest for the night.*

Re: Request for Overflight and Stop Over [Int. Flt. 001/1386]

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 10:58 pm
by Andreas the Wise
OOC: And you say you can't do story writing ...

Re: Request for Overflight and Stop Over [Int. Flt. 001/1386]

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 4:40 pm
by Aurangzeb Khan
After a short delay due to a technical fault not entirely unrelated to an ill-advised attempt to distill hydraulic fluid into a crude Babkhan hooch International Flight 001/1386 resumed its journey.

Re: Request for Overflight and Stop Over [Int. Flt. 001/1386]

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 12:40 pm
by Jonas
No! Stay here!
Together we will rule Kildare! And after Kildare maybe a little island in the west! :demon

Re: Request for Overflight and Stop Over [Int. Flt. 001/1386]

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 3:39 pm
by Andreas the Wise
Jonas, it's a stopover ....
He was always going to leave ...

And what happened to you and me ruling Kildare?

Re: Request for Overflight and Stop Over [Int. Flt. 001/1386]

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 12:31 am
by hypatias mom
Don't forget--you two aren't the only ones here in Kildare. i'm sure there is room for a triumverate, but I think we are still subordinate to our Duke Jonas, and then to our Kaiser.

Re: Request for Overflight and Stop Over [Int. Flt. 001/1386]

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 3:02 am
by Andreas the Wise
Just jesting my dear baroness, just jesting. Though that Ducal Council idea should be worked back in .... :document

Re: Request for Overflight and Stop Over [Int. Flt. 001/1386]

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 12:28 am
by hypatias mom
Perhaps so, but I was in error earlier. There are actually 4 of us here in Kildare. I forgot to count in Nick Foghorn Leghorn, an inexcusible ommission on my part. I'm sure we can come up with some really nifty ideas for our duchy.

Re: Request for Overflight and Stop Over [Int. Flt. 001/1386]

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 8:46 am
by Jonas
You all are right.
My Ducal Governement = The Triumvirate! :)

Re: Request for Overflight and Stop Over [Int. Flt. 001/1386]

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 8:59 am
by hypatias mom
But, Duke Jonas, what do you call a government of four, though? Triumverate is only appropriate for three, not four.

Re: Request for Overflight and Stop Over [Int. Flt. 001/1386]

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 9:38 am
by andelarion
The Tetrarchy?

Re: Request for Overflight and Stop Over [Int. Flt. 001/1386]

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 1:15 pm
by Andreas the Wise
Nick is, however, a Count, not a Baron ...

Re: Request for Overflight and Stop Over [Int. Flt. 001/1386]

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 5:31 pm
by hypatias mom
I am aware that Nick is only a count. However, I was taking a mental census of people who were part of Kildare, regardless of rank. We have four at present: one duke, two baron(ess)(es), and one count. The four of us can, I am sure, come up with some really nifty ideas for our duchy. And even though only the higher nobles really "count" in the Landsraad, I'm sure all of our voices will be well considered in our deliberations here.

Re: Request for Overflight and Stop Over [Int. Flt. 001/1386]

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 7:50 am
by Jonas
I'm sure about that. Propistions for Ducal Decrees are always welcome. ;)