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Scott and For Her Light? - History of the Barony Thread!

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2003 10:09 pm
by Mari Greenwood
I really need your help in the Barony of Novi Dalmacija!I am trying to restart the barony. As you may know, everything was lost.Any history you can remmeber and post. The Themme of the Barony, climate, culture, etc., would be most helpful in the restoration.Thank you. Edited by: Mari Greenwood at: 6/26/03 7:43 am

Re: Scott and For Her Light?

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2003 11:05 am
by Scott Alexander
Well, since I'm more existent than he is right now, I'll give it a shot. He can correct it whenever he next shows up:Novi Dalmacija was made a bit after the dissolution of Istvanistan. It was a territory in the Union of Apollo States in Nov 2000. It was intended to sort of carry on Istvanistani themes and the Croatian culture in micronationalism. Novi Dalmacija means "New Dalmatia", Dalmatia being an area of the Croatian coast.The UAS collapsed and was absorbed by Shireroth. This was the very beginning of the MCS and so Shireroth get the territory, which became the present day Duchy of Kildare. When Stjepan rejoined Istvanistan a year back or so, he asked for it to be revived as a Barony, which it was. He governed it for a while, doing some stuff like making a highway (or was it railroad?) and dividing it up into counties (I have a map somewhere I'll dig up) and then left. It passed to Sirithil and then to you, which is where it is today.Climate is northern, culture is Croatian. In the old days it was a major Boomist center; not sure if it still would be today. The western half of ND is the Aracic Isles, which has its own little spot in the Apollo Atlas of yesteryear. Edited by: Scott SiskindĀ  at: 6/15/03 12:13 pm

Re: Scott and For Her Light?

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2003 2:34 pm
by For Her Light
Slight correction, I never asked for its revival. It was just a kind of surprise gift from Erik. Also, I guess geographically it would have to be northern, but I generally imagined it as mediterraneanDecrees and such were called Acts of God. I thought that was clever ...And I can't believe that I'm here to stay......'Cause I never worked it out this way......And I love you more than I can say......But I hate you every other way

Re: Scott and For Her Light?

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2003 5:52 am
by Mari Greenwood
I still don't understand the culture. Are they like vikings or Russians? Or something else? How do they live? What do they like to eat? What do they look like? I take it that they have to wear warm clothing. Do they raise sheep? Or do they wear furs like cavemen or trappers. Is it ever warm there?What kind of houses do they live in? Kaiser could you move this thread to the barony?Thank you.

Re: Scott and For Her Light?

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2003 2:31 pm
by For Her Light
They're Dalmatians. Not vikings or russians or sheep eating cave people.They're just very lazy, and lie around all day long. Think of Italians but with a more slavic thing going on....oh, and they like italian food that they do a bit differently and hence call it dalmatian food. ...And I can't believe that I'm here to stay......'Cause I never worked it out this way......And I love you more than I can say......But I hate you every other way

Re: Scott and For Her Light?

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2003 5:46 pm
by Shyriath
Quote:They're just very lazy, and lie around all day long. Think of Italians but with a more slavic thing going on...*Shyriath takes this point in time to note that his great-grandfather, who was born south of Naples, was not in the least bit lazy. He learned six languages, managed to sneak away from home and get to the US at the age of twelve, and in later years ran a deli in Baltimore.*Sorry, felt the need to make a point there.

Re: Scott and For Her Light?

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2003 2:09 am
by For Her Light
That's niceBut I thought it was fairly obvious what I was getting at: siesta, warm, mediterreanean sun, carnival, and (in the case of the italians mostly) getting out of school at noon to eat lunch at home...They joke about it themselves if you've ever talked to or known any...In short, the pace of life in southern europe, which is considerably slower than north america and northern europe. Next time, accept a joke for what it isEdit: I'll be back later to apologize for my bitterness ...And I can't believe that I'm here to stay......'Cause I never worked it out this way......And I love you more than I can say......But I hate you every other wayEdited by: For Her Light at: 6/17/03 3:11 am

Re: Scott and For Her Light?

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2003 10:20 am
by Shyriath
*Blinks quizzically*

Re: Scott and For Her Light?

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2003 10:26 am
by For Her Light
I like that word. Has a fun touch of phonetic zaniness to it. ...And I can't believe that I'm here to stay......'Cause I never worked it out this way......And I love you more than I can say......But I hate you every other way

Re: Scott and For Her Light?

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2003 12:07 pm
by Aurefiction
I live in Greece, and Italy is practically ideantical to Greece... So with all due respect to Shyriath I just GOTTA sign my name under everything For Her Light said. It's just so true!Greeks are lazy and cranky. They live from breakfast till lunch, from lunch till siesta, from siesta till dinner, from dinner till the time they go out in the evening. NEVER try to negotiate ANYTHING with a greek in the morning before they had their coffee... A job that can be done in a day will not be done in less than a week... And food... Food is scared.There... "Never let sense conquer nonesense"-- Quixy the god of Madness.

Re: Scott and For Her Light?

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2003 3:16 pm
by Kaiser Raynor X
Scared.... you mean Sacred? Raynor M'JiliadKaiser of Shireroth

Re: Scott and For Her Light?

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2003 3:47 pm
by Shyriath
*Hadn't intended to be particularly serious himself, so sorry for the misunderstanding...*

Re: Scott and For Her Light?

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2003 3:53 pm
by For Her Light
Oh, ok, but I'll feel better about it if I take all of the blame :) ...And I can't believe that I'm here to stay......'Cause I never worked it out this way......And I love you more than I can say......But I hate you every other way

Re: Scott and For Her Light?

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2003 4:42 pm
by Shyriath
Well, so will I... might be best for each of us to take all the blame and look on the otehr's self-blame as sad and misguided. :) Deal?

Re: Scott and For Her Light?

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2003 4:48 pm
by Harvey the Blue
*takes all the blame and bottles it for future sinister purposes* Harvey SteffkeJadie's Lesser HalfSaves the worldProud bearer of the Shirerothian Silver Sword Award and Imperial Star

Re: Scott and For Her Light?

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2003 4:56 pm
by For Her Light
righty-o*knocks over harvey and takes the blame back* ...And I can't believe that I'm here to stay......'Cause I never worked it out this way......And I love you more than I can say......But I hate you every other way

Re: Scott and For Her Light?

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2003 5:51 pm
by Shyriath
*Just to be safe, also takes away all of Harvey's bottles.*

Re: Scott and For Her Light?

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2003 7:55 pm
by Mari Greenwood
Ha Ha!When this thread is moved to the Barony I will make sure that we stock bottles of blame up just in case of an emergency!

Re: Scott and For Her Light?

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2003 12:28 am
by Aurefiction
Ummm yea. Food is SACRED... not SCARED... Me and my stupid typos...Bottles? You need more bottles? I can spare a few. "Never let sense conquer nonesense"-- Quixy the god of Madness.

Re: Scott and For Her Light?

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2003 1:14 pm
by For Her Light
Bottles are great provided they have something in them...such as vodka. ;) ...And I can't believe that I'm here to stay......'Cause I never worked it out this way......And I love you more than I can say......But I hate you every other way

Re: Scott and For Her Light?

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2003 11:07 pm
by Mattlore Devious
typos are best when they still make sense

Re: Scott and For Her Light?

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2003 12:01 pm
by Kaiser Raynor X
indeed...... Raynor M'JiliadKaiser of Shireroth

Re: Scott and For Her Light?

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2003 6:08 am
by Mari Greenwood
I hate to bug you.But could you move this thread to the barony?

Re: Scott and For Her Light?

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2003 8:43 pm
by Austi Scot
Barony of Novi Dalmacija (Kildare) - Some history-&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp From the link provided by Gryphon the Pure He That Is Duke of Kildare-&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp -&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp At this time Head of State was: Baron For Her Light-&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Current Baron is Austi ScotQuote:Welcome to the Barony of Novi Dalmacija. A grand ol' place. Many a found memory can be traced back here.. and now it lives again! (Kaiseress Vivantia I) Quote:And a lot of bad memories that ought to have remained buried. For there was much stupidity, immaturity, and annoyance associated with this land, and with the lands around it. Let us pray that all such has run its course, and that a new age is ready.(Duke Scott Siskind)Quote:From here, I will bring the golden age that was meant to be and never was. Or I might just use it as my own private fiefdom to make myself all high and mighty... Maybe a little bit of both.(Baron For Her Light)